28 research outputs found

    Supporting Modern Code Review

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    Modern code review is a lightweight and asynchronous process of auditing code changes that is done by a reviewer other than the author of the changes. Code review is widely used in both open source and industrial projects because of its diverse benefits, which include defect identification, code improvement, and knowledge transfer. This thesis presents three research results on code review. First, we conduct a large-scale developer survey. The objective of the survey is to understand how developers conduct code review and what difficulties they face in the process. We also reproduce the survey questions from the previous studies to broaden the base of empirical knowledge in the code review research community. Second, we investigate in depth the coding conventions applied during code review. These coding conventions guide developers to write source code in a consistent format. We determine how many coding convention violations are introduced, removed, and addressed, based on comments left by reviewers. The results show that developers put a great deal of effort into checking for convention violations, although various convention checking tools are available. Third, we propose a technique that automatically recommends related code review requests. When a new patch is submitted for code review, our technique recommends previous code review requests that contain a patch similar to the new one. Developers can locate meaningful information and development context from our recommendations. With two empirical studies and an automation technique for recommending related code reviews, this thesis broadens the empirical knowledge base for code review practitioners and provides a useful approach that supports developers in streamlining their review efforts

    Out of Sight, Out of Mind:Better Automatic Vulnerability Repair by Broadening Input Ranges and Sources

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    The advances of deep learning (DL) have paved the way for automatic software vulnerability repair approaches, which effectively learn the mapping from the vulnerable code to the fixed code. Nevertheless, existing DL-based vulnerability repair methods face notable limitations: 1) they struggle to handle lengthy vulnerable code, 2) they treat code as natural language texts, neglecting its inherent structure, and 3) they do not tap into the valuable expert knowledge present in the expert system. To address this, we propose VulMaster, a Transformer-based neural network model that excels at generating vulnerability repairs by comprehensively understanding the entire vulnerable code, irrespective of its length. This model also integrates diverse information, encompassing vulnerable code structures and expert knowledge from the CWE system. We evaluated VulMaster on a real-world C/C++ vulnerability repair dataset comprising 1,754 projects with 5,800 vulnerable functions. The experimental results demonstrated that VulMaster exhibits substantial improvements compared to the learning-based state-of-the-art vulnerability repair approach. Specifically, VulMaster improves the EM, BLEU, and CodeBLEU scores from 10.2% to 20.0%, 21.3% to 29.3%, and 32.5% to 40.9%, respectively

    Ccbert:Self-Supervised Code Change Representation Learning

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    Numerous code changes are made by developers in their daily work, and a superior representation of code changes is desired for effective code change analysis. Recently, Hoang et al. proposed CC2Vec, a neural network-based approach that learns a distributed representation of code changes to capture the semantic intent of the changes. Despite demonstrated effectiveness in multiple tasks, CC2Vec has several limitations: 1) it considers only coarse-grained information about code changes, and 2) it relies on log messages rather than the self-contained content of the code changes. In this work, we propose CCBERT (\underline{C}ode \underline{C}hange \underline{BERT}), a new Transformer-based pre-trained model that learns a generic representation of code changes based on a large-scale dataset containing massive unlabeled code changes. CCBERT is pre-trained on four proposed self-supervised objectives that are specialized for learning code change representations based on the contents of code changes. CCBERT perceives fine-grained code changes at the token level by learning from the old and new versions of the content, along with the edit actions. Our experiments demonstrate that CCBERT significantly outperforms CC2Vec or the state-of-the-art approaches of the downstream tasks by 7.7\%--14.0\% in terms of different metrics and tasks. CCBERT consistently outperforms large pre-trained code models, such as CodeBERT, while requiring 6--10×\times less training time, 5--30×\times less inference time, and 7.9×\times less GPU memory

    The Devil is in the Tails:How Long-Tailed Code Distributions Impact Large Language Models

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    Learning-based techniques, especially advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) for code, have gained considerable popularity in various software engineering (SE) tasks. However, most existing works focus on designing better learning-based models and pay less attention to the properties of datasets. Learning-based models, including popular LLMs for code, heavily rely on data, and the data's properties (e.g., data distribution) could significantly affect their behavior. We conducted an exploratory study on the distribution of SE data and found that such data usually follows a skewed distribution (i.e., long-tailed distribution) where a small number of classes have an extensive collection of samples, while a large number of classes have very few samples. We investigate three distinct SE tasks and analyze the impacts of long-tailed distribution on the performance of LLMs for code. Our experimental results reveal that the long-tailed distribution has a substantial impact on the effectiveness of LLMs for code. Specifically, LLMs for code perform between 30.0\% and 254.0\% worse on data samples associated with infrequent labels compared to data samples of frequent labels. Our study provides a better understanding of the effects of long-tailed distributions on popular LLMs for code and insights for the future development of SE automation

    Unveiling Memorization in Code Models

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    The availability of large-scale datasets, advanced architectures, and powerful computational resources have led to effective code models that automate diverse software engineering activities. The datasets usually consist of billions of lines of code from both open-source and private repositories. A code model memorizes and produces source code verbatim, which potentially contains vulnerabilities, sensitive information, or code with strict licenses, leading to potential security and privacy issues. This paper investigates an important problem: to what extent do code models memorize their training data? We conduct an empirical study to explore memorization in large pre-trained code models. Our study highlights that simply extracting 20,000 outputs (each having 512 tokens) from a code model can produce over 40,125 code snippets that are memorized from the training data. To provide a better understanding, we build a taxonomy of memorized contents with 3 categories and 14 subcategories. The results show that the prompts sent to the code models affect the distribution of memorized contents. We identify several key factors of memorization. Specifically, given the same architecture, larger models suffer more from memorization problems. A code model produces more memorization when it is allowed to generate longer outputs. We also find a strong positive correlation between the number of an output's occurrences in the training data and that in the generated outputs, which indicates that a potential way to reduce memorization is to remove duplicates in the training data. We then identify effective metrics that infer whether an output contains memorization accurately. We also make suggestions to deal with memorization