39 research outputs found

    Dissipation-Scale Turbulence in the Solar Wind

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    We present a cascade model for turbulence in weakly collisional plasmas that follows the nonlinear cascade of energy from the large scales of driving in the MHD regime to the small scales of the kinetic Alfven wave regime where the turbulence is dissipated by kinetic processes. Steady-state solutions of the model for the slow solar wind yield three conclusions: (1) beyond the observed break in the magnetic energy spectrum, one expects an exponential cut-off; (2) the widely held interpretation that this dissipation range obeys power-law behavior is an artifact of instrumental sensitivity limitations; and, (3) over the range of parameters relevant to the solar wind, the observed variation of dissipation range spectral indices from -2 to -4 is naturally explained by the varying effectiveness of Landau damping, from an undamped prediction of -7/3 to a strongly damped index around -4.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in AIP Conference Proceedings on "Turbulence and Nonlinear Processes in Astrophysical Plasmas

    Transition from collisionless to collisional MRI

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    Recent calculations by Quataert et al. (2002) found that the growth rates of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in a collisionless plasma can differ significantly from those calculated using MHD. This can be important in hot accretion flows around compact objects. In this paper we study the transition from the collisionless kinetic regime to the collisional MHD regime, mapping out the dependence of the MRI growth rate on collisionality. A kinetic closure scheme for a magnetized plasma is used that includes the effect of collisions via a BGK operator. The transition to MHD occurs as the mean free path becomes short compared to the parallel wavelength 2\pi/k_{\Par}. In the weak magnetic field regime where the Alfv\'en and MRI frequencies ω\omega are small compared to the sound wave frequency k_{\Par} c_0, the dynamics are still effectively collisionless even if ω≪ν\omega \ll \nu, so long as the collision frequency \nu \ll k_{\Par} c_{0}; for an accretion flow this requires \nu \lsim \Omega \sqrt{\beta}. The low collisionality regime not only modifies the MRI growth rate, but also introduces collisionless Landau or Barnes damping of long wavelength modes, which may be important for the nonlinear saturation of the MRI.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJ with a clearer derivation of anisotropic pressure closure from drift kinetic equatio

    Shearing Box Simulations of the MRI in a Collisionless Plasma

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    We describe local shearing box simulations of turbulence driven by the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in a collisionless plasma. Collisionless effects may be important in radiatively inefficient accretion flows, such as near the black hole in the Galactic Center. The MHD version of ZEUS is modified to evolve an anisotropic pressure tensor. A fluid closure approximation is used to calculate heat conduction along magnetic field lines. The anisotropic pressure tensor provides a qualitatively new mechanism for transporting angular momentum in accretion flows (in addition to the Maxwell and Reynolds stresses). We estimate limits on the pressure anisotropy due to pitch angle scattering by kinetic instabilities. Such instabilities provide an effective ``collision'' rate in a collisionless plasma and lead to more MHD-like dynamics. We find that the MRI leads to efficient growth of the magnetic field in a collisionless plasma, with saturation amplitudes comparable to those in MHD. In the saturated state, the anisotropic stress is comparable to the Maxwell stress, implying that the rate of angular momentum transport may be moderately enhanced in a collisionless plasma.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap

    The Magnetorotational Instability in a Collisionless Plasma

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    We consider the linear axisymmetric stability of a differentially rotating collisionless plasma in the presence of a weak magnetic field; we restrict our analysis to wavelengths much larger than the proton Larmor radius. This is the kinetic version of the magnetorotational instability explored extensively as mechanism for magnetic field amplification and angular momentum transport in accretion disks. The kinetic calculation is appropriate for hot accretion flows onto compact objects and for the growth of very weak magnetic fields, where the collisional mean free path is larger than the wavelength of the unstable modes. We show that the kinetic instability criterion is the same as in MHD, namely that the angular velocity decrease outwards. However, nearly every mode has a linear kinetic growth rate that differs from its MHD counterpart. The kinetic growth rates also depend explicitly on beta, i.e., on the ratio of the gas pressure to the pressure of the seed magnetic field. For beta ~ 1 the kinetic growth rates are similar to the MHD growth rates while for beta >> 1 they differ significantly. For beta >> 1, the fastest growing mode has a growth rate of sqrt{3} Omega for a Keplerian disk, larger than its MHD counterpart; there are also many modes whose growth rates are negligible, < beta^{-1/2} Omega << Omega. We provide a detailed physical interpretation of these results and show that gas pressure forces, rather than just magnetic forces, are central to the behavior of the magnetorotational instability in a collisionless plasma. We also discuss the astrophysical implications of our analysis.Comment: Accepted by ApJ; 24 pages (4 figures

    Astrophysical Gyrokinetics: Basic Equations and Linear Theory

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    Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is encountered in a wide variety of astrophysical plasmas, including accretion disks, the solar wind, and the interstellar and intracluster medium. On small scales, this turbulence is often expected to consist of highly anisotropic fluctuations with frequencies small compared to the ion cyclotron frequency. For a number of applications, the small scales are also collisionless, so a kinetic treatment of the turbulence is necessary. We show that this anisotropic turbulence is well described by a low frequency expansion of the kinetic theory called gyrokinetics. This paper is the first in a series to examine turbulent astrophysical plasmas in the gyrokinetic limit. We derive and explain the nonlinear gyrokinetic equations and explore the linear properties of gyrokinetics as a prelude to nonlinear simulations. The linear dispersion relation for gyrokinetics is obtained and its solutions are compared to those of hot-plasma kinetic theory. These results are used to validate the performance of the gyrokinetic simulation code {\tt GS2} in the parameter regimes relevant for astrophysical plasmas. New results on global energy conservation in gyrokinetics are also derived. We briefly outline several of the problems to be addressed by future nonlinear simulations, including particle heating by turbulence in hot accretion flows and in the solar wind, the magnetic and electric field power spectra in the solar wind, and the origin of small-scale density fluctuations in the interstellar medium.Comment: emulateapj, 24 pages, 10 figures, revised submission to ApJ: references added, typos corrected, reorganized and streamline