35 research outputs found


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    Candles traditionally have been more than a source of light. They are the product of an age-old craft now becoming popular again

    Shopping for Leather

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    This year, when you\u27re doing your spring shopping, you\u27ll find there are many new items made of leather. There will be long straight coats, bloused jackets, slipover shirt blouses and full, dressy top coats all in a variety of fascinating colors

    An Invitation to the U. N. Tea

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    On Nov. 5, from 4 to 5:30 p.m., the Institution Management Tea Room will be a scene of gaiety, decorated with flags and souvenirs from foreign countries for the United Nations Tea. Women students from 20 countries besides the United States will be honored at that time by the rest of the Iowa State women

    AHEA goes to Minneapolis

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    In the 1955 convention of the American Home Economics Association, to be next summer in Minneapolis, Minn., college clubs will take a prominent part

    From Campus to Career Clothes

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    When you buy your college clothes, do you think ahead to what you\u27ll be doing in one, two or three years

    Machine, not Miracle

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    Light pearly-toned grey gets the fashion vote as one of this spring\u27s most important colors- except when it\u27s automatic washer grey. You may take time and effort to plan your misty-grey spring outfit, but do you plan equally as much to get the most out of the washer in your dorm or sorority, to avoid having your white socks turn grey and your white sheets grimy-looking

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.33, no.7

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    It’s an Old Custom, Betty Holder, page 5 She Emphasizes Good Fun, Doris Jirsa, page 6 Celebrate, Plan a Buffet, Dorothy Will, page 7 Candle-Making, Jane Hammerly, page 8 Blue Ribbon Designs, Gwen Olson, page 10 Here’s An Idea, page 12 Laugh at Yourself, Len Green, page 14 Recipe for Perfume, Mary Jean Stoddard, page 15 Small Talk, Ruth Anderson, page 16 Translate That Menu, Joanne Ryals, page 17 Trends, Jane Montgomery, page 1

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.34, no.8

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    Everybody’s watching student TV, Jean Daggett, page 5 Help control America’s weight, Dorothy Will, page 6 “The Man Who Came to Dinner”, Anita Cozzens, page 8 Machine, not miracle, Jane Hammerly, page 9 Art on display, Gwen Olson, page 11 Hiltons prefer the traditional, page 12 What’s new, page 14 Reporting ‘round the globe, Ann Lindemeyer, page 15 Flattery in flowers, Ann Lindemeyer, page 16 Filing saves times, Doris Jirsa, page 18 All aboard for field trips, Mary Vandecar, page 20 Trends, Carolyn Shehan, page 2