10 research outputs found

    Habitat associations of shovelnose sturgeon \u3ci\u3eScaphirhynchus platorynchus\u3c/i\u3e (Rafinesque, 1820) in the lower Platte River, Nebraska

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    Human induced alterations of river systems are ubiquitous throughout the world. Alterations have reduced riverine habitat and negatively affected riverine species; therefore, it is crucial to understand what habitats are important to riverine fish at multiple scales. Most research has focused around microhabitats (i.e., depth) with little effort on how the reach scale habitat (i.e., geomorphic landscape) influences riverine fish abundance. We examined habitat associations of shovelnose sturgeon sampled with two gears (trotlines and trammel nets) at multiple spatial scales in the lower Platte River, NE, a system that has not been overtly altered in physical description. At a microhabitat scale, shovelnose sturgeon abundance was influenced by velocities and temperatures within the lower Platte River. The influence of velocity was contradictory between gears suggesting that gear limitations may have been present. Shovelnose sturgeon abundance increased in close proximity to a tributary interaction with the lower Platte River in both gears. Portions of the river with a relatively medium valley width, low-medium sinuosity, and wide channel had the lowest shovelnose sturgeon abundance for both gears. Our results provide insight at multiple habitat scales on the landscape that may help managers and policy makers develop sound approaches to protecting and mitigating habitat for shovelnose sturgeon and other riverine species

    Population characteristics of Shovelnose Sturgeon during low- and high-water conditions in the lower Platte River, Nebraska

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    Cycles of low- and high-water periods (i.e., years) in river systems are natural occurrences, but understanding how cyclical climatological patterns affect fishes, especially long-lived species, is unclear. We assessed Shovelnose Sturgeon population dynamics between a period of low- (2001-2004) and high- (2009-2012) water years in the lower Platte River, Nebraska. Low-flow periods in the lower Platte River can cause disconnection(s) between upstream and downstream reaches resulting in isolated pools and elevated water temperatures leading to stressful situations for aquatic life and possible mortality. Our data show no measurable differences between key population indices between flow condition periods which is consistent with current paradigms for long-lived fish species. Shovelnose Sturgeon relative weights were generally \u3e 80 during both low- and high-water periods and the size structure did not differ between the two periods. Shovelnose Sturgeon abundances, however, were greater during high-water conditions compared to low-water conditions (Kruskal-Wallis: χ2 = 6.15, d.f. = 1, P = 0.01). Shovelnose Sturgeon may have migrated to more suitable habitats during low-water periods to seek refuge allowing these individuals to return during more suitable conditions. Shovelnose Sturgeon and other riverine fish have evolved in a variable environment and have been able to endure relatively minor anthropogenic changes within the lower Platte River. Rivers like the lower Platte River that have retained much of their original physical features and flow regimes are likely key components for the resistance and resilience of riverine species. However, as alterations to landscapes continue and uncertainty exists surrounding future climate predictions, it is unknown how these riverine species will be able to adapt to future changes. The reduction in anthropogenic changes that disrupt flow regimes and increasing connectivity among river systems could provide more fish refuge during stressful conditions helping to protect these riverine species

    Divergent density feedback control of migratory predator recovery following sex-biased perturbations

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    Uncertainty in risks posed by emerging stressors such as synthetic hormones im-pedes conservation efforts for threatened vertebrate populations. Synthetic hor-mones often induce sex-biased perturbations in exposed animals by disrupting gonad development and early life-history stage transitions, potentially diminishing per capita reproductive output of depleted populations and, in turn, being manifest as Allee effects. We use a spatially explicit biophysical model to evaluate how sex-biased perturbation in life-history traits of individuals (maternal investment in egg production and male-skewed sex allocation in offspring) modulates density feedback control of year-class strength and recovery trajectories of a long-lived, migratory fish—shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus)—under spatially and tempo-rally dynamic synthetic androgen exposure and habitat conditions. Simulations show that reduced efficiency of maternal investment in gonad development prolonged maturation time, increased the probability of skipped spawning, and, in turn, shrunk spawner abundance, weakening year-class strength. However, positive density feed-back disappeared (no Allee effect) once the exposure ceased. By contrast, responses to the demographic perturbation manifested as strong positive density feedback; an abrupt shift in year-class strength and spawner abundance followed after more than two decades owing to persistent negative population growth (a strong Allee effect), reaching an alternative state without any sign of recovery. When combined with the energetic perturbation, positive density feedback of the demographic perturbation was dampened as extended maturation time reduced the frequency of producing male-biased offspring, allowing the population to maintain positive growth rate (a weak Allee effect) and gradually recover. The emergent patterns in long-term population projections illustrate that sex-biased perturbation in life-history traits can interactively regulate the strength of density feedback in depleted populations such as Scaphirhynchus sturgeon to further diminish reproductive capacity and abundance, posing increasingly greater conservation challenges in chemically altered river scapes

    Genetic Structure of Wisconsin's Naturally Recruiting Walleye Populations

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    Genetic diversity has been recognized as a vital component of fish management in Wisconsin. An explicit goal of the state‘s walleye management plan has been to preserve the genetic integrity of naturally recruiting walleye populations. A prerequisite to achieving this goal is understanding the distribution of genetic diversity within and among the State‘s walleye populations. My objectives were to 1) to determine whether there is significant genetic structure among Wisconsin‘s naturally recruiting walleye populations, and 2) if this resolved genetic structure was consistent with contemporary fisheries management zones employed for Wisconsin‘s walleye. Genetic diversity for these walleye populations was measured at 10 microsatellite loci and genetic structure was delineated through a process known as genetic stock identification (GSI). Genetic stock identification is a series of hierarchical tests consisting of genic differentiation, genetic distance, AMOVA, and pairwise FST comparisons to identify putative genetic units. Genetic diversity levels throughout the sampled populations were high (Ho = 0.7144, HE = 0.7677) and comparable to other walleye studies (Wirth et al. 1999; Borer et al. 1999; Eldridge et al. 2002; Cena et al. 2006; Franckowiak et al. 2009) using a similar suite of microsatellite loci. Results however showed current fisheries management units were not consistent with this genetic structure. Delineation of genetic units using GSI identified 21 significant genetic units among the 26 sampled populations suggesting populations are primarily maintaining localized gene pools. Iterative analyses examining the ratio of among-group variance to within-group variance was performed to identify higher level genetic units (i.e., putative stocks). Eight putative genetic units, mostly consistent with geographic location of the populations and not with current watershed regions, were identified using the ratio comparing among-group variance to within-group variance. Significant inbreeding coefficients were observed in half the sampled walleye populations. No relation was observed between inbreeding and population size or effective population size. A trend was observed where inbreeding predominately occurred in walleye populations from large systems; 81.5% (9/13) of all systems with a surface area > 500 ha showed significant inbreeding whereas 31.3% (4/13) of populations with a surface area of < 500 ha showed significant inbreeding. Several factors could account for these data including the preferential sampling in large systems of a single walleye spawning area, coupled with known philopatry of walleye, resulting in biased sampling of cohorts and/or related individuals. Current management strategies should be re-evaluated in light of these findings to better define management zones that can effectively conserve the genetic integrity of naturally recruiting walleye populations. This re-evaluation should weigh the cost of increasing the number of genetic units managed with the short- and long-term impacts on the genetic integrity of Wisconsin‘s walleye populations. A primary conflict between genetic structure and geographical location were the populations located in the Upper Chippewa River basin were more genetically similar to populations found in the Upper Wisconsin River basin. Geographical (glacial recession and stream capture) and anthropogenic (stocking across basin boundaries) are both reasonable explanations for this disruptive pattern. This issue requires further research to determine the biological reality of the resolved structure with strong implications for future management.Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and the Sportfish Restoration Ac

    Habitat associations of shovelnose sturgeon \u3ci\u3eScaphirhynchus platorynchus\u3c/i\u3e (Rafinesque, 1820) in the lower Platte River, Nebraska

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    Human induced alterations of river systems are ubiquitous throughout the world. Alterations have reduced riverine habitat and negatively affected riverine species; therefore, it is crucial to understand what habitats are important to riverine fish at multiple scales. Most research has focused around microhabitats (i.e., depth) with little effort on how the reach scale habitat (i.e., geomorphic landscape) influences riverine fish abundance. We examined habitat associations of shovelnose sturgeon sampled with two gears (trotlines and trammel nets) at multiple spatial scales in the lower Platte River, NE, a system that has not been overtly altered in physical description. At a microhabitat scale, shovelnose sturgeon abundance was influenced by velocities and temperatures within the lower Platte River. The influence of velocity was contradictory between gears suggesting that gear limitations may have been present. Shovelnose sturgeon abundance increased in close proximity to a tributary interaction with the lower Platte River in both gears. Portions of the river with a relatively medium valley width, low-medium sinuosity, and wide channel had the lowest shovelnose sturgeon abundance for both gears. Our results provide insight at multiple habitat scales on the landscape that may help managers and policy makers develop sound approaches to protecting and mitigating habitat for shovelnose sturgeon and other riverine species

    Population characteristics of Shovelnose Sturgeon during low- and high-water conditions in the lower Platte River, Nebraska

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    Cycles of low- and high-water periods (i.e., years) in river systems are natural occurrences, but understanding how cyclical climatological patterns affect fishes, especially long-lived species, is unclear. We assessed Shovelnose Sturgeon population dynamics between a period of low- (2001-2004) and high- (2009-2012) water years in the lower Platte River, Nebraska. Low-flow periods in the lower Platte River can cause disconnection(s) between upstream and downstream reaches resulting in isolated pools and elevated water temperatures leading to stressful situations for aquatic life and possible mortality. Our data show no measurable differences between key population indices between flow condition periods which is consistent with current paradigms for long-lived fish species. Shovelnose Sturgeon relative weights were generally \u3e 80 during both low- and high-water periods and the size structure did not differ between the two periods. Shovelnose Sturgeon abundances, however, were greater during high-water conditions compared to low-water conditions (Kruskal-Wallis: χ2 = 6.15, d.f. = 1, P = 0.01). Shovelnose Sturgeon may have migrated to more suitable habitats during low-water periods to seek refuge allowing these individuals to return during more suitable conditions. Shovelnose Sturgeon and other riverine fish have evolved in a variable environment and have been able to endure relatively minor anthropogenic changes within the lower Platte River. Rivers like the lower Platte River that have retained much of their original physical features and flow regimes are likely key components for the resistance and resilience of riverine species. However, as alterations to landscapes continue and uncertainty exists surrounding future climate predictions, it is unknown how these riverine species will be able to adapt to future changes. The reduction in anthropogenic changes that disrupt flow regimes and increasing connectivity among river systems could provide more fish refuge during stressful conditions helping to protect these riverine species

    Spatiotemporal variation in flow-dependent recruitment of long-lived riverine fish: Model development and evaluation

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    Abstract Natural flow regimes can play a major role as an overarching ecosystem driver in reproduction and recruitment of riverine fishes. Human needs for freshwater however have altered hydrology of many riverine systems worldwide, threatening fish population sustainability. To understand and predict how spatiotemporal dynamics of flow regimes influence reproductive and recruitment variability, and ultimately population sustainability of shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus), we develop a spatially explicit (1D) individual-based population model that mechanistically (via energetics-based processes) simulates daily activities (dispersal, spawning, foraging, growth, and survival). With field observations of sturgeon and habitat conditions in a major tributary of the Missouri River system (USA), we calibrate and evaluate the model via pattern-oriented modeling. Model simulation experiments using 17-year environmental time series data showed that seasonal and interannual variation in hydrological conditions plays a major role in timing, location, and magnitude of spawning and recruitment success of sturgeon. During droughts, consecutive weak year-classes resulted in a steady population decline. While low flow and subsequent low prey production limited foraging opportunities and slowed gonad development, these conditions were not severe enough for adults to abort the reproductive cycle. Post-settlement larval sturgeon were however unable to feed efficiently to grow out of a size-dependent ‘predation window’, resulting in high mortality. Slow growth and low survival of larval sturgeon thus likely play a larger role in recruitment failures during droughts than low or lack of spawning events