3 research outputs found

    Nurse leaders’ and digital service developers’ perceptions of the future role of artificial intelligence in specialized medical care:an interview study

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    Abstract Aim: To describe nurse leaders’ and digital service developers’ perceptions of the future role of artificial intelligence (AI) in specialized medical care. Background: Use of AI has rapidly increased in health care. However, nurse leaders’ and developers’ perceptions of AI and its future in specialized medical care remain under-researched. Method: Descriptive qualitative methodology was applied. Data were collected through six focus groups, and interviews with nurse leaders (n = 20) and digital service developers (n = 10) conducted remotely in 2021 at a university hospital in Finland. The data were subjected to inductive content analysis. Results: The data yielded 25 sub-categories, 10 categories and three main categories of participants’ perceptions. The main categories were designated AI transforming: work, care and services and organizations. Conclusions: According to our respondents, AI will have a significant future role in specialized medical care, but it will likely reinforce, rather than replace, clinicians or traditional care. They also believe that it may have several positive consequences for clinicians’ and leaders’ work as well as for organizations and patients. Implications for nursing management: Nurse leaders should be familiar with the potential of AI, but also aware of risks. Such leaders may provide betters support for development of AI-based health services that improve clinicians’ workflows

    Hospital nurse leaders’ experiences with digital technologies:a qualitative descriptive study

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    Abstract Aim: To describe hospital nurse leaders’ experiences with digital technologies. Design: A qualitative descriptive study. Methods: Semi-structured focus group interviews in one university-affiliated hospital in Finland. Data were collected from October to November 2021 and analysed using content analysis an e-leadership framework. Results: A total of 20 frontline nurse leaders and middle-managers participated. Leaders had different kinds of experiences that concerned their traits, cognition, affect and behaviour with digital technologies. Leaders experienced that they needed to be open-minded towards digitalization, which sometimes eased their work by making it more efficient. Occasionally, they also got frustrated with digitalization, which caused them stress. Leading digital technologies required collaboration with several different stakeholders, and leaders were especially responsible for ensuring nurses’ digital competence. Also, leaders own digital capability was highlighted, although some leaders experienced that their digital capability was low. Conclusion: The e-leadership framework is useful for describing the conduct of leadership roles in the context of digital services. Digitalization has transformed leadership, yet nurse leaders’ education and training do not seem to have been sufficiently modified to these rapid changes. In addition, more attention should be given to how nurse leaders can be distressed by digitalization. Impact: This study provides insight into leadership in the context of digitalized specialized medical care based on nurse leaders’ direct statements. Furthermore, the results highlight nurse leaders’ educational needs concerning digitalization. Adequately educating nurse leaders to become e-leaders is crucial to successful digitalization in the nursing domain. Patient or public contribution: The study focused on nurse leaders’ experiences

    Teknologian hyödyntämiseen liittyvä yksityisyydensuoja, tietoturva ja -suoja ikääntyneiden kotipalveluissa:kyselytutkimus johtajille

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    Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata johtajien näkemyksiä teknologian hyödyntämiseen liittyvästä yksityisyydensuojasta, tietoturvasta ja -suojasta, niihin liittyvistä haasteista ja ratkaisuista sekä teknologisten ratkaisujen hankkimatta jättämiseen liittyvistä tekijöistä ikääntyneiden kotipalveluissa. Tutkimus on poikkileikkausasetelmassa tehty survey-tutkimus. Aineisto kerättiin syksyllä 2022 sähköisellä kyselyllä iäkkäiden kotipalvelujen johtajilta (n=68) viidestä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon kuntayhtymästä ja viidestätoista kunnasta tai kaupungista eri puolilta Suomea. Kyselylomake sisälsi neljä strukturoitua ja kaksi avointa kysymystä. Aineisto analysoitiin kuvailevilla tilastomenetelmillä ja induktiivisen sisällön analyysin periaatteilla. Tulosten mukaan teknologisten ratkaisujen käyttöönotossa huomioidaan Digi-HTA-arviointien asioita tietoturvasta ja -suojasta pääasiallisesti hyvin, mutta tässä tunnistettiin myös kehitettävää. Johtajien arvioiden mukaan teknologian hankintaprosesseissa huomioidaan tietosuojaan liittyvät tekijät hyvin, ja prosesseihin on luotu tietoturvaan liittyvät kriteerit. Teknologisten ratkaisujen hankkimatta jättämiseen arvioitiin vaikuttavan erityisesti se, että ratkaisut eivät vastanneet asiakkaiden tarpeisiin tai niiden ei nähty tehostavan toimintaa. Johtajien näkemykset teknologian hyödyntämiseen liittyvän yksityisyydensuojan ja tietoturvan ja -suojan haasteista liittyivät toimintaympäristöön, digitaalisiin ratkaisuihin, toimintatapoihin ja osaamiseen sekä organisaation käytäntöihin haasteiden ehkäisyssä. Näiden haasteiden ratkaisuiksi nähtiin viestintä ja vuorovaikutus, yksityisyydensuojaa, tietoturvaa ja -suojaa koskevien prosessien määrittäminen sekä toimintatapojen muuttaminen ja osaamisen kehittäminen. Yksityisyydensuojaan, tietoturvaan ja -suojaan liittyvien tekijöiden huomioiminen toteutuu ikääntyneiden kotipalveluissa pääasiallisesti hyvin, mutta toisaalta niihin liittyvät haasteet koetaan moninaisiksi. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin selkeä tarve koko henkilöstön laaja-alaiseen koulutukseen, konkreettisiin näyttöön perustuviin suosituksiin ja selkeisiin toimintaohjeisiin. Huomiota tulisi kiinnittää etenkin ikääntyneiden itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumiseen ja tietoisen suostumuksen varmistamiseen.Abstract The purpose of this study was to describe managers’ perceptions of privacy protection, data security and protection in technology utilization, related challenges, and solutions, and factors related not acquiring technological solutions in home care services for the older people. This cross-sectional survey study was conducted by electronic survey in Autumn 2022. The data was collected from the managers of home care services (n=68) from five public social and healthcare joint municipal authorities and fifteen municipalities or cities located in different parts of Finland. The questionnaire included four structured and two open questions. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and the principles of inductive content analysis. According to results, the issues raised by the Digi-HTA evaluations regarding data security and protection are mainly adequately considered when implementing technological solutions, but areas for development were also identified. According to managers’ evaluations, factors related to data protection are adequately considered in the technology acquisition processes, and criteria related to data security have been created for the processes. Not acquiring technological solutions was estimated to be especially influenced by the fact that the solutions did not meet the clients’ needs or were not seen to make operations more efficient. The managers’ perceptions of the challenges of privacy protection and data security and protection in technology utilization, were related to the operating environment, digital solutions, procedures, competence, and the organization’ practices in the prevention of challenges. The solutions to these challenges were seen as communication and interaction, defining processes of privacy protection, data security and protection, changing procedures, and developing competence. Taking account of factors related to privacy protection, data security and protection is mainly adequately implemented in home care services, though the challenges associated with them are perceived as diversified. The research identified a clear need for comprehensive training of all personnel, concrete evidence-based recommendations, and clear instructions of procedures. Particularly, attention should be paid to realizing the older people’s right to self-determination and ensuring informed consent