5,913 research outputs found


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    Why did socialists win elections in some countries in Europe, and fascists in others, during the interwar period? Many political historians have viewed ''distributive class politics'' as the appropriate characterization of this period and place, but heretofore, formal politico-economic analysis has not been employed to study the question. Here, a new conception of political competition between parties, which yields Nash equilibria when the policy space is multi-dimensional, is harnessed to the task. Each party proposes a class distribution of income, chosen from a (multi-dimensional) issue simplex. The theory, proposed by G. Luebbert, that active class conflict between the landed peasantry and landless laborers was the necessary and sufficient condition of fascist victory is modeled, and is largely, but not conclusively, confirmed.

    Continued Progress: Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning

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    The findings are grouped into four sections. The first section on student achievement finds that there were positive effects on student mathematics and reading performance and that the lowest-performing students made substantial gains relative to their peers. The second section on implementation and the perceptions of stakeholders finds that adoption of personalized learning practices varied considerably. Personalized learning practices that are direct extensions of current practice were more common, but implementation of some of the more challenging personalized learning strategies was less common. The third section relates implementation features to outcomes and identifies three elements of personalized learning that were being implemented in tandem in the schools with the largest achievement effects. Finally, the fourth section compares teachers' and students' survey responses to a national sample and finds some differences, such as teachers' greater use of practices that support competency-based learning and greater use of technology for personalization in the schools in this study with implementation data

    Signaling, Resource-Based Power, and Pre-IPO Organizational Change

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    The theory presented suggests that underwriters are both advisors and independent agents in the issuer’s attempt to send “signals” of quality to investors by making pre-IPO organizational changes. These pre-IPO gambits are intended to increase IPO proceeds, and preemptively address potential investor concerns that would deter them from subscribing. These organizational changes initially can financially benefit founders, early investors and underwriters. But they can also have a longterm impact that some issuers, especially founders, would prefer to avoid. Utilizing signaling and resource-based power, we find that underwriter power is significantly associated with making pre-IPO gambits and lower levels of underpricing

    Linking Ultracold Polar Molecules

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    We predict that pairs of polar molecules can be weakly bound together in an ultracold environment, provided that a dc electric field is present. The field that links the molecules together also strongly influences the basic properties of the resulting dimer, such as its binding energy and predissociation lifetime. Because of their long-range character these dimers will be useful in disentangling cold collision dynamics of polar molecules. As an example, we estimate the microwave photoassociation yield for OH-OH cold collisions.Comment: 4 pages 2 figure

    Serological evidence of cross infection in a dialysis unit hepatitis-B epidemic

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    Serological evidence of cross infection in a dialysis unit hepatitis-B epidemic. This study provides serological as well as epidemiological evidence that a dialysis unit hepatitis-B epidemic was spread by cross contamination. There were 74 patients and staff who developed HB-Ag-positive hepatitis during a 28-month hospital surveillance period. Twenty-six of these cases were intimately related to the dialysis unit (21 dialysis/transplant patients and five hospital staff) and 58 were not. Representative sera from each group of cases were further tested for HB-Ag subtype specificity. Thirteen of 14 dialysis/transplant patients had subtype ay whereas ten of 15 general hospital patients had the alternate phenotype ad. All four staff who had probably acquired their infection from dialysis/transplant patients were ay subtype. Eight of the dialysis/transplant patients had never received blood. Transfusion rate in the infected dialysis patients was one-third that of leukemic patients but the hepatitis rate was higher.Preuve sérologique d'une contamination croisée dans une unité de dialyse par le virus B de l'hépatite. Ce travail apporte les preuves sérologiques et épidémiologiques de la contamination croisée d'une unité d'hémodialyse par le virus B de l'hépatite. Soixante-quatorze malades et membres de l'équipe ont développé une hépatite HB-Ag positive dans les 28 mois de la surveillance de l'hôpital. Vingt-six de ces cas ont été liés étroitement à la dialyse (21 malades de dialyse ou transplantation et 5 membres de l'équipe) et 58 ne l'étaient pas. Dans chaque groupe de cas le sérum a été étudié pour identifier les phénotypes de HB-Ag. Treize des 14 malades de dialyse ou transplantation avaient le phénotype ay alors que 10 parmi 15 des malades de l'hôpital général avaient l'autre phénotype ad. Les quatre membres de l'équipe qui avaient probablement contracté leur infection à partir de malades de transplantation ou de dialyse avaient le phénotype ay. Huit des malades de dialyse ou de transplantation n'avaient jamais reçu de sang. Le débit transfusions chez les malades en dialyse atteints par l'hépatite était le tiers de celui des malades leucémiques mais l'incidence de l'hépatite a été plus grande chez les premiers

    Tertiary Treatment of Wastewater Using Oxidation Ponds

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    The purpose of the project was to determine the value of using lagoons as a supplemental process for treating the effluent from an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant. Only tentative conclusions can be suggested since the project was not carried to completion. It appears that lagoons will have only minimal effect on the amounts of total nitrogen and phosphate in the plant effluent, although conversion of a portion of the ammonia to nitrate can be expected. However, the concentration of ammonia was never lower than that required by EPA guidelines. Some reduction of soluble BOD appears to occur, perhaps through conversion to new cell material. Suspended solids concentrations can be expected to increase during periods of algae growth. The numbers of both fecal and total coliform bacteria decreased substantially during the detention period provided by the lagoon system. Although not confirmed, it was concluded that the most probable cause for the decrease was the intensity and duration of sunlight. The lagoon served very effectively as a buffer between the treatment plant and the receiving stream, providing a considerable measure of protection to the stream even during those periods during which the plant was by-passing a portion of the inflow
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