85 research outputs found

    Consequences of energy conservation violation: Late time solutions of Λ(T)CDM\Lambda(T) CDM subclass of f(R,T)f(R,T) gravity using dynamical system approach

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    Very recently, the authors of [PRL {\bf 118} (2017) 021102] have shown that violation of energy-momentum tensor (EMT) could result in an accelerated expansion state via appearing an effective cosmological constant, in the context of unimodular gravity. Inspired by this outcome, in this paper we investigate cosmological consequences of violation of the EMT conservation in a particular class of f(R,T)f(R,T) gravity when only the pressure-less fluid is present. In this respect, we focus on the late time solutions of models of the type f(R,T)=R+βΛ(−T)f(R,T)=R+\beta \Lambda(-T). As the first task, we study the solutions when the conservation of EMT is respected and then we proceed with those in which violation occurs. We have found, provided that the EMT conservation is violated, there generally exist two accelerated expansion solutions which their stability properties depend on the underlying model. More exactly, we obtain a dark energy solution for which the effective equation of state (EoS) depend on model parameters and a de Sitter solution. We present a method to parametrize Λ(−T)\Lambda(-T) function which is useful in dynamical system approach and has been employed in the herein model. Also, we discuss the cosmological solutions for models with Λ(−T)=8πG(−T)α\Lambda(-T)=8\pi G(-T)^{\alpha} in the presence of the ultra relativistic matter.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figure

    Late-time cosmological evolution of a general class of f(R, T) gravity with minimal curvature-matter coupling

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    In this work, we study the late-time cosmological solutions of f(R,T)=g(R)+h(-T) models assuming that the conservation of the energy-momentum tensor (EMT) is violated. We perform our analysis through constructing an autonomous dynamical system for the equations of motion. We study the stability properties of solutions via considering linear perturbations about the related equilibrium points. These parameters which are constructed out of the functions g(R) and h(-T) play the main role in finding the late time behavior of the solutions.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Stability of the Einstein static Universe in Einstein-Cartan-Brans-Dicke gravity

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    In the present work we consider the existence and stability of Einstein static {\sf ES} Universe in Brans-Dicke ({\sf BD}) theory with non-vanishing spacetime torsion. In this theory, torsion field can be generated by the {\sf BD} scalar field as well as the intrinsic angular momentum (spin) of matter. Assuming the matter content of the Universe to be a Weyssenhoff fluid, which is a generalization of perfect fluid in general relativity ({\sf GR}) in order to include the spin effects, we find that there exists a stable {\sf ES} state for a suitable choice of the model parameters. We analyze the stability of the solution by considering linear homogeneous perturbations and discuss the conditions under which the solution can be stable against these type of perturbations. Moreover, using dynamical system techniques and numerical analysis, the stability regions of the {\sf ES} Universe are parametrized by the {\sf BD} coupling parameter and first and second derivatives of the {\sf BD} scalar field potential, and it is explicitly shown that a large class of stable solutions exists within the respective parameter space. This allows for non-singular emergent cosmological scenarios where the Universe oscillates indefinitely about an initial {\sf ES} solution and is thus past eternal.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures and 2 table

    Bouncing cosmological solutions from f(R,T) gravity

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    In this work we study classical bouncing solutions in the context of f(R,T)=R+h(T)f({\sf R},{\sf T})={\sf R}+h({\sf T}) gravity in a flat {\sf FLRW} background using a perfect fluid as the only matter content. Our investigation is based on introducing an effective fluid through defining effective energy density and pressure; we call this reformulation as the "effective picture". These definitions have been already introduced to study the energy conditions in f(R,T)f({\sf R},{\sf T}) gravity. We examine various models to which different effective equations of state, corresponding to different h(T)h({\sf T}) functions, can be attributed. It is also discussed that one can link between an assumed f(R,T)f({\sf R},{\sf T}) model in the effective picture and the theories with generalized equation of state ({\sf EoS}). We obtain cosmological scenarios exhibiting a nonsingular bounce before and after which the Universe lives within a de-Sitter phase. We then proceed to find general solutions for matter bounce and investigate their properties. We show that the properties of bouncing solution in the effective picture of f(R,T)f({\sf R},{\sf T}) gravity are as follows: for a specific form of the f(R,T)f({\sf R,T}) function, these solutions are without any future singularities. Moreover, stability analysis of the nonsingular solutions through matter density perturbations revealed that except two of the models, the parameters of scalar-type perturbations for the other ones have a slight transient fluctuation around the bounce point and damp to zero or a finite value at late times. Hence these bouncing solutions are stable against scalar-type perturbations. It is possible that all energy conditions be respected by the real perfect fluid, however, the null and the strong energy conditions can be violated by the effective fluid near the bounce event.Comment: 49 pages, 11 figures, one tabl
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