289 research outputs found
Dopamine Contributions to Motivational Vigor and Reinforcement Driven Learning.
Brain mechanisms for reinforcement learning and adaptive decision-making are widely accepted to critically involve the basal ganglia (BG) and the neurotransmitter dopamine (DA). DA is a key modulator of synaptic plasticity within the striatum, critically regulating neurophysiological adaptations for normal reinforcement driven learning, and maladaptive changes during disease conditions (e.g. drug addiction, Parkinson’s disease). Activity in midbrain DA cells are reported to encode errors in reward prediction, providing a learning signal to guide future behaviors. Yet, dopamine is also a key modulatory of motivation, invigorating current behavior. Prevailing theories of DA emphasize its role in either affecting current performance, or modulating reward-related learning.
This thesis will present data aimed at resolving gaps in the literature for how DA makes simultaneous contributions to dissociable learning and motivational processes. Specifically, I argue that striatal DA fluctuations signal a single decision variable: a Value function (an ongoing estimate of discounted future rewards) that is used for motivational decision making ('Is It worth it?') and that abrupt deflections in this value function serve as temporal-difference reward prediction errors used for reinforcement/learning ("repeat action?”). These DA prediction errors may be causally involved in strengthening some, but not all, valuation mechanisms. Furthermore, DA activity on the midbrain-forebrain axis indicate a dissociation between DA cell bodies and their striatal terminals. I propose that this is an adaptive computational strategy, whereby DA targets tailor release to their own computational requirements, potentially converting an RPE-like spike signal into a motivational (value) message.PHDNeuroscienceUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135768/1/hamidaa_1.pd
Diagnostic accuracy of leukocyte esterase in confirmed cases of urinary tract infection in children
Background: Gold standard for the diagnosis of urinary tract infections (UTIs) is urine culture, but it takes longer for bacterial growth on culture media. Leukocyte esterase is a simple strip testing of urine sample, so it takes less time in diagnosing cases of UTI.
Objective: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of leukocyte esterase for detection of urinary tract infection in children taking urine culture as the gold standard.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Pediatrics, ---removed for blond review---from April to October 2017. Children of both genders between 2-12 years of age having clinical findings consistent with the operational definition of UTI were included in this study. Clean catch, midstream urine sample was collected in a sterile container for culture and test strip was dipped in urine sample for leukocyte esterase.
Results: Total 215 Children were included in the study.The mean age of the children was 7.15±3.36 years. There were 118 (54.9%) males and 97(45.1%) females in this study.37 (17%) were culture positive. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of leukocyte esterase was 69.77%, 87.79%, 58.82%, and 92.07% respectively. Diagnostic accuracy was 84.19%.
Conclusion: Leukocyte esterase is a reliable marker for the screening of urinary tract infection in children 2 years to 12 years of age.
Key words: Leukocyte esterase, urinary tract infection, urine cultur
Implementasi Jaringan Virtual Privat Network (Vpn) dan Teknologi Jaringan Vlan pada Kantor Kecamatan Pasar Rebo
Systematics distributing information quickly and effectively to improve the performance of the network is the ability to divide a large broadcast domain into several smaller broadcast domains using VLANs (Virtual Local Area Network). Broadcastdomain smaller device would limit the activities involved in the broadcast and device divides into several groups based on their functions, Pasar Rebo District Office has several village and this will be applying VLAN technology. VLAN is used as an alternative to a router that is used to divide the private network for each floor of the District Office. Where each floor has a different network with one another so that the security of the network increases. VLAN configuration used was a model of VLAN trunking. This model uses a system of VTP (Virtual Trunking Protocol) Server and Client. Switches are used as a server can divide a network of ports available. While the client can only adjust the network that has been provided by the server switch. VLAN configurations are all using Cisco Catalyst Switches, After the network is configured to use VLAN VLAN then the next step would be the author of Virtual Private Network building which serves to connect the VLANs in the District Office and the Village Office located in the District of Pasar Rebo
Telefon bimbit umpama pemetik api: haba dihasil gelombang elektromagnet gajet pintar cetus kebakaran
Salah satu masalah kesehatan dan sosial yang dihadapi Indonesi adalah masalah status gizi masyarakat, seperti masalah gizi (kurang gizi, anemia gizi besi, gangguan akibat kekurangan yodium dan kurang vitamin A). Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan mengalami peningkatan yang pesat pada usia dini yaitu dari 0 sampai 5 tahun. Masa ini disebut juga sebagai fase “Golden Age”. ). Kemiskinan juga sebagai penyebab gizi kurang menduduki posisi pertama pada kondisi yang umum. Keterbatasan penghasilan keluarga turut menentukan mutu makanan yang disajikan, baik kualitas maupun jumlah makanan Program penyuluhan tentang pemeriksaan dan status gizi balita disampaikan dalam bentuk ceramah dan Tanya. Kegiatan berjalan secara efektif, peserta antusias mendengarkan dan menanyakan berbagai hal mengenai status balita yang belum dipahami oleh peserta penyuluhan dan hasil penimbangan yang dilakukan juga pada balita
Penerapan pasal 21 PMA nomor 20 tahun 2019 tentang kartu nikah digital di KUA Kecamatan Tumpang perspektif teori Utilitarianisme Hukum
Kartu Nikah Digital merupakan sebuah inovasi layanan pencatatan pernikahan yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia per Agustus 2021 melalui Surat Edaran Ditjen Bimas Islam Nomor B-2361/Dt.III.II/Pw.01/07/2021. Keberadaan kartu nikah digital ini menggantikan kartu nikah fisik yang telah diluncurkan sejak akhir tahun 2018. Namun dalam aturan tentang kartu nikah digital ini tidak memuat secara rinci terkait bentuk dan spesifikasinya sehingga menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum. Disisi lain penerapan kartu nikah dalam bentuk fisik pada masa sebelumnya belum merata sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan ketidakadilan pelayanan. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengkaji penerapan penerbitan kartu nikah digital di KUA Kecamatan Tumpang yang kemudian dianalisis dengan teori utilitarianisme hukum Rudolf Von Jhering.
Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis administratif yang dilakukan di Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan Tumpang dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data-data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Kemudian data tersebut perkuat dengan sumber data sekunder. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap diantaranya pemeriksaan data, klasifikasi, verifikasi, analisis dan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerbitan kartu nikah digital ini secara pengadaannya memberikan lebih banyak manfaat yang membuatnya penting dan mendesak untuk diterbitkan. Penerbitan kartu nikah digital ini menciptakan keadilan pelayanan bagi masyarakat. Sebab pengadaannya tidak bergantung pada ketersediaan alat pencetak di KUA masing-masing wilayah. Selain itu bisa menghemat pengeluaran Kementerian Agama serta bentuknya yang ringkas mudah untuk disimpan dan dibawa berpergian. Oleh karenanya pengadaan kartu nikah digital ini sejalan dengan teori utilitarianisme Rudolf Von Jhering yang mengatakan tujuan hukum adalah untuk melindungi kepentingan, kepentingan yang dimaksud adalah pengejaran terhadap kebahagiaan/kemanfaatan sebesar-besarnya dan menghindari kesusahan. Namun kurangnya informasi dan sosialisasi tentang digitalisasi kartu nikah ini menurut beberapa masyarakat membuat mereka kurang paham terkait keberadaan dan fungsi kartu nikah digital ini. Sehingga kemanfaatan yang ditimbulkan kurang maksimal.
The Digital Marriage Card is an innovative marriage registration service issued by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia as of August 2021 through the Circular of the Directorate General of Islamic Guidance Number B-2361/Dt.III.II/Pw.01/07/2021. The existence of this digital marriage card replaces the physical marriage card which has been launched since the end of 2018. Even though the implementation of the physical marriage card is relatively short and its distribution is not evenly distributed throughout the KUA and the budget that has been used is also not small. On the other hand, it is also necessary to question the readiness of the community to face the digitization of this marriage card. Therefore, this research is focused on exploring the urgencies behind the issuance of digital marriage cards which are then analyzed with Rudolf Von Jhering's theory of legal utilitarianism.
This study uses administrative juridical conducted at the Office of Religious Affairs in Tumpang District with a qualitative approach. The datasets used in this study were obtained through interviews, documentation, and observation. Then the data is strengthened with secondary data sources. The data analysis method in this study was carried out in several stages, including data examination, classification, verification, analysis, and conclusions.
The results of the study show that the issuance of this digital marriage card provides more benefits, which makes it important and urgent to issue. The issuance of this digital marriage card creates fairness of service for the community. This is because the procurement does not depend on the availability of printers at the KUA of each region. In addition, the issuance of this digital marriage card can save the Ministry of Religion's expenses, and its compact form is easy to store and carry when traveling. Therefore, the issuance of digital marriage cards is in line with Rudolf Von Jhering's theory of utilitarianism, which says that the purpose of the law is to protect interests. However, according to some people, the lack of information and socialization about the digitization of marriage cards has made them less aware of the existence and function of this digital marriage card. So that the benefits generated are not maximal.
مستخلص البحث
بطاقة الزواج الرقمية النفعية هي ابتكار لخدمة تسجيل الزواج الصادرة عن وزارة الدين في جمهورية إندونيسيا اعتبارًا من أغسطس 2021 من خلال تعميم المديرية العامة للمجتمع الإسلامي رقم التوجيه B-2361/Dt.III.II/Pw.01/07/2021. يحل وجود بطاقة الزواج الرقمية هذه محل بطاقة الزواج الفعلي التي تم إطلاقها منذ نهاية عام 2018. على الرغم من أن تنفيذ بطاقة الزواج الفعلي قصير نسبيًا وتوزيعها غير موزع بالتساوي في جميع أنحاء مكتب الشؤون الدينية والميزانية التي تم اعتمادها. المستخدمة هي أيضا ليست صغيرة. من ناحية أخرى، من الضروري أيضًا التشكيك في مدى استعداد المجتمع لمواجهة رقمنة بطاقة الزواج. لذلك، يركز هذا البحث على استكشاف الإلحاح وراء إصدار بطاقات الزواج الرقمية التي يتم تحليلها بعد ذلك باستخدام نظرية النفعية القانونية لرودولف فون جيرينغ.
تستخدم هذا البحث نوع البحث التجريبي الذي تم إجراؤه في مكتب الشؤون الدينية في مقاطعة تومبانغ بنهج نوعي. تم الحصول على البيانات المستخدمة في هذا البحث من خلال المقابلات والتوثيق والملاحظة. ثم يتم تعزيز البيانات بمصادر البيانات الثانوية. تم تنفيذ أسلوب تحليل البيانات في هذا البحث على عدة مراحل تشمل فحص البيانات وتصنيفها والتحقق منها وتحليلها والاستنتاجات.
وأظهرت النتائج أن إصدار بطاقة الزواج الرقمية هذه قدم المزيد من المزايا مما جعل إصدارها أمرًا مهمًا وعاجلًا. يؤدي إصدار بطاقة الزواج الرقمية هذه إلى عدالة الخدمة للمجتمع. وذلك لأن الشراء لا يعتمد على توافر الطابعات في مكتب الشؤون الدينية في كل منطقة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن إصدار بطاقة الزواج الرقمية هذه يمكن أن يوفر نفقات وزارة الأديان، كما أن شكلها المضغوط يسهل تخزينه وحمله أثناء السفر. لذلك، يتماشى إصدار بطاقات الزواج الرقمية مع نظرية النفعية لرودولف فون جيرينغ التي تنص على أن الغرض من القانون هو حماية المصالح. ومع ذلك، وفقًا لبعض الناس، فإن الافتقار إلى المعلومات والتنشئة الاجتماعية حول رقمنة بطاقات الزواج جعلهم أقل وعياً بوجود بطاقة الزواج الرقمية هذه ووظيفتها. حتى لا تكون الفوائد المتولدة هي الحد الأقصى
The Impact of Moving Image Learning Media on Upper Passing and Lower Passing Volleyball Learning Outcomes in State Elementary School 1 Grade V Students Cepokomulyo Kepanjen
As technology developes, there is hope for teachers to organize learning activities by utilizing various media. One of them is the use of moving image media (audiovisual) to teach student the technique of passing up and down volley ball to students. The aim is not onlky as an exercise simulation but also to provide a variety of media for the student learning prosess, so as to minimize student boredom. This study aims to determine the effect of moving image learning media on the learning outcomes of upper and lower passing volley ball for fifth grade students at SD Negeri 1 Cepokomulyo Kepanjen. This research method is a quantitative experiment with the One Group Pretest Posttest Design pattern. The population is class V students, totaling 20 students. The form of the test is the Brandy Wall volley ball test to measure the results of learning the upper and lower passing of volley ball, which is carried out on the pretest and posttest. The Brandy Wallvolley test on the over passing technique is known to have an average pretest score of 31.1, then increased to 37.1 in the posttest. Meanwhile, the results of the Brandy Wall volley test on the passing technique revealed that the average pretest score was 21.5, then increased to 26.1 in the posttest. As for the results of the t-test, it is known that the value of tes 1 (3.97)>t table (1.70) so that Ha1 is accepted and H01 is rejected and the value of t tes 2 (3.76) > t table (1.70) so that Ha2 is accepted and Ho2 is rejected. The conculsion of this study is that there is a significant effect of moving image learing media on the learning outcomes of upper and lower passing volley ball student of class V SD Negeri 1 Cepokomulyo Kepanjen
Sinkronisasi Pendekatan Sosiologis Dengan Penemuan Hukum Islam Sui Generis Kum Empiris
This research examines the synchronization process between the sociological approach and the empirical discovery of sui generis Islamic law. This qualitative research uses a literature study method that analyses pre-existing theories, concepts, or phenomena. The results show that the sociological approach can help understand the social and cultural factors that influence the development of Islamic law. Through this approach, it was found that Islamic values can adapt to local values according to the needs and social context of the community. Meanwhile, the discovery of empirical sui generis Islamic law is developing Islamic law by considering the social and cultural realities in which the law is applied. In this case, the research shows that the process of empirical sui generis Islamic law discovery can help produce Islamic law that is more relevant to the needs of society. Therefore, this research shows that the synchronization between the sociological approach and the discovery of sui generis Islamic law can help develop Islamic law in society's social and cultural context. This research provides practical implications for researchers and practitioners in considering the social and cultural context in developing Islamic law
Sinkronisasi Pendekatan Sosiologis Dengan Penemuan Hukum Islam Sui Generis Kum Empiris
This research examines the synchronization process between the sociological approach and the empirical discovery of sui generis Islamic law. This qualitative research uses a literature study method that analyses pre-existing theories, concepts, or phenomena. The results show that the sociological approach can help understand the social and cultural factors that influence the development of Islamic law. Through this approach, it was found that Islamic values can adapt to local values according to the needs and social context of the community. Meanwhile, the discovery of empirical sui generis Islamic law is developing Islamic law by considering the social and cultural realities in which the law is applied. In this case, the research shows that the process of empirical sui generis Islamic law discovery can help produce Islamic law that is more relevant to the needs of society. Therefore, this research shows that the synchronization between the sociological approach and the discovery of sui generis Islamic law can help develop Islamic law in society's social and cultural context. This research provides practical implications for researchers and practitioners in considering the social and cultural context in developing Islamic law
Implementasi Augmented Reality Pada Materi Praaksara Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial
Augmented Reality adalah teknologi yang menggabungkan benda maya dua dimensi dan ataupun tiga dimensi ke dalam sebuah lingkungan nyata tiga dimensi lalu memproyeksikan benda-benda maya tersebut dalam waktu nyata. Augmented Reality sudah berkembang di dunia pendidikan, salah satunya sebagai media pembelajaran. SMP N 43 Purworejo merupakan salah satu sekolah menengah yang sedang berkembang. Media pembelajaran yang digunakan masih menggunakan metode konvensional terutama pada mata pelajaran sejarah tentang kehidupan pada masa praaksara. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu membuat sebuah media pembelajaran yang inovatif dan menarik yang dapat mempermudah dan mengenalkan benda praaksara dalam bentuk yang lebih nyata pada siswa.
Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini yaitu observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner. Sumber data diperoleh dari guru mata pelajaran Ilmu pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) dan Siswa kelas 7 dan 8 SMP N 43 Purworejo. Pembuatan Augmented Reality menggunakan metode Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). Software yang digunakan adalah Unity, Vuforia, Blender. Desain tampilan dibuat menggunakan aplikasi Photoshop.
Aplikasi Visualisasi Benda Purba Berbasis Augmented Reality ini diuji menggunakan Black Box Testing dengan hasil lulus uji fungsional sistem, dan menggunakan pengujian System Usability Scale (SUS) menggunakan kuesioner dengan hasil mudah digunakan dapat dipahami dengan cepat. Berdasarkan nilai rata-rata skor System Usability Scale (SUS) diperoleh nilai 88,7. Nilai rata-rata ini masuk ke dalam masuk rating excellent yang artinya aplikasi memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik dan layak digunakan.
Kata kunci: Augmented Reality, Masa Praaksara, System Usability Scale, MDLC
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