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    Izražajnost kalretinina kao biomarkera rizika za metastatski karcinom mliječne žlijezde u pasa

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    Malignant breast tumors are the most common tumors in humans and are associated with a poor prognosis. An accurate animal model of human mammary gland tumorigenesis is needed to test novel diagnosis and treatment strategies. Dogs represent a promising model since they develop such tumors spontaneously. In the present study, three immunomarkers, including calretinin, c-Kit (CD117) and placental alkaline phosphatase (Plap), were used and compared with each other, in relation to estrogen and progesterone receptors and HER2 (triple markers), with the intention of malignancy grading. Enhanced expression of calretinin and placental alkaline phosphatase, without immunoreaction to c-Kit in neoplastic cells, is related to high-grade malignancy. Out of 50 tumors, 31 were metastasized, 29 of which (93.5%) were moderately to strongly calretinin positive (P<0.05). However, the results for c-Kit - and Plap+ in metastatic tumors were not reproducible. It may be concluded that calretinin could be introduced as a determinant biomarker in the diagnosis of breast cancer metastasis.Maligni tumori dojke najčešći su tumori u ljudi i povezani su s lošom prognozom. Da bi se testirali novi dijagnostički postupci i terapijske procedure u ljudi, potreban je prikladan životinjski model tumorogeneze mliječne žlijezde. Psi su potencijalno dobar model zbog spontanog razvoja ovakvih tumora. U ovom su istraživanju, s ciljem stupnjevanja malignosti, međusobno uspoređena tri imunomarkera, kalretinin, c-Kit (CD117) i placentalna alkalna fosfataza (Plap), a zatim su isti uspoređeni i s estrogenskim, progesteronskim te HER2 (trostrukim) markerima. Povećanje izražajnosti kalretinina i placentalne alkalne fosfataze, bez imunoreakcije na c-Kit u neoplastičnim stanicama povezano je s visokim stupnjem malignosti. Od 50 tumora, 31 je metastazirao, od kojih je 29 (93,5 %) bilo umjereno do izrazito pozitivno na kalretinin (P < 0,05). Doduše, rezultati za c-Ki ti Plap+ nisu bili ponovljivi. Zaključujemo da bi kalretinin mogao poslužiti kao biomarker u dijagnostici metatstatskog raka dojke