119 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Penyebab Anak Tidak Melanjutkan Pendidikan Menengah di Desa Bagan Bhakti Kecamatan Balai Jaya Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    This research was conducted in the village of Bagan Bhakti Jaya subdistrict Hall Rokan Hilir. The background of this study is still the presence of children who are not melajutkan secondary education. This can be seen in data from the Village office Bagan Bhakti children who do not continue secondary education numbered 21 people at age 11-15 years. The problem of this research is what are the factors that cause children do not continue secondary education (middle and high school) in the village of Bagan Bhakti districts Balai Jaya subdistrict Hall Rokan Hilir. This study aims to determine the factors that cause children do not continue secondary education (middle and high school) in the village of Bagan Bhakti districts Balai Jaya subdistrict Hall Rokan Hilir. As for the population in this study were all children who do not continue secondary education at the age of 11-15 years in the village of Bagan Bhakti Central District of Rokan Hilir districts Balai Jaya totaling 21 people, while the sample in this research is the students complete primary school by 9 people, and as many as 12 students graduated from the junior high school. A sampling technique that uses total sampling technique. The technique of collecting data were collected through observation, questionnaires, interviews, literature, and documentation. Results of research on Analysis of Causes Children No Continuing Secondary Education In the village of Bagan Bhakti Jaya subdistrict Hall Rokan Hilir in the can that be a contributing factor is boredom with the percentage of 71.43% and the economic situation of families with the percentage of 80.95%

    Application of integrated AHP and TOPSIS techniques for determining the best Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB)

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    This study covers the importance of high quality of palm oil Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) to ensure high production in palm oil industry. The most important process to classify the palm oil FFB ripeness is the grading process. Usually, the grading process performed by some graders in each mill manually. However, this method takes time and may lead to errors in the classification process, especially if the graders have less experience. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and TOPSIS are the useful tools that can be employed to make decisions in classification process. The methodology in this study consists of five phases ie; data collection from expert grader and industries visited, identifying the most important criteria, analysis by AHP method, validation by TOPSIS technique and finally the ranking of the best criteria of high quality FFB. The Expert Choice Software and Microsoft Office Excel are tools used to analyze the data collected from expert graders in the AHP and TOPSIS techniques. The main objective of this study is to determine the best quality of FFB using AHP and TOPSIS techniques. The result found that the number of detached fruitlets is the most important criteria to determine the FFB ripeness with 0.560 priority vector followed by color with 0.219 priority vector compared to other criteria. The sensitivity analysis performed to ensure the results are consistent and reliable. It will help the graders to conduct a proper grading process at mills to increase the quality of OER

    Penerapan Model Quantum Teaching Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 147 Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted because of the result of learning science study class V SD Negeri 147 Pekanbaru. KKM achieved by school was 75. From 32 students who achieve KKM just 14 students (43.75%) while students who did\u27nt achieve KKM is 18 students (56.25%) with a class average of 72.15. The purpose of this research to improve outcomes IPS class V SD Negeri 147 Pekanbaru with the application of learning models Quantum Teaching. The results obtained by the average value of 72.15 basic score increased in the first cycle of 3,30% to 74.53. In the second cycle the average value of students also increased by 10,66% to 79.84. On the basic of classical completeness score IPS student learning outcomes is only 43,75% (not finished). After the professor of applied model Quantum Teaching in the first cycle classical completeness increased to 56,25% (not finished), and the second cycle of classical completeness obtained are increased to increase to 78,12%. Activities of teachers at the first meeting of first cycle acquire a percentage of 70% with good categories. The second meeting increased to 79% in good categories. In the first meeting of second cycle increased to 84% with very good category. At the second meeting increased to 90% with very good category. Activities of students in the first meeting of the first cycle acquire a percentage of 68% with good categories. The second meeting increased to 77% in good categories. In the first meeting of the second cycle increased to 81% with very good category. At the second meeting increased to 86% with very good category

    Tailoring Immunotoxin AS Anticancer Drug

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    The conventional treatments for cancer have been considered unsatisfatory, with limited efficiency in terms of discriminative cancer cell adverse reaction against the normal compartments, a number of immunological approaches had been implemented. Since cancer cells could exhibit tumor specific antigen (s), a highly specific antibody could be used to direct any anticancer drug, biological agent or radioisotope selectively against the cancer cells and does not harm the normal cells. The specific antibody could be raised by immunization with purified tumor specific antigen (s). The biological agent could be obtained as toxin, either derived from bacteria e.g. diphtheria toxin or derived from plants e.g. castor ricin, which could destroy and kill cancer cells after contacts. A hybrid molecule constructed between antibody and toxin has been known as "immunotoxin". The selectivity of the antibody against a given tumor specific antigen could be increased by using a monoclonal antibody, made by hybridoma technique and immunological engineering. Accordingly, the efficiency of the destructive or killing effect of the toxin could be eventually increased by purification technique, biochemical and genetic engineering. In a preliminary study ricin from castor (Ricinus communis) have been purified and separated into two protein fractions (RCAI = 12.000 dalton and RCA II = 60.000 - 65.000 dalton). The latter showed toxin property, and was tested in vitro both against normal cells and against cancer cells. In the microcy totoxicity assay the ricin showed both the short term and the long term killing effect as measured after 1, 4, 16 and 24 hours. The killing effect against cancer cells was stronger as compared to that against normal cells. The acute or short term effect was observed at lower concentration of ricin (10-6 and 10-12 g/ml) after 1 and 4 hours contacts. The long term effect resulted in 90% and nearly 100% cytotoxicity in higher concentration of ricin. Further development of the immunotoxin are in progress. Various aspects dealing with technical problems and clinical aplications will be discussed

    Aplikasi Asap Cair Pada Lateks

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    Asap cair (liquid smoke) atau dengan nama lain bio oil merupakan salah satu sumber energi terbarukan yang dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan baik pangan maupun non pangan. Salah satu aplikasinya pada non pangan yaitu untuk menggumpalkan lateks dan mencegah timbulnya bau dan tumbuhnya jamur pada lembaran sit lateks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa asap cair yang berasal dari tempurung kelapa dengan konsentrasi 1 % dan 2% dapat menggumpalkan lateks dan menghambat tumbuhnya jamur pada lembaran Sit yang dibuat serta mencegah timbulnya bau

    Pengembangan Modul Latihan Forgiveness untuk Siswa SMA di Kota Malang

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    This research aims to develop a training modules forgiveness based on the appraisement of experts (reviewers) and high school student's response to the training modules forgiveness that have been developed. This study adapting the model development of Borg and Gall (1983), while the structure of the writing module refers to the guide preparation of module which prepared by the Director General module PMPTK (2008). The results of this study are drafting a training module forgiveness for senior high school students in Malang. Based appraisement materials experts, media specialists, and linguists classified as good, according to school counselors classified very good and yield response of students classified as good. So, that these modules worthy be used in the awarding of guidance services in schools.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul latihan forgiveness berdasarkan penilaian para ahli (reviewer) dan respon siswa SMA terhadap Modul latihan forgiveness yang telah dikembangkan. Penelitian ini mengadaptasi model pengembangan Borg and gall (1983), sedangkan struktur penulisan modul mengacu pada panduan penyusunan modul yang disusun oleh dirjen PMPTK (2008). Hasil penelitian ini adalah tersusunnya modul latihan forgiveness untuk siswa SMA di Kota Malang yang berdasarkan penilaian ahli materi, ahli media, dan ahli bahasa tergolong baik, menurut konselor sekolah tergolong sangat baik dan hasil respon siswa tergolong baik. sehingga modul ini layak digunakan dalam pemberian layanan bimbingan di sekolah
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