22 research outputs found

    Enhancing Students’ Collaborative Problem-Solving Competency through Discussion Activities : Students Experiencing the Merits of Discussion

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    本研究は,「話し合い」活動を取り入れることで,課題解決力を高めようとするものである。ここでいう「話し合い」では,特にメンバーの一人ひとりが「話す」内容を持っていることを重視し,班ごとに設定した観点について担当を決め,各自がその情報を収集する段階を「話し合い」の前に設定した。このことによって,メンバーが互いの情報を大切にしながら話し合いを進めることにつながった。その結果,学習課題を解決するために「話し合い」が重要であるという意識をもつ生徒が学習前に比べて増加する結果を得ることができた。This study aimed to enhance students’ collaborative problem-solving competency through discussion activities. In the discussion, one of the members of a group had to present information about a topic to the others. Each participant had to present a viewpoint for discussion, which was set by the instructor. All the participants had the opportunity to obtain information about the subject beforehand. With this activity, every student had to deal with the information collected by the other group members. The result was that students were able to achieve a greater understanding of the role of discussion in solving problems or dealing with tasks

    Mesalazine suppositories and their clinical application

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    Ulcerative proctitis (UP) is a prevalent condition associated with increased morbidity, and topical mesalazine (5-aminosalicylic acid [5-ASA]) is known to inhibit the inflammatory processes in UP. We successfully devised mesalazine suppositories, in which 250mg mesalazine was equally distributed and remained stable for at least 2 weeks. We evaluated the effect of using mesalazine suppositories twice a day (BID) on two UP patients. The results demonstrated that mesalazine suppositories were efficacious, well tolerated and safe for the long-term maintenance of UP remission

    小中の学びをつなぐ古典の指導について : 「情」と「景」を読む和歌鑑賞の実践を通して <【第54回広島大学教育学部国語教育学会・研究協議】2>

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    第54回広島大学教育学部国語教育学会・研究協議 協議課題: 新しい学習指導要領と国語科授業 : 伝統的な言語文化をどう扱う

    A Study of Instruction to Make Students Read Classics Actively IV : The practice of the instruction of Chinese classics with the deductive activity

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    本研究の目的は,漢文学習に推論する活動を取り入れることが,学習への関心・意欲を高めるのに効果的であるか,また,漢語の構成を理解することが漢文を訓読する際に有効にはたらき,情景理解にかかる内容理解を促すことに繋がるか,という2点について検証することである。示された白文を読む際に,「推論する」学習活動を行わせることで,生徒は作者の心情や行動を自分の言葉で自由に表現しようとする意欲の高まりが見られた。また,単元のはじめに漢語と和語の構成の違いを理解する学習を取り入れることで,意味だけではなく,はたらきに目を向けて漢字を読もうとするようになり,漢文を訓読する際に語と語の繋がりを意識し,情景の理解を助けることに繋げることができた。The purpose of this research is to inspect these two things. First, it would be effective to introduce the deductive activity into the learning of Chinese classics in order to enhance students' interest and motivation to learning. Second, understanding the structure of Chinese words would offer the effective Japanese reading of Chinese words and the comprehension of the contents. When the students try to read unpunctuated Chinese texts which were shown, the enhancement of their motivation to try to express the writer’s feeling and action with their words freely by letting them have the deductive activity was found out. Besides, through the introduction of the learning to understand the difference of the structure between Chinese words and native Japanese words at the beginning of the unit, the students come to read kanji characters considering the functions as well as the meanings, which could offer the understanding of the scenes thinking of the link between words when they read unpunctuated Chinese texts