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    京都大学新制・論文博士博士(医学)乙第13559号論医博第2288号新制||医||1067(附属図書館)京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻(主査)教授 髙折 晃史, 教授 西浦 博, 教授 遊佐 宏介学位規則第4条第2項該当Doctor of Medical ScienceKyoto UniversityDFA


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    本研究の目的は看護技術教育として位置づけられている看護ケア方法論の授業内容を見直し,教育内容の精選および授業方法の改善,今後の課題を明らかにすることである.対象は「看護ケア方法論A,B,C」(2001年度秋学期~2002年度秋学期)の授業展開方法と教授内容についてである.研究から得られた結果は次のとおりである. 1.看護ケア方法論の講義組み立ては,基本動作を統合するという一連の流れになっておらず,技術の項目を独立して教授していた. 2.改善点 1)基本動作を統合して看護技術を組み立てるような講義組み立てにし,基本と応用を明確にして教授する. 2)学習した知識を対象の特性に合わせ,応用展開する授業を行う. 3.課題 講義・演習・実習の有機的な組み立てを考える.In this study, we made after this clear, reconsidered the curriculum of Nursing Care Method which is regarded as nursing skill instruction, and discussed the selection of the program of study and the new process of learning. Especially, we studied the syllabus planning and the instruction about “Nursing Care Method A, B, C” (from the autumn term in 2001 to the autumn term in 2002.) The following is effective we acquired through the study. 1.It was not a series of flow that we unify fundamental movements about the structure of “Nursing Care Method” and we were instructed skill item in independence. 2.Point of improvement 1)We unify fundamental movements and construct nursing skills. And we make clear the fundamental and application about nursing skill and teach them. 2)Acquired knowledge allows one to be able to manage the objective individuality and offer the applied course. 3.Problem We should consideration the best construct of the lecture, the exercise and the practice

    The educational view of this university of clinical nursing ability training : the participating report of a nursing educational workshop in 2002

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    本研究の目的は,本学における看護学教育の現状と課題を分析し,改善点と方策を検討することである. その結果,以下の3点が指摘された. 1)人間形成に必要な知識や態度を養うための基礎教育科目や専門科目をさらに整備し,「看護診断論」や「フィジカルアセスメント」などの教科目を独立させる検討が必要である. 2)看護学実習では,「看護ケア基盤形成」を前提とした看護技術の習熟度がはかれる実習方法の工夫が求められる. 3)看護学教育における授業展開では,授業方法の工夫を行い,教員相互に協力体制をとりながら授業を進めていく必要性がある.加えて臨地とのユニフィケーションとして,本学の教育に臨地の専門家が加わり教育と臨床の連携を図りながら学生を教育していく方向性の検討が必要である.The purpose of this study is to analyze the current problems of nursing education at Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, and to bring up the points which can improve them further. These are : 1)We may need to improve the program of both General Education and Nursing Education since they are fundamental nursing education as a whole. We prefer the subject of “Nursing Diagnosis” and Physical Assessment” stand alone as a major subject. 2)In nursing practice, we expect the nursing students to be filled with basic needs of nursing care as a prerequisite before their training, then we can proceed the practice. 3)If we can make a contact often among staffs between the university and hospital as we needed for the students during four years of college education, they may gain a confidence to become a professional nurse upon completing the program

    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli CS6 gene products and their roles in CS6 structural protein assembly and cellular adherence

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    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) produces a variety of colonization factors necessary for attachment to the host cell, among which CS6 is one of the most prevalent in ETEC isolates from developing countries. The CS6 operon is composed of 4 genes, cssA, cssB, cssC, and cssD. The molecular mechanism of CS6 assembly and cell surface presentation, and the contribution of each protein to the attachment of the bacterium to intestinal cells remain unclear. In the present study, a series of css gene-deletion mutants of the CS6 operon were constructed in the ETEC genetic background, and their effect on adhesion to host cells and CS6 assembly was studied. Each subunit deletion resulted in a reduction in the adhesion to intestinal cells to the same level of laboratory E. coli strains, and this effect was restored by complementary plasmids, suggesting that the 4 proteins are necessary for CS6 expression. Bacterial cell fractionation and western blotting of the mutant strains suggested that the formation of a CssA–CssB–CssC complex is necessary for recognition by CssD and transport of CssA–CssB to the outer membrane as a colonization factor

    A study of temperature of disposable Glycerin Clyster Soln : compare the preparation procedure

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    ディスポーザブルグリセリン浣腸液の温度が,準備方法によって,適温といわれている40~42℃や先行文献から得られた37.5~40.5℃を維持するために,時間的にどのような温度変化を生じるのかを明らかにするため実験を行った.実験方法は,50℃と40℃の加温温度で,袋をはずして加温する方法と袋のまま加温する方法で行った. その結果,ディスポーザブルグリセリン浣腸液を40℃で加温した場合,グリセリン浣腸液の最高液温は38℃までであった.50℃で加温した場合,5~7分で液温は40℃に上昇し,その後わずかな時間で40~42℃以上となった.ディスポーザブルグリセリン浣腸液を50℃で加温した場合,グリセリン浣腸液が最高液温から再度42~40℃になるまでは,30~40分の時間を要した.液温40~42℃の持続時間は,加温を始めた時は約2分40秒間であったが,下降してきた時は約18~20分間であった. 浣腸液の準備は液温が上昇している時の浣腸液を取り出して準備するより,下降している時の浣腸液を取り出して準備する方が,液温40~41℃の持続時間は長く43℃以上に上昇しないため安全といえる.We studied how to prepare and to maintain an adequate temperature for a disposable Glycerin Clyster Soln in two ways. One is to keep temperature with 40~42℃ that is to be said appropriate in general , and other is to use temperature of 37.5~40.5℃ with the reasons of past recommendation. The experiments were done under the two different temperature used, to warm an enema solution with 40℃ and 50℃. We found the temperature of enema solution did not reach no more 38℃ by soaking with 40℃ solution. It took 5~7 minutes in reaching 40℃ by soaking with 50℃, and immediately past the 40~42℃. When we placed the enema solution into the solution with 50℃, it took 30~40 minutes in reaching the previous temperature of 40~42℃.It took2minutes40seconds in reaching from 40℃ to 42℃(method Ⅰ),and took 18~20 minutes from 42℃ to 40℃(method Ⅱ). We believe the method Ⅱ is safer than the method Ⅰ, because of not having a chance of mucous membranes to be damaged by the process

    The review of cooperative studies in community health and school health

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    本研究の目的は,地域保健と学校保健の連携の特徴と傾向を明らかにし,連携の在り方について示唆を得ることである。研究対象は,医学中央雑誌及び雑誌記事索引を用いて,「地域保健」「学校保健」「連携」のキーワードで検索し該当した1984年~2002年9月までの論文,175件である.研究から得られた知見は次のとおりである. 1)175件の論文は連携の必要性を述べる論文43件(24.6%),連携の準備段階の論文41件(23.4%),テーマ設定があり連携の実践内容報告の論文91件(52.0%)の3つに分類された. 2)91件の論文は「精神的疾患・症状に関する連携」13件(14.3%),「いじめ・不登校・保健室登校などに関する連携」8件(8.8%),「健康教育に関する連携」23件(25.3%),「身体的疾患・症状に関する連携」26件(28.6%),「ネットワークづくり」17件(18.7%),「複合領域にわたる連携」4件(4.4%)の6つのカテゴリーに分類された.各カテゴリーについてその傾向を考察した. 3)結果,組織間の連携とそのシステム化は顕在化する健康課題の解決に留まらず,健康課題の予防や関係職種の質の向上を可能にする.連携システムの構築はきわめて重要な課題である.The purpose of this paper is clarifying the feature and tendency of cooperation in Community health and School health, and acquiring suggestion about the method of cooperation. The available literature on cooperation in Community health and School health was here reviewed, using the Japanese central medical databese and magazine reports index for 1984 to 2002. The strategy used for the search was “Community health” “School health” “cooperation”. The result were shown, 1) The item of 175 classified three groups, describe the necessity for cooperation : 43papers (24.4%), preparation stage of cooperation : 41papers (23.4%), contents report of practice of cooperation : 91 papers (52.0%). 2) The paper of 91 was classified into six categories and were reviewed. Six categories are “cooperation about a mental disease and symptom : 13papers (14.3%)”, “cooperation about bullying, refusal to go to school, going to school-nurse’s office, etc : 8papers (8.8%)”, “cooperation about health education : 23papers (25.3%)”, “cooperation about a physical disease and symptom : 26papers (28.6%)”, “the organization of a network : 17papers (18.7%)” and “cooperation covering many domains : 4papers (4.4%)”. 3) By cooperation between organizations and its systematization, It does not only can solve actualized problems but also prevention healthy subject and improvement the quality of related profession. So, creation of cooperation system is greatly important theme