5 research outputs found

    Analysis of Peculiarities and Components of Resiliency of People Facing Military Aggression against Ukraine

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    The article contains a theoretical and empirical analysis of resiliency and resilience in the context of the impact of various traumatic events. In particular, the impact of such events and phenomena as war and military aggression, which Ukrainians have been experiencing since the beginning of the invasion of Russian Federation troops, is outlined. The formation of resiliency in conditions of military actions and full-scale invasion is vital. Therefore, the authors outline the main theoretical approaches in the interpretation of these concepts within the framework of domestic and foreign teachings. The connection and relationship of such concepts as "resilience" and "stress resistance", "resilience" and "coping", "resilience" and "sustainability" are outlined. In general, resiliency is characterized as a personality quality and includes adaptability, stress resistance, mental stability, flexibility (emotional and behavioral) and resistibility.The purpose of the article is to find out the specifics of resiliency, its manifestation and development in people facing military aggression against Ukraine.The results of applying "The Person-in-the-Rain Drawing" technique made it possible to assess the components of resiliency and the main levels of its manifestation in the research group. The obtained results presented grounds to determine three levels of resiliency based on the selected criteria: low, medium and high. The analysis of three groups of respondents according to the level of resiliency indicates the need to find and implement ways of psychological support and provision of people with a low and medium level of resiliency. By increasing its level through the formation and development of adaptive resources and resistance, individuals will be able to mobilize their internal reserves and effectively implement them in order to protect their countries and provide assistance at various levels.</p

    Залучення вищих навчальних закладів до підготовки волонтерів в рамках ЄВРО 2012

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    У статті розглянуто особливості організації волонтерської діяльності в умовах вищого навчального закладу. Представлено досвід впровадження соціально-психологічних тренінгів в рамках "Примірної програми підготовки волонтерів до Чемпіонату Європи з футболу в Україні у 2012 році" на базі Львівського інституту економіки і туризму.This article describes specifics of organization of volunteer activities in universities. It represents an experience of implementation of social and psychological trainings as a part of "Approximate program for training of volunteers for European Football Championship in Ukraine in 2012" conducted in Lviv Institute of Economy and Tourism

    Срецифіка викладання психології в контексті духовного розвитку в системі сучасної вищої освіти

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    В статті описано специфіку викладання психології з опорою на практико-орієнтований підхід до інтеграції Я-концепції майбутнього фахівця. Обгрунтовано феноменологію та онтогенез Я-духовного як складової Я-концепції. Конкретизовано компоненти формувального впливу на Я-духовне в системі вищої освіти: дидактичний, компонент активного моделювання/ ідентифікації та психотехнічний компонент (саморефлексії). Дидактичний компонент втілюється у викладанні дисциплін духовно-морального скерування. Описано процес формування Я-духовного шляхом актуалізації внутрішніх ресурсів через експірієнтальні техніки зміни глибинних переконань.The paper describes the specificity of teaching psychology based on the practice-oriented approach to integration of self-concept of future specialists. Phenomenology and ontogeny of the self-spiritual as a component of self-concept are grounded. The concept of self-spiritual and self-religious are compared as well as self-concept and identity in general. The components of forming effect on self-spiritual in system of higher education are highlighted in the paper. The components of forming impact are didactic component, the component of identity formation by modeling and psycho-component (include insight, self-awareness and others). The didactic component is implemented in teaching disciplines of spiritual and moral guidance: religious cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology. Religious identity formation - a process of modeling own spirituality with association in representatives and bearers of spiritual and religious beliefs and rituals, as well as faith and mystic experience. Therefore, the important part of spiritual formation is self-creating space for active modeling value orientations through imitation of positive behaviors within the specified values. Self-spiritual formation by psychological impact is understood as updating internal resources of the individual as a subject of self-development by experience based techniques of changing of the underlying beliefs and attitudes