366 research outputs found

    Report from the Field: Multi-cultural Dialogue and Transformative Learning in Arts & Minds Programs at The Studio Museum in Harlem

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    This paper presents a report from the field of museum education programs for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) and their caregivers. Research is beginning to document the impact of museums on the cognitive and emotional health of people with dementia (PWD) and those who care for them. At the Studio Museum in Harlem, Arts Minds programs have created a dynamic learning environment for the very forgetful through dialogic interpretation of art and expressive art making. The stories recounted here reveal the powerful potential of multi-cultural dialogue in the museum space to create transformative learning experiences for participants and educators alike

    Polymer Adsorption on Disordered Substrate

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    We analyze the recently proposed "pattern-matching" phase of a Gaussian random heteropolymer adsorbed on a disordered substrate [S. Srebnik, A.K. Chakraborty and E.I. Shakhnovich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3157 (1996)]. By mapping the problem to that of a directed homopolymer in higher-dimensional random media, we show that the pattern-matching phase is asymptotically weakly unstable, and the large scale properties of the system are given by that of an adsorbed homopolymer.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX, text also available at http://matisse.ucsd.edu/~hw

    Dynamics of Multidimensional Secession

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    We explore a generalized Seceder Model with variable size selection groups and higher dimensional genotypes, uncovering its well-defined mean-field limiting behavior. Mapping to a discrete, deterministic version, we pin down the upper critical size of the multiplet selection group, characterize all relevant dynamically stable fixed points, and provide a complete analytical description of its self-similar hierarchy of multiple branch solutions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, PR

    Universal correlators and distributions as experimental signatures of 2+1 Kardar-Parisi-Zhang growth

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    We examine height-height correlations in the transient growth regime of the 2+1 Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class, with a particular focus on the {\it spatial covariance} of the underlying two-point statistics, higher-dimensional analog of the 1+1 KPZ Class Airy1_1 process. Making comparison to AFM kinetic roughening data in 2d organic thin films, we use our universal 2+1 KPZ spatial covariance to extract key scaling parameters for this experimental system. Additionally, we explore the i) height, ii) local roughness, and iii) extreme value distributions characteristic of these oligomer films, finding compelling agreement in all instances with our numerical integration of the KPZ equation itself. Finally, investigating nonequilibrium relaxation phenomena exhibited by 2+1 KPZ Class models, we have unearthed a universal KPZ ageing kinetics. In experiments with ample data in the time domain, our 2+1 KPZ Euler {\it temporal covariance} will allow a quick, independent estimate of the central KPZ scaling parameter.Comment: 6 Pages, 5 Figure

    Directed polymers in random media under confining force

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    The scaling behavior of a directed polymer in a two-dimensional (2D) random potential under confining force is investigated. The energy of a polymer with configuration {y(x)}\{y(x)\} is given by H\big(\{y(x)\}\big) = \sum_{x=1}^N \exyx + \epsilon \Wa^\alpha, where η(x,y)\eta(x,y) is an uncorrelated random potential and \Wa is the width of the polymer. Using an energy argument, it is conjectured that the radius of gyration Rg(N)R_g(N) and the energy fluctuation ΔE(N)\Delta E(N) of the polymer of length NN in the ground state increase as Rg(N)∼NνR_g(N)\sim N^{\nu} and ΔE(N)∼Nω\Delta E(N)\sim N^\omega respectively with ν=1/(1+α)\nu = 1/(1+\alpha) and ω=(1+2α)/(4+4α)\omega = (1+2\alpha)/(4+4\alpha) for α≥1/2\alpha\ge 1/2. A novel algorithm of finding the exact ground state, with the effective time complexity of \cO(N^3), is introduced and used to confirm the conjecture numerically.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
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