6,138 research outputs found

    The Orbifold-String Theories of Permutation-Type: I. One Twisted BRST per Cycle per Sector

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    We resume our discussion of the new orbifold-string theories of permutation-type, focusing in the present series on the algebraic formulation of the general bosonic prototype and especially the target space-times of the theories. In this first paper of the series, we construct one twisted BRST system for each cycle jj in each twisted sector σ\sigma of the general case, verifying in particular the previously-conjectured algebra [Qi(σ),Qj(σ)]+=0[Q_{i}(\sigma),Q_{j}(\sigma)]_{+} =0 of the BRST charges. The BRST systems then imply a set of extended physical-state conditions for the matter of each cycle at cycle central charge c^j(σ)=26fj(σ)\hat{c}_{j}(\sigma)=26f_{j}(\sigma) where fj(σ)f_{j}(\sigma) is the length of cycle jj.Comment: 31 page

    A glance at imaging bladder cancer.

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    Purpose: Early and accurate diagnosis of Bladder cancer (BCa) will contribute extensively to the management of the disease. The purpose of this review was to briefly describe the conventional imaging methods and other novel imaging modalities used for early detection of BCa and outline their pros and cons. Methods: Literature search was performed on Pubmed, PMC, and Google scholar for the period of January 2014 to February 2018 and using such words as bladder cancer, bladder tumor, bladder cancer detection, diagnosis and imaging . Results: A total of 81 published papers were retrieved and are included in the review. For patients with hematuria and suspected of BCa, cystoscopy and CT are most commonly recommended. Ultrasonography, MRI, PET/CT using 18F-FDG or 11C-choline and recently PET/MRI using 18F-FDG also play a prominent role in detection of BCa. Conclusion: For initial diagnosis of BCa, cystoscopy is generally performed. However, cystoscopy can not accurately detect carcinoma insitu (CIS) and can not distinguish benign masses from malignant lesions. CT is used in two modes, CT and computed tomographic urography (CTU), both for dignosis and staging of BCa. However, they cannot differentiate T1 and T2 BCa. MRI is performed to diagnose invasive BCa and can differentiate muscle invasive bladder carcinoma (MIBC) from non-muscle invasive bladder carcinoma (NMIBC). However, CT and MRI have low sensitivity for nodal staging. For nodal staging PET/CT is preferred. PET/MRI provides better differentiation of normal and pathologic structures as compared with PET/CT. Nonetheless none of the approaches can address all issues related for the management of BCa. Novel imaging methods that target specific biomarkers, image BCa early and accurately, and stage the disease are warranted

    Probabilistic Algorithmic Knowledge

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    The framework of algorithmic knowledge assumes that agents use deterministic knowledge algorithms to compute the facts they explicitly know. We extend the framework to allow for randomized knowledge algorithms. We then characterize the information provided by a randomized knowledge algorithm when its answers have some probability of being incorrect. We formalize this information in terms of evidence; a randomized knowledge algorithm returning ``Yes'' to a query about a fact \phi provides evidence for \phi being true. Finally, we discuss the extent to which this evidence can be used as a basis for decisions.Comment: 26 pages. A preliminary version appeared in Proc. 9th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK'03

    Discovery of Radio Emission from Transient Anomalous X-ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197

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    We report the first detection of radio emission from any anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP). Data from the Very Large Array (VLA) MAGPIS survey with angular resolution 6" reveals a point-source of flux density 4.5 +/- 0.5 mJy at 1.4 GHz at the precise location of the 5.54 s pulsar XTE J1810-197. This is greater than upper limits from all other AXPs and from quiescent states of soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs). The detection was made in 2004 January, 1 year after the discovery of XTE J1810-197 during its only known outburst. Additional VLA observations both before and after the outburst yield only upper limits that are comparable to or larger than the single detection, neither supporting nor ruling out a decaying radio afterglow related to the X-ray turn-on. Another hypothesis is that, unlike the other AXPs and SGRs, XTE J1810-197 may power a radio synchrotron nebula by the interaction of its particle wind with a moderately dense environment that was not evacuated by previous activity from this least luminous, in X-rays, of the known magnetars.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, to appear in ApJ Letter

    The embedding of the spacetime in five-dimensional spaces with arbitrary non-degenerate Ricci tensor

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    We discuss and prove a theorem which asserts that any n-dimensional semi-Riemannian manifold can be locally embedded in a (n+1)-dimensional space with a non-degenerate Ricci tensor which is equal, up to a local analytic diffeomorphism, to the Ricci tensor of an arbitrary specified space. This may be regarded as a further extension of the Campbell-Magaard theorem. We highlight the significance of embedding theorems of increasing degrees of generality in the context of higher dimensional spacetimes theories and illustrate the new theorem by establishing the embedding of a general class of Ricci-flat spacetimes

    Prioritized Repairing and Consistent Query Answering in Relational Databases

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    A consistent query answer in an inconsistent database is an answer obtained in every (minimal) repair. The repairs are obtained by resolving all conflicts in all possible ways. Often, however, the user is able to provide a preference on how conflicts should be resolved. We investigate here the framework of preferred consistent query answers, in which user preferences are used to narrow down the set of repairs to a set of preferred repairs. We axiomatize desirable properties of preferred repairs. We present three different families of preferred repairs and study their mutual relationships. Finally, we investigate the complexity of preferred repairing and computing preferred consistent query answers.Comment: Accepted to the special SUM'08 issue of AMA

    Canonical Transformations in a Higher-Derivative Field Theory

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    It has been suggested that the chiral symmetry can be implemented only in classical Lagrangians containing higher covariant derivatives of odd order. Contrary to this belief, it is shown that one can construct an exactly soluble two-dimensional higher-derivative fermionic quantum field theory containing only derivatives of even order whose classical Lagrangian exhibits chiral-gauge invariance. The original field solution is expressed in terms of usual Dirac spinors through a canonical transformation, whose generating function allows the determination of the new Hamiltonian. It is emphasized that the original and transformed Hamiltonians are different because the mapping from the old to the new canonical variables depends explicitly on time. The violation of cluster decomposition is discussed and the general Wightman functions satisfying the positive-definiteness condition are obtained.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe