21 research outputs found

    Teacher interaction networks and system maintenance : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Education

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    Theoretical Considerations Since the study of Hoppock in 1935 a great deal of attention has been shown In the analysis of job satisfaction of workers and personnel in a variety of situations within organisations. This concern has important theoretical and pragmatic considerations. Theoretically, satisfaction is linked to the more general problem of explaining social system persistence and existence. The sociologist is interested to address himself to at least two questions: what were the conditions under which the social system emerged; and under what conditions is it maintained as a viable system? It is the latter question which has particularly concerned the functionalist tradition for the last century. The functionalists - from Durkheim to Parsons - applied the analogy of biological organisations to their explanation of social phenomena. They maintained that even as the biological system has a certain degree of functional interdependence and responsiveness to the external environment so too the social system can be seen as generating structure in response to certain functional problems. They argued, at least implicitly, that the social system was more or less functionally analogous to a biological organism. However there are severe limitations to this argument. Nagel (1961) has argued that any functional analysis must satisfy five criteria: system boundaries are to be specified; the embedding environment must be isolated; the system elements must be specified; the necessary conditions or the system requirements must be understood; and finally a goal state or criterion needs to be established. In biological organisms these conditions are relatively easily met. The organism is clearly specifiable. Organisms for tho most part have clearly designated states which either are or are not maintained. In most cases therefore it is possible to specify with a high degree of accuracy certain components of the organism and its various states. "In consequence, since the system and the state can be clearly defined in biology, it is intelligible to ask, and seek an answer by way of experimental enquiry,. whether and by what mechanisms, System S is maintained in State G". [FROM INTRODUCTION

    Transforming the architect: Ownership form and archetype change

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    The adoption of the incorporated form of ownership in preference to partnership is linked to the shift to a more modem organizational archetype in professional firms. Yet existing empirical research offers insufficient insight into the organizational processes of this transformation in different professional arenas. Where ownership and control become separated, there is a clearer theoretical explanation of the implications for the way the firm is run. Where ownership and control remain inside, the firm, however, the consequences are not so clear and have not been well explored. Using survey and interview materials derived from a study of architecture practices, we examine the processes by which differences based on ownership emerge. Then, by drawing on Weberian theories, where they are concerned with professionalization as a project with material and social rewards, we specify more clearly the context for change in professional firms' archetypes. This, we conclude, provides a stronger basis for understanding the change trajectories of firms within professions and comparative organizational analysis between professions