3,274 research outputs found

    The Taxation of Executive Compensation

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    Over the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in the share of executive compensation paid through stock options. In this paper, we examine the extent to which tax policy has influenced the composition of executive compensation, and discuss the implications of rising stock-based pay for tax policy. We begin by describing the tax rules for executive pay in detail and analyzing how changes in various tax rates affect the tax advantages of stock options relative to salary and bonus. Our empirical analysis leads to three conclusions. First, there is little evidence that tax changes have played a major role int the dramatic explosion in executive stock option pay since 1980. Although the tax advantage of options has approximately dounbled since the early advantage of options has approximately doubled since the early 1980s options currently have only a slight tax advantage relative to cash - approximately 4per4 per 100 of pre-tax compensation to the executive. A more convincing story for the dramatic explosion in stock options involves changes in corporate governance and the market for corporate control. For example, there is a strong correlation between the fraction of shares held by large institutional investors and the fraction of ececutive pay in the form of stock options, a result that holds both longitudinally and cross-sectionally. Second, we find evidence that the million dollar rule (which limited the corporate deductibility of non-performance-related executive compensateion to $1 million) led firms to adjust the composition of their pay away from salary and toward "performance related pay," although our estimates suggest that substitution was minor. We find no evience that the regulation decreased the level of total compensation. Third, we examine whether there is evidence for significant shifting of the timing of option exercieses in response to changes in tax rates. After replicating the Goolsbee (1999) result regardin tax-shifting with our data for the 1993 tax reform, we show that no such shifting occurred in either of the two tax reforms of the 1980s. Moreover, we find evidence that much of the unusually large level of option exercises in 1992 was the result of the rising stock market rather than the change in marginal tax rates.

    Density Perturbations and the Cosmological Constant from Inflationary Landscapes

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    An anthropic understanding of the cosmological constant requires that the vacuum energy at late time scans from one patch of the universe to another. If the vacuum energy during inflation also scans, the various patches of the universe acquire exponentially differing volumes. In a generic landscape with slow-roll inflation, we find that this gives a steeply varying probability distribution for the normalization of the primordial density perturbations, resulting in an exponentially small fraction of observers measuring the COBE value of 10^-5. Inflationary landscapes should avoid this "\sigma problem", and we explore features that can allow them to do that. One possibility is that, prior to slow-roll inflation, the probability distribution for vacua is extremely sharply peaked, selecting essentially a single anthropically allowed vacuum. Such a selection could occur in theories of eternal inflation. A second possibility is that the inflationary landscape has a special property: although scanning leads to patches with volumes that differ exponentially, the value of the density perturbation does not vary under this scanning. This second case is preferred over the first, partly because a flat inflaton potential can result from anthropic selection, and partly because the anthropic selection of a small cosmological constant is more successful.Comment: 23 page

    Anomalous Hall Effect in three ferromagnets: EuFe4Sb12, Yb14MnSb11, and Eu8Ga16Ge30

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    The Hall resistivity (Rho_xy), resistivity (Rho_xx), and magnetization of three metallic ferromagnets are investigated as a function of magnetic field and temperature. The three ferromagnets, EuFe4Sb12 (Tc = 84 K), Yb14MnSb11 (Tc = 53 K), and Eu8Ga16Ge30 (Tc = 36 K) are Zintl compounds with carrier concentrations between 1 x 10^21 cm^-3 and 3.5 x 10^21 cm^-3. The relative decrease in Rho_xx below Tc [Rho_xx(Tc)/Rho_xx(2 K)] is 28, 6.5, and 1.3 for EuFe4Sb12, Yb14MnSb11, and Eu8Ga16Ge30 respectively. The low carrier concentrations coupled with low magnetic anisotropies allow a relatively clean separation between the anomalous (Rho_'xy), and normal contributions to the measured Hall resistivity. For each compound the anomalous contribution in the zero field limit is fit to alpha Rho_xx + sigma_xy rho_xx^2 for temperatures T < Tc. The anomalous Hall conductivity, sigma_xy, is -220 +- 5 (Ohm^-1 cm^-1), -14.7 +- 1 (Ohm^-1 cm^-1), and 28 +- 3 (Ohm^-1 cm^-1) for EuFe4Sb12, Yb14MnSb11, and Eu8Ga16Ge30 respectively and is independent of temperature for T < Tc if the change in spontaneous magnetization (order parameter) with temperature is taken into account. These data are consistent with recent theories of the anomalous Hall effect that suggest that even for stochiometric ferromagnetic crystals, such as those studied in this article, the intrinsic Hall conductivity is finite at T = 0, and is a ground state property that can be calculated from the electronic structure.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures Submitted to PR

    Explaining the Frequency of Alcohol Consumption in a Conflict Zone: Jews and Palestinians in Israel

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    Experiencing stress and exposure to terrorism may have an adverse effect on health risk behaviors. Few studies have examined alcohol use among adults living in Israel under chronic, stressful terrorism-related conditions. In this study, we examined the relationships of demographics, past stressful events, and terrorism exposure to the frequency of alcohol use and the mediating roles of depressive and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. We used three waves of data from a 2007–2008 nationally representative sample of Jewish and Palestinian adults in Israel. We assessed past stressful events, in addition to direct and indirect exposures to terrorism. Results indicated that past stressful events and exposure to terrorism were not directly associated with alcohol use, but were indirectly associated and mediated by depressive and PTSD symptomology. Mental health symptoms were differentially associated with alcohol use. More frequent drinking was mediated by higher levels of depression, including for women and Palestinians; however, PTSD symptom severity was related to less frequent drinking. Mental health may play a prominent role in the frequency of alcohol use among adults exposed to terrorism in Israel. Alcohol use, as a coping mechanism, may differ by demographic characteristics (gender and ethnicity) and psychological symptomology for adults living in a conflict zone in Israel

    Coherent states on spheres

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    We describe a family of coherent states and an associated resolution of the identity for a quantum particle whose classical configuration space is the d-dimensional sphere S^d. The coherent states are labeled by points in the associated phase space T*(S^d). These coherent states are NOT of Perelomov type but rather are constructed as the eigenvectors of suitably defined annihilation operators. We describe as well the Segal-Bargmann representation for the system, the associated unitary Segal-Bargmann transform, and a natural inversion formula. Although many of these results are in principle special cases of the results of B. Hall and M. Stenzel, we give here a substantially different description based on ideas of T. Thiemann and of K. Kowalski and J. Rembielinski. All of these results can be generalized to a system whose configuration space is an arbitrary compact symmetric space. We focus on the sphere case in order to be able to carry out the calculations in a self-contained and explicit way.Comment: Revised version. Submitted to J. Mathematical Physic

    Measurement of Volumetric Flow

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135278/1/jum200625101305.pd

    Broad Absorption Line Variability in Repeat Quasar Observations from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present a time-variability analysis of 29 broad absorption line quasars (BALQSOs) observed in two epochs by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). These spectra are selected from a larger sample of BALQSOs with multiple observations by virtue of exhibiting a broad CIV λ\lambda1549 absorption trough separated from the rest frame of the associated emission peak by more than 3600 km s1^{-1}. Detached troughs facilitate higher precision variability measurements, since the measurement of the absorption in these objects is not complicated by variation in the emission line flux. We have undertaken a statistical analysis of these detached-trough BALQSO spectra to explore the relationships between BAL features that are seen to vary and the dynamics of emission from the quasar central engine. We have measured variability within our sample, which includes three strongly variable BALs. We have also verified that the statistical behavior of the overall sample agrees with current model predictions and previous studies of BAL variability. Specifically, we observe that the strongest BAL variability occurs among the smallest equivalent width features and at velocities exceeding 12,000 km s1^{-1}, as predicted by recent disk-wind modeling.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Orientation Dependence of the Anomalous Hall Resistivity in Single Crystals of Yb14MnSb11

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    The Hall resistivity, electrical resistivity and magnetization of single crystals of the tetragonal ferromagnet Yb14MnSb11 are reported as a function of the direction of the current, I, and magnetic field, H with respect to the principal crystallographic axes. With I along the unique c direction and H in the a-b plane, the anomalous Hall resistivity in the limit of zero applied field is negative for all temperatures T less than Tc= 53 K. In this direction, the anomalous Hall effect behaves in a manner similar to that observed in other ferromagnets such as Fe, Co, Mn5Ge3, and EuFe4Sb12. However, with I in the a-b plane and H along the c direction, the anomalous Hall behavior is completely different. The anomalous Hall resistivity data are positive for all T less than Tc and a similar analysis of these data fails. In this direction, the anomalous response is not a simple linear function of the magnetization order parameter, and for a fixed temperature (T less than Tc) does not depend on the magnitude of the magnetization perpendicular to the current in the a-b plane. That is, when the magnetization and applied field are rotated away from the c direction, the anomalous Hall resistivity does not change. In all other soft ferromagnets that we have examined (including La doped crystals of Yb14MnSb11, i.e. Yb13.3La0.7MnSb11) rotation of the magnetization and magnetic field by an angle theta away from a direction perpendicular to I results in a decrease in both the anomalous and normal portions of the Hall resistivity that approximately scales as cos(theta). We suggest that the unique response exhibited by Yb14MnSb11 is a direct reflection of the delicate balance between ferromagnetism and Kondo screening.Comment: 20 pages, 12 Figures, Submitted to Physical Review B, July 18, 200

    A Search for Exozodiacal Clouds with Kepler

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    Planets embedded within dust disks may drive the formation of large scale clumpy dust structures by trapping dust into resonant orbits. Detection and subsequent modeling of the dust structures would help constrain the mass and orbit of the planet and the disk architecture, give clues to the history of the planetary system, and provide a statistical estimate of disk asymmetry for future exoEarth-imaging missions. Here we present the first search for these resonant structures in the inner regions of planetary systems by analyzing the light curves of hot Jupiter planetary candidates identified by the Kepler mission. We detect only one candidate disk structure associated with KOI 838.01 at the 3-sigma confidence level, but subsequent radial velocity measurements reveal that KOI 838.01 is a grazing eclipsing binary and the candidate disk structure is a false positive. Using our null result, we place an upper limit on the frequency of dense exozodi structures created by hot Jupiters. We find that at the 90% confidence level, less than 21% of Kepler hot Jupiters create resonant dust clumps that lead and trail the planet by ~90 degrees with optical depths >~5*10^-6, which corresponds to the resonant structure expected for a lone hot Jupiter perturbing a dynamically cold dust disk 50 times as dense as the zodiacal cloud.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap