6 research outputs found

    Recent Trends in Biodiesel and Biogas Production

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    Biodizel i bioplin dva su vrlo važna izvora obnovljive energije Å”irom svijeta, a posebice u zemljama EU. Biodizel se gotovo isključivo koristi kao transportno gorivo, dok se bioplin uglavnom koristi za proizvodnju električne energije i topline. Primjena sofisticiranijih tehnika pročiŔćavanja u proizvodnji čistog biometana iz bioplina omogućuje njegovo uvođenje u mrežu prirodnog plina i daljnju uporabu kao transportno gorivo. Dok se bioplin uglavnom proizvodi od otpadnih materijala (materijal s odlagaliÅ”ta otpada, gnojivo, talog zaostao pročiŔćavanjem otpadnih voda, poljoprivredni otpad), biodizel se u EU uglavnom dobiva iz repice ili drugih uljarica koje se koriste kao hrana, Å”to dovodi u pitanje njihovu ulogu kao hrane ili goriva. Kako bi se ublažio ovaj problem, napravljeni su značajni napori u koriÅ”tenju neprehrambenih sirovina za proizvodnju biodizela. To uključuje sve vrste otpadnih ulja i masti, no od nedavno se viÅ”e pažnje posvećuje proizvodnji mikrobnih ulja uzgojem mikroorganizama koji mogu akumulirati velike količine lipida u biomasi. Obećavajući kandidati za mikrobnu proizvodnju lipida mogu se pronaći među različitim sojevima filamentoznih plijesni, kvasaca, bakterija i mikroalgi. Sirovine od interesa su i poljoprivredni otpad bogat ugljikohidratima te različite lignocelulozne sirovine, za čiju se uporabu joÅ” uvijek moraju rijeÅ”iti neka tehnička pitanja. Također, u ovom su radu razmatrane metode izdvajanja i pročiŔćavanja biodizela i bioplina.Biodiesel and biogas are two very important sources of renewable energy worldwide, and particularly in the EU countries. While biodiesel is almost exclusively used as transportation fuel, biogas is mostly used for production of electricity and heat. The application of more sophisticated purification techniques in production of pure biomethane from biogas allows its delivery to natural gas grid and its subsequent use as transportation fuel. While biogas is produced mostly from waste materials (landfills, manure, sludge from wastewater treatment, agricultural waste), biodiesel in the EU is mostly produced from rapeseed or other oil crops that are used as food, which raises the ā€˜food or fuelā€™ concerns. To mitigate this problem, considerable efforts have been made to use non-food feedstock for biodiesel production. These include all kinds of waste oils and fats, but recently more attention has been devoted to production of microbial oils by cultivation of microorganisms that are able to accumulate high amounts of lipids in their biomass. Promising candidates for microbial lipid production can be found among different strains of filamentous fungi, yeast, bacteria and microalgae. Feedstocks of interest are agricultural waste rich in carbohydrates as well as different lignocellulosic raw materials where some technical issues have to be resolved. In this work, recovery and purification of biodiesel and biogas are also considered

    Recent Trends in Biodiesel and Biogas Production

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    Biodizel i bioplin dva su vrlo važna izvora obnovljive energije Å”irom svijeta, a posebice u zemljama EU. Biodizel se gotovo isključivo koristi kao transportno gorivo, dok se bioplin uglavnom koristi za proizvodnju električne energije i topline. Primjena sofisticiranijih tehnika pročiŔćavanja u proizvodnji čistog biometana iz bioplina omogućuje njegovo uvođenje u mrežu prirodnog plina i daljnju uporabu kao transportno gorivo. Dok se bioplin uglavnom proizvodi od otpadnih materijala (materijal s odlagaliÅ”ta otpada, gnojivo, talog zaostao pročiŔćavanjem otpadnih voda, poljoprivredni otpad), biodizel se u EU uglavnom dobiva iz repice ili drugih uljarica koje se koriste kao hrana, Å”to dovodi u pitanje njihovu ulogu kao hrane ili goriva. Kako bi se ublažio ovaj problem, napravljeni su značajni napori u koriÅ”tenju neprehrambenih sirovina za proizvodnju biodizela. To uključuje sve vrste otpadnih ulja i masti, no od nedavno se viÅ”e pažnje posvećuje proizvodnji mikrobnih ulja uzgojem mikroorganizama koji mogu akumulirati velike količine lipida u biomasi. Obećavajući kandidati za mikrobnu proizvodnju lipida mogu se pronaći među različitim sojevima filamentoznih plijesni, kvasaca, bakterija i mikroalgi. Sirovine od interesa su i poljoprivredni otpad bogat ugljikohidratima te različite lignocelulozne sirovine, za čiju se uporabu joÅ” uvijek moraju rijeÅ”iti neka tehnička pitanja. Također, u ovom su radu razmatrane metode izdvajanja i pročiŔćavanja biodizela i bioplina.Biodiesel and biogas are two very important sources of renewable energy worldwide, and particularly in the EU countries. While biodiesel is almost exclusively used as transportation fuel, biogas is mostly used for production of electricity and heat. The application of more sophisticated purification techniques in production of pure biomethane from biogas allows its delivery to natural gas grid and its subsequent use as transportation fuel. While biogas is produced mostly from waste materials (landfills, manure, sludge from wastewater treatment, agricultural waste), biodiesel in the EU is mostly produced from rapeseed or other oil crops that are used as food, which raises the ā€˜food or fuelā€™ concerns. To mitigate this problem, considerable efforts have been made to use non-food feedstock for biodiesel production. These include all kinds of waste oils and fats, but recently more attention has been devoted to production of microbial oils by cultivation of microorganisms that are able to accumulate high amounts of lipids in their biomass. Promising candidates for microbial lipid production can be found among different strains of filamentous fungi, yeast, bacteria and microalgae. Feedstocks of interest are agricultural waste rich in carbohydrates as well as different lignocellulosic raw materials where some technical issues have to be resolved. In this work, recovery and purification of biodiesel and biogas are also considered

    Bioethanol Production from Renewable Raw Materials and Its Separation and Purification: A Review

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    Proizvodnja biogoriva iz obnovljivih sirovina privukla je pažnju znanstvenika jer može poslužiti za opskrbu energijom i alternativnim gorivima. Bioetanol je jedno od najzanimljivijih biogoriva zbog njegovog pozitivnog utjecaja na okoliÅ”. NajčeŔće se proizvodi iz sirovina koje sadržavaju Å”ećer i Å”krob. Međutim, razni izvori lignocelulozne biomase, kao Å”to su poljoprivredni i Å”umski ostaci te zeljasti energetski usjevi, također mogu poslužiti kao sirovine za proizvodnju bioetanola, energije, topline i kemikalija s dodanom vrijednoŔću. Lignoceluloza je složena mjeÅ”avina ugljikohidrata, koju treba učinkovito prethodno obraditi da bi se oslobodili biotransformacijski putevi u kojima enzimi proizvode fermentabilne Å”ećere Å”to nakon hidrolize fermentiraju u etanol. Unatoč tehničkim i ekonomskim poteÅ”koćama, obnovljive lignocelulozne sirovine imaju nisku cijenu te ne utječu na hranu i prehrambeni lanac, čime potiču održivost. Za proizvodnju bioetanola iz obnovljivih sirovina razvijeni su različiti načini rada bioprocesora. Osim toga, intenzivno se razvijaju i alternativni postupci odvajanja i pročiŔćavanja bioetanola. Ovaj rad daje pregled novih trendova u proizvodnji bioetanola iz različitih obnovljivih sirovina, te postupaka njegovog odvajanja i pročiŔćavanja.Production of biofuels from renewable feedstocks has captured considerable scientific attention since they could be used to supply energy and alternative fuels. Bioethanol is one of the most interesting biofuels due to its positive impact on the environment. Currently, it is mostly produced from sugar- and starch-containing raw materials. However, various available types of lignocellulosic biomass such as agricultural and forestry residues, and herbaceous energy crops could serve as feedstocks for the production of bioethanol, energy, heat and value-added chemicals. Lignocellulose is a complex mixture of carbohydrates that needs an efficient pretreatment to make accessible pathways to enzymes for the production of fermentable sugars, which after hydrolysis are fermented into ethanol. Despite technical and economic difficulties, renewable lignocellulosic raw materials represent low-cost feedstocks that do not compete with the food and feed chain, thereby stimulating the sustainability. Different bioprocess operational modes were developed for bioethanol production from renewable raw materials. Furthermore, alternative bioethanol separation and purification processes have also been intensively developed. This paper deals with recent trends in the bioethanol production as a fuel from different renewable raw materials as well as with its separation and purification processes

    Pregled sustava proizvodnje i tehnologija obogaćivanja bioplina

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    The underutilized biomass and different organic waste streams are nowadays in the focus of research for renewable energy production due to the effusive use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emission. In addition, one of the major environmental problems is also a constant increase of the number of organic waste streams. In a lot of countries, sustainable waste management, including waste prevention and reduction, has become a priority as a means to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emission. Application of biogas technology is one of the promising methods to provide solutions for both actual energy-related and environmental problems. This review aims to present conventional and novel biogas production systems, as well as purification and upgrading technologies, nowadays applicable on a large scale, with a special focus on the CO2 and H2S removal. It also gives an overview of feedstock and the parameters important for biogas production, together with digestate utilization and application of molecular biology in order to improve the biogas production.Nedovoljno iskoriÅ”tena biomasa i različiti tokovi organskog otpada su u danaÅ”nje vrijeme u fokusu istraživanja proizvodnje obnovljive energije, zbog raÅ”irene upotrebe fosilnih goriva i emisije stakleničkih plinova. Osim toga, jedan od glavnih ekoloÅ”kih problema je stalno povećanje broja tokova organskog otpada. U mnogim je zemljama održivo gospodarenje otpadom, uključujući prevenciju i smanjenje otpada, postalo prioritet radi smanjenja onečiŔćenja okoliÅ”a i emisije stakleničkih plinova. Primjena tehnologije proizvodnje bioplina jedna je od obećavajućih metoda traženja rjeÅ”enja za aktualne energetske i ekoloÅ”ke probleme. Svrha je ovog preglednog rada bila prikazati konvencionalne i nove sustave za proizvodnju bioplina te tehnologije pročiŔćavanja i obogaćivanja bioplina, koje se danas primjenjuju u velikom mjerilu, s posebnim naglaskom na uklanjanje CO2 i H2S. Ovaj rad također daje pregled sirovina i parametara važnih za proizvodnju bioplina, kao i podataka o koriÅ”tenju digestata i primjeni molekularne biologije za poboljÅ”anje proizvodnje bioplina

    Bioethanol Production from Renewable Raw Materials and Its Separation and Purification: A Review

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    Production of biofuels from renewable feedstocks has captured considerable scientific attention since they could be used to supply energy and alternative fuels. Bioethanol is one of the most interesting biofuels due to its positive impact on the environment. Currently, it is mostly produced from sugar- and starch-containing raw materials. However, various available types of lignocellulosic biomass such as agricultural and forestry residues, and herbaceous energy crops could serve as feedstocks for the production of bioethanol, energy, heat and value-added chemicals. Lignocellulose is a complex mixture of carbohydrates that needs an efficient pretreatment to make accessible pathways to enzymes for the production of fermentable sugars, which after hydrolysis are fermented into ethanol. Despite technical and economic difficulties, renewable lignocellulosic raw materials represent low-cost feedstocks that do not compete with the food and feed chain, thereby stimulating the sustainability. Different bioprocess operational modes were developed for bioethanol production from renewable raw materials. Furthermore, alternative bioethanol separation and purification processes have also been intensively developed. This paper deals with recent trends in the bioethanol production as a fuel from different renewable raw materials as well as with its separation and purification processes

    Recent Trends in Biodiesel and Biogas Production

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    Biodiesel and biogas are two very important sources of renewable energy worldwide, and particularly in the EU countries. While biodiesel is almost exclusively used as transportation fuel, biogas is mostly used for production of electricity and heat. The application of more sophisticated purification techniques in production of pure biomethane from biogas allows its delivery to natural gas grid and its subsequent use as transportation fuel. While biogas is produced mostly from waste materials (landfills, manure, sludge from wastewater treatment, agricultural waste), biodiesel in the EU is mostly produced from rapeseed or other oil crops that are used as food, which raises the ā€˜food or fuelā€™ concerns. To mitigate this problem, considerable efforts have been made to use non-food feedstock for biodiesel production. These include all kinds of waste oils and fats, but recently more attention has been devoted to production of microbial oils by cultivation of microorganisms that are able to accumulate high amounts of lipids in their biomass. Promising candidates for microbial lipid production can be found among different strains of filamentous fungi, yeast, bacteria and microalgae. Feedstocks of interest are agricultural waste rich in carbohydrates as well as different lignocellulosic raw materials where some technical issues have to be resolved. In this work, recovery and purification of biodiesel and biogas are also considered