7 research outputs found

    Of Narratives, Networks and New Spaces: A Baseline Mapping of the African Philanthropy Infrastructure Sector

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    This research reflects a sector that is small, but growing steadily in numbers and diversity of offering. It also shows, not surprisingly, that the sector is mainly aligned with where institutionalised philanthropy is most visible i.e. South Africa. At the same time, however, the growing number of pan-African institutions reveals the commitment to broadening the base, and perhaps an increase of demand. Poor visibility of the sector and the limitations of existing frameworks in reflecting adequately its value, role and impact have been cited as important issues, as is the necessity of developing strong communications strategies to help profile and build awareness of the work

    Africa's Wealthy Give Back: A Perspective on Philanthropic Giving by Wealthy Africans in sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa

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    Over the last few years we have begun to see the emergence of more strategic philanthropy, the growth of formal vehicles for its practice, and the rise of new platforms that reflect African voices. There is also a growing interest to better understand African philanthropy and learn from the experience of African philanthropists so as to achieve greater impact. This research forms part of that effort by providing a pan-African view of a specific group of philanthropists from Africa. It focuses on Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa, countries that are in the spotlight due to their respective positions within their regions, their economic status and their levels of giving by the wealthy. However, individuals from countries such as Uganda, Ghana and the Democratic Republic of the Congo as well as from the African Diaspora also participated in the stud

    The Story Behind the Well: A Case Study of Successful Community Development in Makutano, Kenya

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    What are the key ingredients that are required to make "good development" happen and how can they be fostered? The story behind the well: a case study of successful community development in Makutano, Kenya is a new publication from the GFCF and the Coady International Institute. It tells the story of Makutano, a community in rural Kenya, which over the course of the last fourteen years has transformed itself from a poor, inaccessible and arid "outback" into a thriving hotbed of people-led development

    Philanthropy and social justice in South Africa: addressing underlying causes or mitigating impact?

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    ABSTRACT In this Masters Research Report, I argue that different conceptual frameworks play a central role in influencing whether and why independent funders in South Africa choose to engage in either social justice philanthropy or traditional philanthropy. Based on documentary analysis and in-depth interviews with a sample population of independent funders and experts in the philanthropic field in South Africa, this research first puts forward a different understanding of social justice philanthropy, from a South African perspective. Based on this understanding, the research then reflects that the way in which independent funders conceptualise and operationalize the reasons why they do the work they do and their roles in relation to other development role players are the central elements that influence the nature and scope of the funding approaches, priorities and strategies that they adopt

    Africas Wealthy Give Back

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    Philanthropy is an integral part of the African identity. Philanthropy, or giving, has long been practiced by Africans at individual and community levels, both formally and informally, and at multiple levels of scale

    A review of progress on HIV, AIDS and Tuberculosis.

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    As a United Nations member state, South Africa is signatory to the Millennium Declaration and is committed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and targets for 2015. This chapter provides an overview of the status of South Africa’s response to MDG 6 with a specific focus on the progress made to date with respect to HIV and tuberculosis (TB) – two intertwined epidemics contributing disproportionately to morbidity and premature mortality in South Africa. These epidemics are also closely linked to MDG 4 and 5 outcomes. Any progress made by South Africa to reverse current trends will have substantial implications for the global MDG targets as well as country level outcomes. This chapter will use available evidence to document the status of HIV and TB in South Africa relative to the South African Ministry of Health’s strategy to address these diseases

    Claiming Agency : Reflecting on TrustAfrica's First Decade

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    Claiming Agency. Reflecting on TrustAfrica's First Decade takes an in-depth look at an African-led foundation that set out to do things differently. Founded in 2006, when solutions to Africa's challenges were often developed outside its borders, TrustAfrica sought to practice a kind of philanthropy that both benefits Africans and actively supports their agency. Now, at the ten-year mark, the book asks, what does this kind of philanthropy make a difference? If so, how? What are its unique ways of working? The answers are found in chapters that reflect on how TrustAfrica and its partners advanced a range of issues - from women's rights, small-holder agriculture, and democratic reform in Liberia and Zimbabwe to international criminal justice and illicit financial flows. In a clear-eyed look at money and power, the authors observe that donor funds all too often come with strings that constrict African agency - and recommend ways in which donors from Africa and the global north can foster independent action and strengthen movements for change