25 research outputs found
Microlensing of halo objects in the exterior part of the Galaxy
In the context of this paper, microlenses present as oblate clusters of dark
matter structures called massive astrophysical compact halo object(MACHO) in
the galactic halo are considered. The NFW density profile [1] is derived from
the observational data and works best in the halo region of the exterior part
of the galaxy. Hence this profile is used to plot the potential, deflection
angle, and critical and caustic curves for the aforementioned microlenses using
numerical methods. Moreover, this model is compared with an older density
profile model [2], and the differences in their caustic and critical curves are
pointed out. This leads to the conclusion that the NFW model produces caustic
and critical curves that occupy a smaller region than portrayed by the caustic
and critical curves produced by the older density profile model. However, the
differences are not that significant to these structures act as microlenses as
they are so small and beyond the scope of modern telescopes, and thus only the
light curves can be detected from these structures.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
Odlamanje u sudarima 16O – AgBr na 60 GeV/n, napomene o modelu isparavanja
We present new data on the target fragment model in 16O - AgBr interactions at 60 GeV/n. The data do not favour the evaporation model; instead, they indicate a preferential backward emission of black tracks.Predstavljamo nove podatke o modelu odlamanja u sudarima 16O – AgBr pri 60 GeV/n. Ti podaci nisu u skladu s modelom isparavanja; umjesto toga nalazi se pretežno izbacivanje unatrag čestica koje daju ”crne” tragove
Analiza maksimalnih procijepa pseudorapiditeta u nuklearnim sudarima na par do nekoliko stotina gev
This paper presents new results on the maximum gap (∆max) in the pseudorapidity distribution of charged particles in individual events in 24Mg-AgBr, 16O-AgBr and 32S-AgBr interaction in the energy range 4.5 − 200 AGeV. The location of the ∆max in an event and the experimental ∆max distribution at all energies has been studied in details. It has been observed that Gaussian distribution can describe the experimental data satisfactorily over the entire energy range.Predstavljamo nove ishode mjerenja maksimalnih procijepa (∆_max) u raspodjeli pseudorapiditeta nabijenih čestica u pojedinačnim sudarima 24Mg-AgBr, 16O-AgBr i 32S-AgBr na energijama 4.5−200 AGeV. Podrobno smo odredili položaje (∆_max) za pojedine sudare i proučili njihovu eksperimentalnu raspodjelu na tim energijama. Opažamo da Gaussova raspodjela može dobro opisati eksperimentalne podatke u cijelom području energija
Raspodjele složene višestrukosti u sudarima jezgra-jezgra – proučavanje faznog prijelaza
Experimental data on compound multiplicity distribution produced in 24Mg-AgBr and 12C-AgBr interactions, both at 4.5A GeV, have been analysed in terms of scaled factorial moments. We have calculated the values of generalized dimension Dq for q = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 with the help of intermittency exponent αq. From the knowledge of Dq, the multifractal specific heat is calculated for different multiplicity bin ranges. The parameter λq (λq = (αq + 1)/q) is calculated from αq to look for possible non-thermal phase transition. The analysis reveals no evidence of nonthermal phase transition. Instead, different specific heat in different multiplicity bins has been observed.Analizirali smo eksperimentalne podatke o raspodjelama složene višestrukosti u sudarima 24Mg-AgBr i 12C-AgBr, oba na 4.5A GeV, primjenom prilagodnih faktorijalnih momenata. Izračunali smo vrijednosti poopćene dimenzije Dq za q = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 i 7 pomoću eksponenta prekidanja αq. Te vrijednosti Dq primijenili smo za izračunavanje višefraktalne specifične topline za niz pretinaca. Parametar λq (λq = (αq + 1)/q) smo izračunali na osnovi αq tražeći netermički fazni prijelaz. Analiza nije pokazala prisutnost netermičkog faznog prijelaza, ali smo našli različite specifične topline u pretincima
Lightweight Modules for Efficient Deep Learning based Image Restoration
Low level image restoration is an integral component of modern artificial
intelligence (AI) driven camera pipelines. Most of these frameworks are based
on deep neural networks which present a massive computational overhead on
resource constrained platform like a mobile phone. In this paper, we propose
several lightweight low-level modules which can be used to create a
computationally low cost variant of a given baseline model. Recent works for
efficient neural networks design have mainly focused on classification.
However, low-level image processing falls under the image-to-image' translation
genre which requires some additional computational modules not present in
classification. This paper seeks to bridge this gap by designing generic
efficient modules which can replace essential components used in contemporary
deep learning based image restoration networks. We also present and analyse our
results highlighting the drawbacks of applying depthwise separable
convolutional kernel (a popular method for efficient classification network)
for sub-pixel convolution based upsampling (a popular upsampling strategy for
low-level vision applications). This shows that concepts from domain of
classification cannot always be seamlessly integrated into image-to-image
translation tasks. We extensively validate our findings on three popular tasks
of image inpainting, denoising and super-resolution. Our results show that
proposed networks consistently output visually similar reconstructions compared
to full capacity baselines with significant reduction of parameters, memory
footprint and execution speeds on contemporary mobile devices.Comment: Accepted at: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video
Technology (Early Access Print) | |Codes Available at:
https://github.com/avisekiit/TCSVT-LightWeight-CNNs | Supplementary Document
Razbijanje jezgri u sudarima s mionima na (420 ± 45) GeV – jaka dvočestična azimutalna korelacija
We present new data on target fragmentation in muon-nucleus interactions at (420 ± 45) GeV. A two-dimensional emission-angle -– azimuthal-angle plot of target fragments does not indicate preferential emission of target fragments. We also present an investigation on the two-particle short-range angular correlation among the target fragments in azimuthal-angle space. The experimental data have been compared with MC simulated events to extract dynamical correlation. The data exhibit strong two-particle correlation among target fragments in azimuthal space.Predstavljamo nove podatke o razbijanju meta u sudarima miona s jezgrama na (420 ± 45) GeV. Dvodimenzijski prikaz kut emisije – azimutalni kut ne pokazuje povezanost u emisiji krhotina mete. Predstavljamo također analize dvočestičnih kutnih korelacija kratkog dosega u azimutalnom smjeru. Usporedili smo podatke s Monte Carlo računima radi izvođenja dinamičkih korelacija. Podaci pokazuju jaku dvočestičnu korelaciju među krhotinama mete u azimutalnom smjeru