316 research outputs found

    On the complexity of Hamel bases of infinite dimensional Banach spaces

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    We call a subset S of a topological vector space V linearly Borel, if for every finite number n, the set of all linear combinations of S of length n is a Borel subset of V. It will be shown that a Hamel base of an infinite dimensional Banach space can never be linearly Borel. This answers a question of Anatolij Plichko

    Ramseyan ultrafilters

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    We investigate families of partitions of omega which are related to special coideals, so-called happy families, and give a dual form of Ramsey ultrafilters in terms of partitions. The combinatorial properties of these partition-ultrafilters, which we call Ramseyan ultrafilters, are similar to those of Ramsey ultrafilters. For example it will be shown that dual Mathias forcing restricted to a Ramseyan ultrafilter has the same features as Mathias forcing restricted to a Ramsey ultrafilter. Further we introduce an ordering on the set of partition-filters and consider the dual form of some cardinal characteristics of the continuum

    Techniques for approaching the dual Ramsey property in the projective hierarchy

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    We define the dualizations of objects and concepts which are essential for investigating the Ramsey property in the first levels of the projective hierarchy, prove a forcing equivalence theorem for dual Mathias forcing and dual Laver forcing, and show that the Harrington-Kechris techniques for proving the Ramsey property from determinacy work in the dualized case as well

    Ultrafilter spaces on the semilattice of partitions

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    The Stone-Cech compactification of the natural numbers bN, or equivalently, the space of ultrafilters on the subsets of omega, is a well-studied space with interesting properties. If one replaces the subsets of omega by partitions of omega, one can define corresponding, non-homeomorphic spaces of partition ultrafilters. It will be shown that these spaces still have some of the nice properties of bN, even though none is homeomorphic to bN. Further, in a particular space, the minimal height of a tree pi-base and P-points are investigated

    Relations between some cardinals in the absence of the Axiom of Choice

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    If we assume the axiom of choice, then every two cardinal numbers are comparable. In the absence of the axiom of choice, this is no longer so. For a few cardinalities related to an arbitrary infinite set, we will give all the possible relationships between them, where possible means that the relationship is consistent with the axioms of set theory. Further we investigate the relationships between some other cardinal numbers in specific permutation models and give some results provable without using the axiom of choice
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