402 research outputs found

    Investigation of mechanism of soil deformation at berth 7 & 8 pelabuhan tanjung pelepas

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    This research is done to study the dcfiormation mechanism that lead to the depression of the back of wharf pavement structures


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    The problem faced by Kanrerong Karebosi Street Vendors (PKL) is the underdevelopment of partner businesses causedby the lack of access to marketing results of business results and the lack of access to information to get business capital,the quality of business types. Besides the limitations in establishing cooperation/partnerships with banks, governmentinstitutions and other business groups. Therefore the solution that needs to be done is to provide assistance (capacitybuilding) to street vendors as partners in the form of improving marketing knowledge and business management as wellas competency in using Information Technology (IT) applications in building partnerships with banks, entrepreneurs andrelated government institutions. The output of this activity is the existence of national journals, proceedings and theexistence of guidelines for developing business partners and the availability of partnership application informationsystems. The planned activities that will be carried out are: 1) providing assistance to street vendors in terms ofmarketing, financial management, cooking methods, and 2) technical guidance of IT applications in developingpartnerships

    The Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers under Fiqh Siyasah Dusturiyah

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    The position of migrant workers is often seen as a weak party. To some extent, such migrant workers are regarded as similar to slaves. In Indonesia, the government has to protect all citizens, including those abroad who have the status of migrant workers. Migrant Workers’ Protection Law 18/2017 was issued to protect citizens as migrant workers. However, several migrant workers remained legally unprotected abroad. This study used the normative approach that aimed to discuss the protection of Indonesian migrant workers from two-fold, juridical and fiqh siyasah dusturiyah perspectives. While the government protected migrant workers by issuing Law 18/2017, it has more specifically provided directions and objectives to protect migrant workers. This Law ensures human rights for migrant workers despite legal, economic, and social protection for them and their families. Then, the protection of migrant workers from fiqh siyasah dusturiyah should be under the four principles of the workforce in Islam: human independence, human dignity, justice, and the clarity of the contract and wage transaction. KEYWORDS: Indonesian Migrant Workers, Right to Work, Islamic Law

    Production of transgenic fish for improvement of culture stock

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    Review of the Process of Producing the Motion of the Youth MPs Conference through Creative Thinking Skills

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    Creative thinking skills are the main foundation that needs to be applied among Youth MPs. These thinking skills will help APBM formulate the proposals for debate before being appointed as a youth development policy. In accordance with PBM which serves as a medium for youth leaders to get involved in the process of forming youth development policy. This study uses an in-depth interview method involving 9 informants representing 9 PBM Committees. APBM's creative thinking skills process consists of nine themes namely; knowledge, understanding issues, framework building, information gathering, spirituality, information enlightenment, understanding/clarity of issues, production of proposals, and review of motions. As a result, APBM is able to formulate proposals to be debated in the PBM conference

    Natural Ventilation Performance of Kedah Vernacular House

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    As processed energy becoming more expensive, people have started to look for natural sources for option to provide their needs and comfort. Natural ventilation is one of the passive approaches that have recently become one of the important approaches in building design. However, architecturally, this approach is not considered new as a lot of previous buildings before industry era are totally depending on natural sources to ventilate their indoor spaces. Therefore this study was done to look into how these architectural details in Malay vernacular houses may affect the air movement performance around them. Two case studies of vernacular houses were chosen with design elements identified as natural ventilation attributes. Several points were identified inside and outside of the house where the wind speed of their surrounding were taken hourly in daytime for three days. The data were than compared to the building elements of the spaces. Both houses shows how building orientation and position of ventilation openings play the major role in determine the indoor air movement performance. However due to having other unintentionally openings such as gaps on roof design and gaps in flooring construction installation may also allow air flow to sip into the building despite of not having proper opening facing the cross ventilation. Besides that, by having openings at high level at the high roof may also encourage natural air flow via stack effect ventilation. Wide and full height window design may also become one of the most significant element to allow ventilation as proven in this research


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan berawal dari adanya masalah, dimana minat pengguna jasa layanan bea dan cukai masih belum optimal, bahkan dapat dikatakan masih minimal. Hal ini mengingat selain tidak semua orang memerlukan jasa layanan tersebut, juga sarana dan prasarana yang masih belum memadai sehingga membuat masyarakat enggan untuk menggunakan jasa pelayanan kantor tersebut. Sarana dan prasarana pelayanan yang ada di Kantor Bea dan Cukai Tasikmalaya, masih belum optimal. Dengan demikian maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis sarana dan prasarana pelayanan pada Kantor Bea dan Cukai Tasikmalaya, minat pengguna jasa pada Kantor Bea dan Cukai Tasikmalaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa berdasarkan tanggapan responden terhadap sarana dan prasarana cenderung tinggi dan juga tanggapan responden terhadap minat pengguna jasa juga cenderung tinggi. Dengan demikian maka tanggapan kedua variabel tersebut cenderung tinggi. Sementara itu hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa dampak sarana dan prasarana terhadap minat pengguna jasa termasuk kategori cukup kuat. Artinya sarana dan prasarana pelayanan memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap minat pengguna jasa. Jika sarana dan prasarana memadai, maka minat pengguna jasa akan meningkat

    A Study on Plant Selection for Green Building Design

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    Previous researches show that incorporating natural elements in design has proven a significant result in balancing building indoor environment. Using plant as part of the design has been widely accepted to contribute good thermal impact as shown in bioclimatic design, green roofing system and living wall elements. As there are so many species of plants for selection, this research was carried out to analyze types of indoor plants that have the potential to contribute thermal comfort to their surrounding. Based on the fact that plant leaves are the part where transpiration and guttation take place, plants are categorized into seven types based on their leaves architecture. They were then tested on their impact on surrounding temperature and humidity. Result shows that Linear, Lanceolate and Oblong shaped leaves categories are good in lowering the relative humidity while the categories that are good in lowering the temperature are Linear, Lanceolate, Cordate and Oblong shaped leaves categories. The study was carried out through series of relative humidity and air temperature monitoring of several room casings that consist with the plants. Both relative humidity and air temperature of the rooms with plants were recorded lower compared with the one without plant. Different categories of plants do give good result in relative humidity and air temperature. Thus, with a good combination of plant installation inside or onto building, it may contribute towards providing a good thermal comfort to the occupants

    Natural Ventilation Performance of Kedah Vernacular House

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    As processed energy becoming more expensive, people have started to look for natural sources for option to provide their needs and comfort. Natural ventilation is one of the passive approaches that have recently become one of the important approaches in building design. However, architecturally, this approach is not considered new as a lot of previous buildings before industry era are totally depending on natural sources to ventilate their indoor spaces. Therefore this study was done to look into how these architectural details in Malay vernacular houses may affect the air movement performance around them. Two case studies of vernacular houses were chosen with design elements identified as natural ventilation attributes. Several points were identified inside and outside of the house where the wind speed of their surrounding were taken hourly in daytime for three days. The data were than compared to the building elements of the spaces. Both houses shows how building orientation and position of ventilation openings play the major role in determine the indoor air movement performance. However due to having other unintentionally openings such as gaps on roof design and gaps in flooring construction installation may also allow air flow to sip into the building despite of not having proper opening facing the cross ventilation. Besides that, by having openings at high level at the high roof may also encourage natural air flow via stack effect ventilation. Wide and full height window design may also become one of the most significant element to allow ventilation as proven in this research