13 research outputs found

    Potencja艂 hydroenergetyczny dolnej Wis艂y

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    This paper presents an estimate analysis of the hydropower potential of the lower Vistula River from Warsaw to Gda艅sk Bay. The calculations were made for a hydraulic model of the lower Vistula which takes into account potential development of barrages in a cascade system. Results obtained from the model simulations and from hydrological calculations were used to estimate the power of hydropower plants and the average annual energy output from the entire cascade system. The results of calculations indicate significant energy benefits resulting from the development of a cascade of hydropower plants in the lower Vistula. This study does not discuss the cascade project鈥檚 economic viability or other aspects of its development (inland waterways, flood control, etc.).W artykule przedstawiono szacunkow膮 analiz臋 potencja艂u hydroenergetycznego dolnej Wis艂y na odcinku od Warszawy do Zatoki Gda艅skiej. Obliczenia wykonano, przyjmuj膮c model hydrauliczny dolnej Wis艂y, w kt贸rym uwzgl臋dniono potencjaln膮 zabudow臋 stopniami wodnymi pracuj膮cymi w uk艂adzie kaskady zwartej. Uzyskane wyniki symulacji z modelu wraz z przeprowadzonymi obliczeniami hydrologicznymi pos艂u偶y艂y do oszacowania mocy elektrowni wodnych oraz 艣redniej rocznej produkcji energii ca艂ego uk艂adu kaskady. Otrzymane wyniki oblicze艅 wskazuj膮 na znacz膮ce korzy艣ci energetyczne wynikaj膮ce z budowy kaskady elektrowni wodnych na dolnej Wi艣le. W pracy nie podj臋to ekonomicznej kwestii op艂acalno艣ci wykonania analizowanej kaskady, jak r贸wnie偶 innych aspekt贸w istnienia kaskady (偶egluga 艣r贸dl膮dowa, ochrona przeciwpowodziowa i inne)

    Ceramics from the Firehole Basin Site and Firehole Phase in the Wyoming Basin

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    The Firehole Basin site (48SW1217), excavated in 1976 and 1977, is the type site for the Firehole phase proposed by Metcalf for the Wyoming Basin of central and western Wyoming. Given the dearth of excavated sites for the period from 700-300 B.P, and dated ceramics in Wyoming Basin in general, the Firehole Basin assemblage is an important indicator of material culture in this time period, but the artifacts have never been analyzed or reported in detail. Most researchers have characterized the Firehole Basin ceramics as Intermountain ware, but the ceramics have few affinities with this type, and this label should not be applied. Likewise, the Firehole Basin ceramics do not fit the definition of Boars Tusk Gray ware, a proposed southwest Wyoming type. The closest stylistic and technological affinities may be with Uncompahgre Brown ware or the recently proposed Waltman Brown ware