41 research outputs found

    Uusi yliopisto ja tieteellisen julkaisemisen mieli

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    Tieteellinen julkaisukäytäntö on saanut nykymuotonsa vähin erin, vuosisatojen kuluessa. Tällä haavaa voisi sanoa, että tiedeyhteisön tuottaman tutkimuksen tuloksilla on todellista arvoa vasta, kun tulokset ovat päätyneet muiden tutkijoiden tietoon ja arvioitaviksi

    Perusteos ohjaus- ja neuvontatyöstä

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    Tieteen luovuuden vaiko joron jäljillä?

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    Kari Enqvist esitti Tieteessä tapahtuu -lehdessä (3/2003) arvion kirjastani Luova prosessi tieteessä. Enqvistin kritiikki oli monipuolinen ja paneutuva. Koska arviossa kuitenkin saivat melko näkyvästi painoa fysiikan ”tahrat”, koetan seuraavassa a) palauttaa asioita mit ta suhteisiinsa b) selventää pyrkimyksiäni

    Why Did They Leave School? A Self Determination Theory Perspective into Narratives of Finnish Early School Leavers

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    The present study aims to provide insights into the experiences of early school leavers within the Finnish context. We conducted a narrative inquiry among eleven early school leavers who were in prison when they were interviewed. Self Determination Theory (SDT), more specifically the concept of frustration of the three basic psychological needs of competence, relatedness and autonomy, and the tendency of people to move towards more supporting environments, was used as an interpretative tool, along with contextual information. We identified three pathways out of school, differing in the locus of need thwarting circumstances and the availability of access to transfer into a more satisfying environment. Furthermore, the experienced threat of safety was a shared element in the narrative accounts. Additionally, the findings add information about experienced indifference in the case of the participants, which is a new element in theorising the continuum of perceived need satisfaction within the terms of SDT

    Inkluusioideologian ja koulutuspolitiikan jännitteitä 2000-luvun suomalaisessa peruskoulussa

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    This article examines the discrepancy between the ideology of inclusive education and the national education policy in the Finnish comprehensive school education. The study covers twenty years and is based on observations indicating that the change towards inclusive education ideals in comprehensive school education has been slow. This has been the case, even though in principle the Finland has committed to many international statements that promote inclusion ideology. The data consists primarily of statistics indicating the number of students in special education, and national and international research on the subject. The data confirmed our assumption, but it also gave support for the view that statistics are not only challenging but they are also capable of distorting reality. While examining the changes in student quantities over the last twenty years, we came to the conclusion that the fluctuation does not result from any real growth in student numbers. Changes in statistical methods, terminology used in the field, norms, education systems or even social phenomena can also cause distortion.Artikkelissa tarkastellaan inklusiivisen kasvatuksen ideologian ja kansallisen koulutuspolitiikan välistä ristiriitaa suomalaisessa peruskoulukasvatuksessa. Tarkastelun aikaperspektiivi on kaksi vuosikymmentä ja sen takaraja on vuosituhannen vaihde. Artikkelin taustalla ovat havainnot, joiden mukaan inklusiivisen kasvatuksen ihanteiden mukainen koulun muutos on Suomessa toteutunut varsin hitaasti, vaikka suomalainen koulutuspolitiikka on periaatteellisella tasolla sitoutunut moniin kansainvälisiin julkilausumiin edistääkseen osaltaan inkluusioideologian mukaista koulun kehittämistä

    Poliisikoulutus muuttui korkeakoulututkinnoksi: Opinnäytetyön ohjaaminen ja opinnäyteprosessin tuottamat työelämätaidot tutkinnonuudistuksen alkuvaiheessa

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    Refereed article The job description of the police officer has transformed due to changes in the society and related new expert requirements; this new reality has, additionally, placed demands on the educational system calling for a re-evaluation and a structural change. Consequently, the police degree became a bachelor level degree in 2014 and now includes a 15 credit point thesis. This article aims to review the thesis process through the pilot thesis project that took place between 2011 and 2013, particularly, from a mentoring perspective. The data consists of the involved mentors’ interviews. According to the data, at the eve of the educational reform the police training culture is still typified by a fairly strong hierarchical structure. Among the future challenges identified was the augmentation of student responsibility and self-direction during both the thesis process and the studies on the whole. Furthermore, the teachers’ focus was mostly on the students’ timely progress and the final product, instead of the thesis process which had less emphasis. Although, the teachers acknowledged the potential for the thesis to develop some generic work life skills for example, the pilot project left room for improvement in this regard. In order for the thesis process to truly and significantly promote professional growth, its potential should be better acknowledged. It also requires a more systematic analysis of the process and a change in both the teacher’s role and in the teaching culture.Artikkeli on läpikäynyt referee-menettelyn Yhteiskunnallinen muutos ja sen myötä yhä enemmän asiantuntijatyöksi muuttuva poliisin ammatti ovat edellyttäneet poliisikoulutuksen uudelleen arviointia ja rakenteellista muutosta. Poliisin perustutkinto muuttui ammattikorkeakoulututkinnoksi vuonna 2014. Samalla opintojen osaksi tuli 15 opintopisteen laajuinen opinnäytetyö. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan Poliisiammattikorkeakoulussa 2011–2013 toteutetun opinnäytepilotin kautta poliisin perustutkinnon opinnäyteprosessia ohjaamisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu ohjaajahaastatteluista. tutkimusaineiston perusteella poliisikoulutusta luonnehtii koulutusuudistuksen alkuvaiheessa melko hierarkkinen oppilaitoskulttuuri. Kehittämisen haasteiksi tunnistetaan muiden muassa opiskelijoiden oman vastuullisuuden ja itseohjautuvuuden lisääminen – myös opintojen ohjaamisen osalta. Opinnäytepilotissa ohjauksen painopiste oli prosessin ohjaamisen sijaan produktissa (so. valmiissa opinnäytteessä) ja opiskelijan edistymisen kontrollissa. Vaikka ohjaajat tunnistivat opinnäyteprosessin mahdollisuudet kehittää mm. tulevaisuuden yleisiä työelämätaitoja, pilottikokeilu jätti tämän tavoitteen osalta vielä toivomisen varaa. Opinnäyteprosessin mahdollisuuksien näkeminen laajemmin nimenomaan poliisin ammatillista kasvua tukevana prosessina näyttää edellyttävän opinnäyteprosessin systemaattisempaa analyysia, mutta osaltaan myös muuttuvan opettajan roolin arviointia ja jopa koulutuskulttuurin muutosta

    Sampling of fluid through skin with magnetohydrodynamics for noninvasive glucose monitoring

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    Out of 463 million people currently with diabetes, 232 million remain undiagnosed. Diabetes is a threat to human health, which could be mitigated via continuous self-monitoring of glucose. In addition to blood, interstitial fluid is considered to be a representative sample for glucose monitoring, which makes it highly attractive for wearable on-body sensing. However, new technologies are needed for efficient and noninvasive sampling of interstitial fluid through the skin. In this report, we introduce the use of Lorentz force and magnetohydrodynamics to noninvasively extract dermal interstitial fluid. Using porcine skin as an ex-vivo model, we demonstrate that the extraction rate of magnetohydrodynamics is superior to that of reverse iontophoresis. This work seeks to provide a safe, effective, and noninvasive sampling method to unlock the potential of wearable sensors in needle-free continuous glucose monitoring devices that can benefit people living with diabetes.Peer reviewe

    Pilot study in human healthy volunteers on the use of magnetohydrodynamics in needle-free continuous glucose monitoring

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    The benefits of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in diabetes management are extensively documented. Yet, the broader adoption of CGM systems is limited by their cost and invasiveness. Current CGM devices, requiring implantation or the use of hypodermic needles, fail to offer a convenient solution. We have demonstrated that magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is effective at extracting dermal interstitial fluid (ISF) containing glucose, without the use of needles. Here we present the first study of ISF sampling with MHD for glucose monitoring in humans. We conducted 10 glucose tolerance tests on 5 healthy volunteers and obtained a significant correlation between the concentration of glucose in ISF samples extracted with MHD and capillary blood glucose samples. Upon calibration and time lag removal, the data indicate a Mean Absolute Relative Difference (MARD) of 12.9% and Precision Absolute Relative Difference of 13.1%. In view of these results, we discuss the potential value and limitations of MHD in needle-free glucose monitoring.Peer reviewe

    Molecular understanding of sulphuric acid-amine particle nucleation in the atmosphere

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    4 pages 359-363 in the print version, additional 7 pages online.Peer reviewe