123 research outputs found

    Perennials and the Group-Theoretical Quantization of a Parametrized Scalar Field on a Curved Background

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    The perennial formalism is applied to the real, massive Klein-Gordon field on a globally-hyperbolic background space-time with compact Cauchy hypersurfaces. The parametrized form of this system is taken over from the accompanying paper. Two different algebras Scan{\cal S}_{\text{can}} and Sloc{\cal S}_{\text{loc}} of elementary perennials are constructed. The elements of Scan{\cal S}_{\text{can}} correspond to the usual creation and annihilation operators for particle modes of the quantum field theory, whereas those of Sloc{\cal S}_{\text{loc}} are the smeared fields. Both are shown to have the structure of a Heisenberg algebra, and the corresponding Heisenberg groups are described. Time evolution is constructed using transversal surfaces and time shifts in the phase space. Important roles are played by the transversal surfaces associated with embeddings of the Cauchy hypersurface in the space-time, and by the time shifts that are generated by space-time isometries. The automorphisms of the algebras generated by this particular type of time shift are calculated explicitly.Comment: 31 pages, revte

    Group quantization of parametrized systems II. Pasting Hilbert spaces

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    The method of group quantization described in the preceeding paper I is extended so that it becomes applicable to some parametrized systems that do not admit a global transversal surface. A simple completely solvable toy system is studied that admits a pair of maximal transversal surfaces intersecting all orbits. The corresponding two quantum mechanics are constructed. The similarity of the canonical group actions in the classical phase spaces on the one hand and in the quantum Hilbert spaces on the other hand suggests how the two Hilbert spaces are to be pasted together. The resulting quantum theory is checked to be equivalent to that constructed directly by means of Dirac's operator constraint method. The complete system of partial Hamiltonians for any of the two transversal surfaces is chosen and the quantum Schr\"{o}dinger or Heisenberg pictures of time evolution are constructed.Comment: 35 pages, latex, no figure

    Relation between the guessed and the derived super-Hamiltonians for spherically symmetric shells

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    The Hamiltonian dynamics of spherically symmetric massive thin shells in the general relativity is studied. Two different constraint dynamical systems representing this dynamics have been described recently; the relation of these two systems is investigated. The symmetry groups of both systems are found. New variables are used, which among other things simplify the complicated system a great deal. The systems are reduced to presymplectic manifolds Gamma_1 and Gamma_2, lest non-physical aspects like gauge fixings or embeddings in extended phase spaces complicate the line of reasoning. The following facts are shown. Gamma_1 is three- and Gamma_2 is five-dimensional; the description of the shell dynamics by Gamma_1 is incomplete so that some measurable properties of the shell cannot be predicted. Gamma_1 is locally equivalent to a subsystem of Gamma_2 and the corresponding local morphisms are not unique, due to the large symmetry group of Gamma_2. Some consequences for the recent extensions of the quantum shell dynamics through the singularity are discussed.Comment: The discussion of the results of the paper has been extended in accord with the proposals of a referee. Revtex, 47 pages, no figure

    Coordinates with Non-Singular Curvature for a Time Dependent Black Hole Horizon

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    A naive introduction of a dependency of the mass of a black hole on the Schwarzschild time coordinate results in singular behavior of curvature invariants at the horizon, violating expectations from complementarity. If instead a temporal dependence is introduced in terms of a coordinate akin to the river time representation, the Ricci scalar is nowhere singular away from the origin. It is found that for a shrinking mass scale due to evaporation, the null radial geodesics that generate the horizon are slightly displaced from the coordinate singularity. In addition, a changing horizon scale significantly alters the form of the coordinate singularity in diagonal (orthogonal) metric coordinates representing the space-time. A Penrose diagram describing the growth and evaporation of an example black hole is constructed to examine the evolution of the coordinate singularity.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, additional citation
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