3 research outputs found

    Attack and Anomaly Detection in IoT Networks using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of today's most rapidly growing technologies. It is a technology that allows billions of smart devices or objects known as "Things" to collect different types of data about themselves and their surroundings using various sensors. They may then share it with the authorized parties for various purposes, including controlling and monitoring industrial services or increasing business services or functions. However, the Internet of Things currently faces more security threats than ever before. Machine Learning (ML) has observed a critical technological breakthrough, which has opened several new research avenues to solve current and future IoT challenges. However, Machine Learning is a powerful technology to identify threats and suspected activities in intelligent devices and networks. In this paper, various ML algorithms have been compared in terms of attack detection and anomaly detection, following a thorough literature review on Machine Learning methods and the significance of IoT security in the context of various types of potential attacks. Furthermore, possible ML-based IoT protection technologies have been introduced

    IoT for Smart Environment Monitoring Based on Python: A Review

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    Air pollution, water pollution, and radiation pollution are significant environmental factors that need to be addressed. Proper monitoring is crucial with the goal that by preserving a healthy society, the planet can achieve sustainable development. With advancements in the internet of things (IoT) and the improvement of modern sensors, environmental monitoring has evolved into a smart environment monitoring (SEM) system in recent years. This article aims to have a critical overview of significant contributions and SEM research, which include monitoring the quality of air , water pollution, radiation pollution, and agricultural systems. The review is divided based on the objectives of applying SEM methods, analyzing each objective about the sensors used, machine learning, and classification methods. Moreover, the authors have thoroughly examined how advancements in sensor technology, the Internet of Things, and machine learning methods have made environmental monitoring into a truly smart monitoring system

    A Semantics-Based Clustering Approach for Online Laboratories Using K-Means and HAC Algorithms

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    Due to the availability of a vast amount of unstructured data in various forms (e.g., the web, social networks, etc.), the clustering of text documents has become increasingly important. Traditional clustering algorithms have not been able to solve this problem because the semantic relationships between words could not accurately represent the meaning of the documents. Thus, semantic document clustering has been extensively utilized to enhance the quality of text clustering. This method is called unsupervised learning and it involves grouping documents based on their meaning, not on common keywords. This paper introduces a new method that groups documents from online laboratory repositories based on the semantic similarity approach. In this work, the dataset is collected first by crawling the short real-time descriptions of the online laboratories’ repositories from the Web. A vector space is created using frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) and clustering is done using the K-Means and Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) algorithms with different linkages. Three scenarios are considered: without preprocessing (WoPP); preprocessing with steaming (PPwS); and preprocessing without steaming (PPWoS). Several metrics have been used for evaluating experiments: Silhouette average, purity, V-measure, F1-measure, accuracy score, homogeneity score, completeness and NMI score (consisting of five datasets: online labs, 20 NewsGroups, Txt_sentoken, NLTK_Brown and NLTK_Reuters). Finally, by creating an interactive webpage, the results of the proposed work are contrasted and visualized