4 research outputs found

    The Relationship of the Stock Market Prices on Exchange Rate and Market Capitalisation: the Case Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange in Tanzania

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    This paper investigated the relationship between the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange All Shares Index (DSEI), Exchange rate (EX) and Market capitalisation (MC) using monthly data from July 2009 to December 2013 obtained from quarterly Updates and website of Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange. The regression and correlation techniques were used to establish the relationship. The dependent variable was the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange All Shares Index while Exchange rate and Market capitalisation, were independent variables of regression. The results show that the Exchange rate and the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange All Shares Index have positive regression coefficient, Market capitalisation and Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange All Shares Index also have positive regression coefficient. Also these three variables were found to have positive correlation coefficients. From these results obtained, we suggested that there is strong positive linear relationship between Market capitalisation and Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange All Shares Index, and moderate positive relationship between Exchange rate and the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange All Shares Index. Keywords: Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange, Market capitalisation, exchange rate, relationship, regressio

    Effects of Foreign Banks Presence on Emerging Economies: Evidence from Tanzania

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    Foreign banks presence has increased rapidly since 1990 where emerging economies lifted restrictions in their financial systems. Currently the ownership of foreign banks in many developing countries is more than 50%. Academically the positive effects of foreign banks participation are widely accepted in these emerging markets. However unlike studies of foreign investment in real sectors, little has been done to understand the negative effects from foreign banks to domestic banks and society in general. The importance of such understanding is crucial, especially after the break out of the global financial crisis and pandemic Covid 19 which raises certain concerns regarding the market – driven model of these emerging markets. The paper highlights this trend and survey the existing literature in order to explore the effects of foreign banks presence in emerging economies paying particular attention to Tanzania banking sector. It has been observed that; Competition and efficiency, stability and access to credits are among the effects that have been influenced by foreign banks participation. The descriptive results also revealed that foreign banks perform better in term of ROA and ROE than domestic banks in Tanzania during 2017 – 2021, but the performance of foreign banks is unstable and risky as compared to domestic banks. Keywords: Foreign banks presence, Domestic banks, Emerging Economies, Return on Asset, Return on Equity. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/14-12-04 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Do Investment and export affect Economic Growth? A case of Zanzibar

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    This paper investigated the effect of investment and exports on economic growth in Zanzibar. The study used secondary data obtained Zanzibar statistical abstracts downloaded from website of the Office of Chief Government Statistician and other resources from different websites, the data covered the period from 2006 to 2020.The data was tested for unit root, cointegration and causality and was found to stationary at the first deference, variables have long run relationship and no bidirectional granger causality running from investment and export to economic. The regression revealed that investment and export have positive and significant effect on economic growth, hence investments and exports have a strong positive relationship with economic growth, the study suggested that the increase in both investments and exports would lead to an increase in economic growth, the regression was also tested for diagnostic and stability tests the results revealed that the there is no serial correlation and the data was normally distributed. Keywords: investment, exports, economic growth, regression, Zanzibar DOI: 10.7176/JESD/15-3-01 Publication date: February 28th 202

    Does Export and Import Can Accelerates the Economic Growth? The Evidence e from Tanzania Using Time Series Analysis

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    This paper was undertaken so as to investigate the link between Tanzania’s export and import on economic growth and highlight ways and potential sectors to increase Tanzania i’s export  and reduce imports.  This aim of this paper titled “Does Export and Import can accelerates the economic growth?:   The evidence e from Tanzania using Time series . Analysis was examined if the both export and import can accelerate the economic development of Tanzania.Regression analysis on data collected for Tanzania from 2002-2021.  Regression tool and Granger tools were employed to analyze the data. Unit root test, cointergration test, Diagnostic test and stability test were also used to assess the validity of the model. The result revealed that shows that there was positive relationship between exports and economic growth. This meant that the export is statistically (181%) have positive relationship with economic growth. This means have direct relation with economic growth in Tanzania. Other variables LNIM and LNOF were not statistically significant to influence the economic growth in Tanzania at the 95% confidence level This means that decrease in LNIM will lead to a decrease in economic growth, Thus, when exports increase, economic growth also increases. Then paper also advocated that the country should encourage other Potential sectors to boost Tanzania’s exports are Mining, Tourism, Industry and Agriculture The government should restrict imports through import tariffs and embargoes and provide subsidies and tax incentives to potential export sectors to mobilize domestic production and increase exports. Keywords: Export, Import, Unit Root, Regression, Economic growth, Tanzania. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/14-12-06 Publication date:June 30th 202