12 research outputs found

    High-dimensional FGM-ResNet modelling of turbulent spray combustion: Effects of evaporation non-adiabacity and scalar correlation

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    In the stratified or partially premixed piloted jet flames, previous experimental and priori studies have identified a strong correlation between mixture fraction and progress variable. In the framework of large-eddy simulation (LES) and flamelet-generated manifolds (FGM) approach, a joint probability density function (PDF) method is constructed to characterize subgrid correlations. To pave the way for high dimensional tabulation modeling, a deep residual network (ResNet) is trained, dramatically reducing the memory footprint of tabulation. The Message Passing Interface (MPI) shared memory technique is applied to load the original chemical table during parallel computations. Application of LES to a partially pre-vaporized ethanol spray flame demonstrates good agreement with experimental results. Consideration of the subgrid correlation results in a noticeable improvement in temperature prediction. Calculations using ResNet show a notable consistency with those using chemical tables. Visualization of enthalpy highlights the significance of non-adiabatic tabulation in modeling liquid fuel combustion. The unscaled progress variable is selected to better describe the chemical reaction rate in the blending zone of an air stream and a pilot stream with the product of a fully burnt lean fuel mixture. The impact of the source term due to evaporation in the transport equation of the progress variable is validated. The correlation coefficient is found to significantly influence the chemical reaction rate. The subgrid-scale interaction between liquid fuel evaporation and subgrid correlation is elucidated