190 research outputs found

    Renormalization and asymptotic expansion of Dirac's polarized vacuum

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    We perform rigorously the charge renormalization of the so-called reduced Bogoliubov-Dirac-Fock (rBDF) model. This nonlinear theory, based on the Dirac operator, describes atoms and molecules while taking into account vacuum polarization effects. We consider the total physical density including both the external density of a nucleus and the self-consistent polarization of the Dirac sea, but no `real' electron. We show that it admits an asymptotic expansion to any order in powers of the physical coupling constant \alphaph, provided that the ultraviolet cut-off behaves as \Lambda\sim e^{3\pi(1-Z_3)/2\alphaph}\gg1. The renormalization parameter $

    A new approach to the modelling of local defects in crystals: the reduced Hartree-Fock case

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    This article is concerned with the derivation and the mathematical study of a new mean-field model for the description of interacting electrons in crystals with local defects. We work with a reduced Hartree-Fock model, obtained from the usual Hartree-Fock model by neglecting the exchange term. First, we recall the definition of the self-consistent Fermi sea of the perfect crystal, which is obtained as a minimizer of some periodic problem, as was shown by Catto, Le Bris and Lions. We also prove some of its properties which were not mentioned before. Then, we define and study in details a nonlinear model for the electrons of the crystal in the presence of a defect. We use formal analogies between the Fermi sea of a perturbed crystal and the Dirac sea in Quantum Electrodynamics in the presence of an external electrostatic field. The latter was recently studied by Hainzl, Lewin, S\'er\'e and Solovej, based on ideas from Chaix and Iracane. This enables us to define the ground state of the self-consistent Fermi sea in the presence of a defect. We end the paper by proving that our model is in fact the thermodynamic limit of the so-called supercell model, widely used in numerical simulations.Comment: Final version, to appear in Comm. Math. Phy

    Binding threshold for the Pauli-Fierz operator

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    For the Pauli-Fierz operator with a short range potential we study the binding threshold as a function of the fine structure constant α\alpha and show that it converges to the binding threshold for the Schr\"odinger operator in the small α\alpha limit

    Existence of global-in-time solutions to a generalized Dirac-Fock type evolution equation

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    We consider a generalized Dirac-Fock type evolution equation deduced from no-photon Quantum Electrodynamics, which describes the self-consistent time-evolution of relativistic electrons, the observable ones as well as those filling up the Dirac sea. This equation has been originally introduced by Dirac in 1934 in a simplified form. Since we work in a Hartree-Fock type approximation, the elements describing the physical state of the electrons are infinite rank projectors. Using the Bogoliubov-Dirac-Fock formalism, introduced by Chaix-Iracane ({\it J. Phys. B.}, 22, 3791--3814, 1989), and recently established by Hainzl-Lewin-Sere, we prove the existence of global-in-time solutions of the considered evolution equation.Comment: 12 pages; more explanations added, some final (minor) corrections include

    Non-perturbative embedding of local defects in crystalline materials

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    We present a new variational model for computing the electronic first-order density matrix of a crystalline material in presence of a local defect. A natural way to obtain variational discretizations of this model is to expand the difference Q between the density matrix of the defective crystal and the density matrix of the perfect crystal, in a basis of precomputed maximally localized Wannier functions of the reference perfect crystal. This approach can be used within any semi-empirical or Density Functional Theory framework.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Self-consistent solution for the polarized vacuum in a no-photon QED model

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    We study the Bogoliubov-Dirac-Fock model introduced by Chaix and Iracane ({\it J. Phys. B.}, 22, 3791--3814, 1989) which is a mean-field theory deduced from no-photon QED. The associated functional is bounded from below. In the presence of an external field, a minimizer, if it exists, is interpreted as the polarized vacuum and it solves a self-consistent equation. In a recent paper math-ph/0403005, we proved the convergence of the iterative fixed-point scheme naturally associated with this equation to a global minimizer of the BDF functional, under some restrictive conditions on the external potential, the ultraviolet cut-off Λ\Lambda and the bare fine structure constant α\alpha. In the present work, we improve this result by showing the existence of the minimizer by a variational method, for any cut-off Λ\Lambda and without any constraint on the external field. We also study the behaviour of the minimizer as Λ\Lambda goes to infinity and show that the theory is "nullified" in that limit, as predicted first by Landau: the vacuum totally kills the external potential. Therefore the limit case of an infinite cut-off makes no sense both from a physical and mathematical point of view. Finally, we perform a charge and density renormalization scheme applying simultaneously to all orders of the fine structure constant α\alpha, on a simplified model where the exchange term is neglected.Comment: Final version, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Free Energy of a Dilute Bose Gas: Lower Bound

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    A lower bound is derived on the free energy (per unit volume) of a homogeneous Bose gas at density ρ\rho and temperature TT. In the dilute regime, i.e., when a3ρ1a^3\rho \ll 1, where aa denotes the scattering length of the pair-interaction potential, our bound differs to leading order from the expression for non-interacting particles by the term 4πa(2ρ2[ρρc]+2)4\pi a (2\rho^2 - [\rho-\rho_c]_+^2). Here, ρc(T)\rho_c(T) denotes the critical density for Bose-Einstein condensation (for the non-interacting gas), and []+[ ]_+ denotes the positive part. Our bound is uniform in the temperature up to temperatures of the order of the critical temperature, i.e., Tρ2/3T \sim \rho^{2/3} or smaller. One of the key ingredients in the proof is the use of coherent states to extend the method introduced in [arXiv:math-ph/0601051] for estimating correlations to temperatures below the critical one.Comment: LaTeX2e, 53 page

    A simple method for finite range decomposition of quadratic forms and Gaussian fields

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    We present a simple method to decompose the Green forms corresponding to a large class of interesting symmetric Dirichlet forms into integrals over symmetric positive semi-definite and finite range (properly supported) forms that are smoother than the original Green form. This result gives rise to multiscale decompositions of the associated Gaussian free fields into sums of independent smoother Gaussian fields with spatially localized correlations. Our method makes use of the finite propagation speed of the wave equation and Chebyshev polynomials. It improves several existing results and also gives simpler proofs.Comment: minor correction for t<

    A Minimization Method for Relativistic Electrons in a Mean-Field Approximation of Quantum Electrodynamics

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    We study a mean-field relativistic model which is able to describe both the behavior of finitely many spin-1/2 particles like electrons and of the Dirac sea which is self-consistently polarized in the presence of the real particles. The model is derived from the QED Hamiltonian in Coulomb gauge neglecting the photon field. All our results are non-perturbative and mathematically rigorous.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Ground State and Resonances in the Standard Model of Non-relativistic QED

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    We prove existence of a ground state and resonances in the standard model of the non-relativistic quantum electro-dynamics (QED). To this end we introduce a new canonical transformation of QED Hamiltonians and use the spectral renormalization group technique with a new choice of Banach spaces.Comment: 50 pages change