2 research outputs found
Interdisciplinary European guidelines on surgery of severe obesity
W 2005 roku, dzi臋ki wsp贸lnemu wysi艂kowi g艂贸wnych europejskich
towarzystw naukowych aktywnych na polu leczenia oty艂o艣ci zosta艂
powo艂any zesp贸艂 ekspert贸w nazwany Bariatryczno-Naukow膮
Grup膮 Badawcz膮 (BSCG). Towarzystwami, kt贸re stworzy艂y ten
zesp贸艂 i oddelegowa艂y swoich przedstawicieli do prac w opracowaniu
wytycznych by艂y: Mi臋dzynarodowe Towarzystwo Chirurgicznego
Leczenia Oty艂o艣ci (IFSO), Oddzia艂 Europejski Mi臋dzynarodowego
Towarzystwa Chirurgicznego Leczenia Oty艂o艣ci
(IFSO-EC), Europejskie Towarzystwo Bada艅 nad Oty艂o艣ci膮
(EASO), Europejska Grupa ds. Oty艂o艣ci u Dzieci (ECOG) (razem
z Mi臋dzynarodow膮 Grup膮 Zwalczania Oty艂o艣ci). Bariatryczno-Naukowa
Grupa Badawcza sk艂ada艂a si臋 z w艂adz reprezentuj膮cych
powy偶sze towarzystwa (czterech czynnych przewodnicz膮cych,
dw贸ch by艂ych, jeden honorowy, dw贸ch dyrektor贸w wykonawczych),
a tak偶e najwybitniejszych ekspert贸w w tej dziedzinie. Sk艂ad BSCG pozwoli艂 na ca艂o艣ciowe obj臋cie zagadnienia leczenia
oty艂o艣ci olbrzymiej z uwzgl臋dnieniem r贸偶norodno艣ci geograficznej
i etnicznej Europy. Cz艂onkowie BSCG odbyli wiele spotka艅
po艣wi臋conych stworzeniu wytycznych, kt贸re odzwierciedla艂yby
wsp贸艂czesn膮 wiedz臋 i do艣wiadczenie w zakresie leczenia
oty艂o艣ci olbrzymiej.In 2005, for the first time in European history, an extraordinary expert
panel named BSCG (Bariatric Scientific Collaborative Group),
was appointed through joint effort of the major European scientific
societies which are active in the field of obesity management. Societies
that constituted this panel were: IFSO - International Federation
for the Surgery of Obesity, IFSO-EC - International Federation
for the Surgery of Obesity - European Chapter, EASO - European Association for Study of Obesity, ECOG - European
Childhood Obesity Group, together with the IOTF (International
Obesity Task Force) which was represented during the completion
process by its representative. The BSCG was composed not
only of the top officers representing the respective scientific societies
(four acting presidents, two past presidents, one honorary president,
two executive directors), but was balanced with the presence
of many other key opinion leaders in the field of obesity. The
BSCG composition allowed the coverage of key disciplines in comprehensive
obesity management, as well as reflecting European
geographical and ethnic diversity. This joint BSCG expert panel
convened several meetings which were entirely focused on guidelines
creation, during the past 2 years. There was a specific effort
to develop clinical guidelines, which will reflect current knowledge,
expertise and evidence based data on morbid obesity treatment
Management of obesity in adults: European clinical practice guidelines
Stworzenie jednolitych wytycznych post臋powania w oty艂o艣ci jest
z艂o偶one. Obejmuj膮 one zar贸wno zalecenia diagnostyczne, lecznicze,
jak i dzia艂ania w zakresie prewencji. Wobec wielu publikacji
i r贸偶nic pogl膮d贸w oraz 艣wiadomo艣ci kr贸tkotrwa艂o艣ci efektu odchudzaj膮cego
u poszczeg贸lnych os贸b wielu uwa偶a, 偶e trudno jest
ustali膰 w艂a艣ciwe post臋powanie w oty艂o艣ci. R贸偶norodno艣膰 zasad
post臋powania w kraju oraz pomi臋dzy regionami Europy utrudnia
ustalenie i wprowadzenie standard贸w. W ustalaniu obecnych wytycznych
za podstaw臋 brano wiedz臋 opart膮 na dowodach (EBM), a w razie w膮tpliwo艣ci uzupe艂niano na podstawie do艣wiadczenia
klinicznego i r贸偶norodno艣ci regionalnej oraz uzgodnionego stanowiska
W podsumowaniu stwierdzono, 偶e: 1) lekarz jest odpowiedzialny
za rozpoznanie oty艂o艣ci jako choroby oraz pomoc w odpowiedniej
prewencji i leczeniu; 2) leczenie powinno by膰 oparte na dobrej
praktyce klinicznej i EBM; 3) leczenie oty艂o艣ci powinno wyznacza膰
indywidualne realne cele i do偶ywotnie post臋powanie.The development of consensus guidelines for obesity is complex. It
involves recommending both treatment interventions and interventions
related to screening and prevention. With so many publications
and claims, and with the awareness that success for the individual
is short-lived, many find it difficult to know what action is appropriate
in the management of obesity. Furthermore, the significant
variation in existing service provision both within countries as well
as across the regions of Europe makes a standardised approach,
even if evidence-based, difficult to implement. In formulating these
guidelines, we have attempted to use an evidence based approach
while allowing flexibility for the practicing clinician in domains where
evidence is currently lacking and ensuring that in treatment there
is recognition of clinical judgment and of regional diversity as well
as the necessity of an agreed approach by the individual and family.
We conclude that 1) physicians have a responsibility to recognise
obesity as a disease and help obese patients with appropriate
prevention and treatment, 2) treatment should be based on good
clinical care and evidence- based interventions and 3) obesity treatment
should focus on realistic goals and lifelong management