5 research outputs found

    Structures in the Gauge/Gravity Duality Cascade

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    We study corrections to the anomalous mass dimension and their effects in the Seiberg duality cascade in the Klebanov-Strassler throat, where N=1\mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetric SU(N+M)×SU(N)SU(N+M)\times SU(N) gauge theory with bifundamental chiral superfields and a quartic tree level superpotential in four dimensions is dual to type IIB string theory on AdS5×T1,1AdS_5 \times T^{1,1} background. Analyzing the renormalization group flow of the couplings on the gauge theory side, we propose specific corrections to the anomalous mass dimension. Applying gauge/gravity duality, we then show that the corrections reveal structures on the supergravity side with steps appearing in the running of the fluxes and the metric. The "charges" at the steps provide a gravitational source for Seiberg duality transformations. The finiteness of these corrections suggests that the theory flows to a baryonic branch rather than to a confining branch. The cosmological implication of the duality cascade and the gauge/gravity duality on the brane inflationary scenario and the cosmic microwave background radiation is pointed out.Comment: v3: 40 pages, minor changes and typos fixe

    Comparing Brane Inflation to WMAP

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    We compare the simplest realistic brane inflationary model to recent cosmological data, including WMAP 3-year cosmic microwave background (CMB) results, Sloan Digital Sky Survey luminous red galaxies (SDSS LRG) power spectrum data and Supernovae Legacy Survey (SNLS) Type 1a supernovae distance measures. Here, the inflaton is simply the position of a D3D3-brane which is moving towards a Dˉ3\bar{D}3-brane sitting at the bottom of a throat (a warped, deformed conifold) in the flux compactified bulk in Type IIB string theory. The analysis includes both the usual slow-roll scenario and the Dirac-Born-Infeld scenario of slow but relativistic rolling. Requiring that the throat is inside the bulk greatly restricts the allowed parameter space. We discuss possible scenarios in which large tensor mode and/or non-Gaussianity may emerge. Here, the properties of a large tensor mode deviate from that in the usual slow-roll scenario, providing a possible stringy signature. Overall, within the brane inflationary scenario, the cosmological data is providing information about the properties of the compactification of the extra dimensions.Comment: 45 pages 11 figure

    Duality Cascade in Brane Inflation

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    We show that brane inflation is very sensitive to tiny sharp features in extra dimensions, including those in the potential and in the warp factor. This can show up as observational signatures in the power spectrum and/or non-Gaussianities of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). One general example of such sharp features is a succession of small steps in a warped throat, caused by Seiberg duality cascade using gauge/gravity duality. We study the cosmological observational consequences of these steps in brane inflation. Since the steps come in a series, the prediction of other steps and their properties can be tested by future data and analysis. It is also possible that the steps are too close to be resolved in the power spectrum, in which case they may show up only in the non-Gaussianity of the CMB temperature fluctuations and/or EE polarization. We study two cases. In the slow-roll scenario where steps appear in the inflaton potential, the sensitivity of brane inflation to the height and width of the steps is increased by several orders of magnitude comparing to that in previously studied large field models. In the IR DBI scenario where steps appear in the warp factor, we find that the glitches in the power spectrum caused by these sharp features are generally small or even unobservable, but associated distinctive non-Gaussianity can be large. Together with its large negative running of the power spectrum index, this scenario clearly illustrates how rich and different a brane inflationary scenario can be when compared to generic slow-roll inflation. Such distinctive stringy features may provide a powerful probe of superstring theory.Comment: Corrections in Eq.(5.47), Eq (5.48), Eq(5.49) and Fig

    Generation and Characterization of Large Non-Gaussianities in Single Field Inflation

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    Inflation driven by a single, minimally coupled, slowly rolling field generically yields a negligible primordial non-Gaussianity. We discuss two distinct mechanisms by which a non-trivial potential can generate large non-Gaussianities. Firstly, if the inflaton traverses a feature in the potential, or if the inflationary phase is short enough so that initial transient contributions to the background dynamics have not been erased, modes near horizon-crossing can acquire significant non-Gaussianities. Secondly, potentials with small-scale structure may induce significant non-Gaussianities while the relevant modes are deep inside the horizon. The first case includes the "step" potential we previously analyzed while the second "resonance" case is novel. We derive analytic approximations for the 3-point terms generated by both mechanisms written as products of functions of the three individual momenta, permitting the use of efficient analysis algorithms. Finally, we present a significantly improved approach to regularizing and numerically evaluating the integrals that contribute to the 3-point function.Comment: 29 pp, 8 fig