8 research outputs found

    Prevalence and associated factors of suicide ideation and attempt among adolescent high school students in Dangila Town, Northwest Ethiopia

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    Background. Suicide is a major public health problem and is common among adolescents worldwide. The true extent of the problem in Ethiopia is difficult to ascertain as suicides and suicidal behavior are significantly underreported and understudied. Objective. We assessed the prevalence and factors associated with suicide ideation and suicide attempt among adolescent high school students in Dangila Town, Ethiopia. Methods. This school-based cross-sectional study was conducted from April to May 2015 in Dangila Town. Data were collected from adolescent high school students using pretested, self-administered Amharic-language questionnaire. We conducted bivariable and multivariable logistic regression to identify the independent factors associated with suicide ideation and attempt. Results. A total of 573 of 603 sampled students participated in the study (95% response rate). The mean (±SD) age of the respondents was 17.52 (±0.97) years. The minimum and maximum ages were 15 and 19 years, respectively. The prevalence of suicide ideation and attempt was 22.5% and 16.2%, respectively. School absenteeism [AOR 4.30, 95% CI (2.03, 9.10)] and poor social support [AOR 5.58, 95% CI (2.25, 13.84)] were positively associated with suicide ideation. Poor social support [AOR 4.55, 95% CI (1.40, 14.77)] and being physically hurt [AOR 4.25, 95% CI (1.77, 10.20)] were positively associated with suicide attempt. Unlike previous studies of adolescents in low-income countries, we find no association between gender or alcohol use and suicidal thoughts or attempts. Conclusion. This study revealed that at least one in five of the adolescents in our sample had experienced suicide ideation and one in six had attempted suicide. School absenteeism, poor social support, and experience of violence were identified as independent contributors to suicide ideation and attempt. These findings suggest a need for education policymakers to implement school-based behavioral therapy programs in collaboration with health institutions and programs to provide social support for vulnerable students

    Prevalence and correlates of job loss among schizophrenia outpatients at St. AmanuelMental Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; cross sectional study.

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    BackgroundJob loss in patient with chronic illness like schizophrenia is the most serious public concern in the clinical and socio-economic terms worldwide. Patients with schizophrenia usually have unsatisfactory job termination like quitting or getting fired which results well-established negative outcomes. The complex interplay between one another has made job and mental illness the focus areas. In the developing nations, there is limited study on these areas in spite of higher rates of job loss.ObjectivesThis study aimed to assess the prevalence and correlates of job loss among schizophrenia outpatient units in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.MethodsInstitutional based cross-sectional study was conducted at Saint Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital among schizophrenia outpatient units in Addis Ababa from May to June 2018. A total of 421 study subjects were interviewed using Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and Perceived devaluation and discrimination scale. Out of the total study participants, female populations were slightly higher (50.4%) and the majorities (38.6%) were orthodox religion followers. Study characteristics was summarized using descriptive statistics and bi-variable and multivariable analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Science version 24. Furthermore, those factors at p value ≤ 0.05 were considered as statistically significant.ResultsThe prevalence of job loss among patients with schizophrenia was 37.3%. Factors including unmarried [AOR = 2.42:95% CI (1.28, 4.54)], divorced [AOR = 2.34: 95% CI (1.16, 4.71)], severe positive symptoms [AOR = 2.03: 95% CI (1.15, 3.60)], severe general psychopathology [AOR = 1.76: 95% CI (1.01, 3.08)], and poor level of social and occupational functioning [AOR = 5.05: 95% CI (2.81, 9.09)] were significantly associated with job loss among schizophrenia people.ConclusionThis study suggested that job loss among schizophrenia outpatients was high. There was significant association among people with unmarried, divorced, severe positive symptoms, poor functionality and higher general psychopathology. Therefore, clinical and psychosocial factors were responsible for job loss which warrant further attention and investigation

    Mental, neurologic, and substance use (MNS) disorders among street homeless people in Ethiopia

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    Abstract Background About 25–60% of the homeless population is reported to have some form of mental disorder. To our knowledge, there are no studies aimed at the screening, diagnosis, treatment, care, rehabilitation, and support of homeless people with mental, neurologic, and substance use (MNS) disorders in general in Ethiopia. This is the first study of its kind in Africa which was aimed at screening, diagnosis, care, treatment, rehabilitation, and support of homeless individuals with possible MNS disorder. Methods Community-based survey was conducted from January to March 2015. Homeless people who had overt and observable psychopathology and positive for screening instruments (SRQ20, ASSIST, and PSQ) were involved in the survey and further assessed for possible diagnosis by structured clinical interview for DSM-IV diagnoses and international diagnostic criteria for seizure disorders for possible involvement in care, treatment, rehabilitation services, support, and training. The Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS version 20) was used for data entry, clearance, and analyses. Results A total of 456 homeless people were involved in the survey. Majority of the participants were male (n = 402; 88.16%). Most of the homeless participants had migrated into Addis Ababa from elsewhere in Ethiopia and Eritrea (62.50%). Mental, neurologic, and substance use disorders resulted to be common problems in the study participants (92.11%; n = 420). Most of the participants with mental, neurologic, and substance use disorders (85.29%; n = 354) had psychotic disorders. Most of those with psychosis had schizophrenia (77.40%; n = 274). Almost all of the participants had a history of substance use (93.20%; n = 425) and about one in ten individuals had substance use disorders (10.54%; n = 48). Most of the participants with substance use disorder had comorbid other mental and neurologic disorders (83.33%; n = 40). Conclusion and recommendation Mental, neurologic, and substance use disorders are common (92.11%) among street homeless people in Ethiopia. The development of centers for care, treatment, rehabilitation, and support of homeless people with mental, neurologic, and substance use disorders is warranted. In addition, it is necessary to improve the accessibility of mental health services and promote better integration between mental and primary health care services, as a means to offer a better general care and to possibly prevent homelessness among mentally ill

    Prevalence and correlates of diagnosed and undiagnosed epilepsy and migraine headache among people with severe psychiatric disorders in Ethiopia.

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    BackgroundThere is a paucity of research on the prevalence of diagnosed as well as undiagnosed neurological disorders with episodic manifestations such as epilepsy and migraine headaches in people with severe psychiatric disorders (SPD). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study analyzing and comparing the prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed chronic neurological disorders with episodic manifestations including epilepsy and migraine headache in people with SPD.MethodThis quantitative cross-sectional survey was undertaken among 309 patients with SPD selected by a systematic random sampling technique. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID) was used to confirm SPD among the participants. The International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3) and International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) were used to define migraine headache and epilepsy, respectively]. Risk factors for chronic neurologic disorders were explored by using logistic regression models.ResultIn this study, the prevalence of overall neurological disorders, epilepsy, and migraine headache among people with SPD were found to be 5.2% (95%CI 3.2-8.3), 1.6% (95%CI 0.7-3.9), and 3.9% (95%CI 2.2-6.7), respectively. We found that a considerably higher proportion of people with SPD had undiagnosed overall neurological disorder (87.5%; 14/16), epilepsy (60%; 3/5), as well as migraine headaches (100%; 12/12). On the other hand, in this study, 12.5%, 40%, and 0% of patients with overall neurologic disorder, epilepsy, and migraine headaches respectively were diagnosed by the professionals. Higher disability score (WHODAS score) was associated with increased odds of having neurological disorders compared with the lower WHODAS score [OR = 1.30 (95% CI 1.02-1.66)].ConclusionWhilst the prevalence estimates of neurological disorders with episodic manifestations including epilepsy and migraine headache was high among people with SPD, the vast majority of them remained undiagnosed. The diagnosis rates of those disorders were significantly low, perhaps surprisingly zero for migraine headache. High WHODAS score was associated with increased odds of having neurological disorders. Routine screening and management of epilepsy and migraine headache are imperative among people with SPD