10 research outputs found

    The Bok Globule BHR 160: structure and star formation

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    BHR 160 is a virtually unstudied cometary globule within the Sco OB4 association in Scorpius at a distance of 1600pc. It is part of a system of cometary clouds which face the luminous O star HD155806. BHR 160 is special because it has an intense bright rim. We attempt to derive physical parameters for BHR 160 and to understand its structure and the origin of its peculiar bright rim. BHR 160 was mapped in the 12^{12}CO, 13^{13}CO and C18^{18}O (2-1) and (1-0) and CS (3-2) and (2-1) lines. These data, augmented with stellar photometry derived from the ESO VVV survey, were used to derive the mass and distribution of molecular material in BHR 160 and its surroundings. Archival mid-infrared data from the WISE satellite was used to find IR excess stars in the globule and its neighbourhood. An elongated 1' by 0.6' core lies adjacent to the globule bright rim. 12^{12}CO emission covers the whole globule, but the 13^{13}CO, C18^{18}O and CS emission is more concentrated to the core. The 12^{12}CO line profiles indicate the presence of outflowing material near the core, but the spatial resolution of the mm data is not sufficient for a detailed spatial analysis. The BHR 160 mass estimated from the C18^{18}O mapping is 100±\pm50Msun(d/1.6kpc)2^2 where d is the distance to the globule. Approximately 70 percent of the mass lies in the dense core. The total mass of molecular gas in the direction of BHR 160 is 210±\pm(d/1.6kpc)2^2 Msun when estimated from the more extended VVV NIR photometry. We argue that the bright rim of BHR 160 is produced by a close-by early B-type star, HD 319648, that was likely recently born in the globule. This star is likely to have triggered the formation of a source, IRS 1, that is embedded within the core of the globule and detected only in Ks and by WISE and IRAS.Comment: 19 pages, 24 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Mining the VVV: star formation and embedded clusters

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    The aim of this study is to locate previously unknown stellar clusters from the VISTA variables in the V\'ia L\'actea Survey (VVV) catalogue data. The method, fitting a mixture model of Gaussian densities and background noise using the expectation maximization algorithm to a pre-filtered NIR survey stellar catalogue data, was developed by the authors for the UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey (GPS). The search located 88 previously unknown mainly embedded stellar cluster candidates and 39 previously unknown sites of star formation in the 562 deg2 covered by VVV in the Galactic bulge and the southern disk

    Mass and motion of globulettes in the Rosette Nebula

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    We have investigated tiny molecular clumps in the Rosette Nebula. Radio observations were made of molecular line emission from 16 globulettes identified in a previous optical survey. In addtion, we collected images in the NIR broad-band JHKs and narrow-band Paschen beta and H2. Ten objects, for which we collected information from several transitions in 12CO and 13CO were modelled using a spherically symmetric model. The best fit to observed line ratios and intensities was obtained by assuming a model composed of a cool and dense centre and warm and dense surface layer. The average masses derived range from about 50 to 500 Jupiter masses, which is similar to earlier estimates based on extinction measures. The globulettes selected are dense, with very thin layers of fluorescent H2 emission. The NIR data shows that several globulettes are very opaque and contain dense cores. Because of the high density encountered already at the surface, the rims become thin, as evidenced by our P beta images. We conclude that the entire complex of shells, elephant trunks, and globulettes in the northern part of the nebula is expanding with nearly the same velocity of ~22 km/s, and with a very small spread in velocity among the globulettes. Some globulettes are in the process of detaching from elephant trunks and shells, while other more isolated objects must have detached long ago and are lagging behind in the general expansion of the molecular shell. The suggestion that some globulettes might collapse to form planetary-mass objects or brown dwarfs is strengthened by our finding of dense cores in several objects.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures Astronomy and Astrophysics 201

    OGLE-2019-BLG-0825: Constraints on the Source System and Effect on Binary-lens Parameters arising from a Five Day Xallarap Effect in a Candidate Planetary Microlensing Event

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    We present an analysis of microlensing event OGLE-2019-BLG-0825. This event was identified as a planetary candidate by preliminary modeling. We find that significant residuals from the best-fit static binary-lens model exist and a xallarap effect can fit the residuals very well and significantly improves χ2\chi^2 values. On the other hand, by including the xallarap effect in our models, we find that binary-lens parameters like mass-ratio, qq, and separation, ss, cannot be constrained well. However, we also find that the parameters for the source system like the orbital period and semi major axis are consistent between all the models we analyzed. We therefore constrain the properties of the source system better than the properties of the lens system. The source system comprises a G-type main-sequence star orbited by a brown dwarf with a period of P5P\sim5 days. This analysis is the first to demonstrate that the xallarap effect does affect binary-lens parameters in planetary events. It would not be common for the presence or absence of the xallarap effect to affect lens parameters in events with long orbital periods of the source system or events with transits to caustics, but in other cases, such as this event, the xallarap effect can affect binary-lens parameters.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables. Accepted by A

    Globulettes: formation sites of free floating planets?

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    NIR imaging and ALMA arc-second resolution CO, CS and H2CO imaging of two typical Rosette Nebula globulettes is discussed. Velocity structure is observed in the 12CO line whereas the observed CS line widths are are extremely narrow, 0.3kms-1-0.4kms-1, indicating practically no internal motions in the very core. The highest molecular line column densities are detected at the side facing the HII region central cluster. The estimated masses of the globulettes range from 60 to 100 MJupiter (RN88) and 100 to 300MJ (RN122) and thus formation of planetary mass free floating planets is possible

    The Possibilities of Music Therapy in Improving the Well-Being of Pregnant Women with High or Normal State Anxiety

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of music therapy in treating the anxiety and stress of pregnant women in inpatient care. The hypotheses were that music therapy would reduce both perceived and physiologically measured stress and anxiety and that women with high state anxiety would benefit more than women with normal state anxiety. It was also assumed that the benefits of music therapy would be greater if the amount of music therapy was greater. This study is a part of a research project of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Women's Hospital and Music Therapy Tonkraft in order to improve the methods of music therapy in supporting the well-being of stressed out pregnant women in inpatient care. Previous studies have demonstrated that pregnant women experience greater stress than average and that it is a significant health risk for the fetus. Music therapy in general has been proven to be efficient in reducing both stress and anxiety, but the benefits for pregnant women are only beginning to be acknowledged. The participants (n = 102) of this study were pregnant women in inpatient care because of pregnancy-related complications. Participants were divided into two groups: music therapy group (n = 52) and control group (n = 50). Music therapy group was given music therapy for half an hour three days in a row by a trained music therapist. The control group was instructed to rest. Perceived stress and anxiety levels were measured with self-report surveys in the beginning and in the end. Heart rate variability was measured to investigate physiological stress levels. In addition, the participants reported their experiences of the given music therapy. The results of this study reveal that stressed out pregnant women in inpatient care may benefit from music therapy. The participants' own reports of music therapy were almost entirely positive. Physiologically measured stress reduced during music therapy both in women with high state anxiety and in women with normal state anxiety. The perceived anxiety of women with high state anxiety reduced significantly during the intervention both in the music group and in the control group but in neither group more than in the other. No change was seen in the perceived anxiety of women with normal state anxiety. Music therapy also appeared to be more efficient than rest in reducing perceived stress both in women with high state anxiety and in women with normal state anxiety, although the change was not significant. The benefits of music therapy were not greater when the amount of music therapy was greater. The results of this study encourage to use music therapy in treatment of stressed out, pregnant women in inpatient care. The results also suggest more research of this subject.Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälaisia vaikutuksia musiikkiterapialla on osastohoidossa olevien raskaana olevien naisten hyvinvointiin ja voidaanko musiikkiterapialla lievittää naisten ahdistuneisuutta ja stressiä. Tutkimuksessa oletettiin, että musiikkiterapia voisi vähentää sekä fysiologisesti mitattua että koettua odottavien äitien ahdistuneisuutta ja stressiä, että voimakkaasti ahdistuneet hyötyisivät musiikkiterapiasta enemmän kuin lievästi ahdistuneet ja että musiikkiterapian hyöty olisi sitä suurempi, mitä enemmän sitä on saanut. Tutkimus on osa Työterveyslaitoksen, Naistenklinikan ja musiikkiterapia Tonkraftin yhteistä tutkimushanketta, jonka tarkoituksena on kehittää musiikkiterapian menetelmiä stressaantuneiden, eri syistä osastohoidossa olevien raskaana olevien naisten hyvinvoinnin tukemiseen. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että raskaana olevat naiset ovat keskimääräistä stressaantuneempia, mikä on merkittävä riskitekijä sikiön voinnin ja kehityksen kannalta. Musiikkiterapian on aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa todettu olevan tehokas hoitokeino vähentää sekä stressiä että ahdistuneisuutta, mutta sen vaikutuksia raskausajan stressin hoitamisessa on tutkittu vasta vähän. Tutkimuksen osallistujat (n = 102) olivat raskauskomplikaatioiden vuoksi osastohoidossa olevia raskaana olevia naisia. Osallistujat jaettiin musiikkiterapiaryhmään (n = 52) ja kontrolliryhmään (n = 50), joista musiikkiterapiaryhmä sai kolmena peräkkäisenä päivänä puolen tunnin ajan koulutetun musiikkiterapeutin antamaa musiikkiterapiaa ja kontrolliryhmä oli vastaavan ajan levossa. Tutkimusjakson aluksi ja lopuksi osallistujat täyttivät itsearviointikyselyt, joissa he arvioivat kokemansa stressin ja ahdistuneisuuden määrää. Fysiologisen stressin määrää arvioitiin mittaamalla sydämen sykevälivaihtelua terapiahetkien aikana. Lisäksi osallistujat antoivat palautetta siitä, miten he kokivat musiikkiterapian. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että musiikkiterapian avulla on mahdollista edistää stressaantuneiden, osastohoidossa olevien raskaana olevien naisten hyvinvointia. Osallistujien omat palautteet musiikkiterapiasta olivat lähes pelkästään myönteisiä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin viitteitä fysiologisen stressitason laskusta musiikkiterapian aikana sekä lievästi että voimakkaasti ahdistuneilla. Voimakkaasti ahdistuneiden kokema ahdistuneisuus väheni merkitsevästi intervention aikana sekä musiikkiterapia- että kontrolliryhmässä, mutta ei kuitenkaan kummassakaan ryhmässä enemmän kuin toisessa. Lievästi ahdistuneiden kokemassa ahdistuneisuudessa ei havaittu muutosta. Musiikkiterapia vaikutti lievittävän koettua stressiä tehokkaammin kuin lepo sekä lievästi että voimakkaasti ahdistuneilla, mutta havaittu muutos ei ollut merkitsevä. Tässä tutkimuksessa musiikkiterapian hyöty ei lisääntynyt terapiakertojen määrän kasvaessa. Tutkimuksen tulokset rohkaisevat hyödyntämään musiikkiterapiaa osana stressaantuneiden, raskaana olevien naisten hoitoa ja tutkimaan aihetta lisää

    Effects of live music therapy on heart rate variability and self-reported stress and anxiety among hospitalized pregnant women : A randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction: This study aims to evaluate the effects of live music therapy on heart rate variability (HRV) and self-reported stress and anxiety among hospitalized women with high-risk pregnancies. A total of 102 women at an antenatal ward due to pregnancy-related complications participated in a randomized controlled trial. Methods: The participants were randomly assigned to a music therapy group (N = 52) or control group (N = 50). The women in the music therapy group received live music therapy on three consecutive days, for half an hour at a time. The participants belonging to the control group were instructed to rest for equally long time periods. The physiologic stress of the participants was assessed using HRV measures. The participants also rated their perceived stress and anxiety. The physiologic stress of the participants was assessed using 12 HRV measures. Results: The SD2 measure of HRV increased significantly more in the music therapy group than in the control group during the therapy sessions. Moreover, the low frequency (LF) HRV measure decreased during the three-day therapy period. The self-reported stress was not significantly altered after the intervention. For women with high initial self-reported anxiety in both groups, their anxiety was significantly reduced during the three-day period.Peer reviewe

    OGLE-2019-BLG-0825:constraints on the source system and effect on binary-lens parameters arising from a five day xallarap effect in a candidate planetary microlensing event

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    We present an analysis of microlensing event OGLE-2019-BLG-0825. This event was identified as a planetary candidate by preliminary modeling. We find that significant residuals from the best-fit static binary-lens model exist and a xallarap effect can fit the residuals very well and significantly improves χ2 values. On the other hand, by including the xallarap effect in our models, we find that binary-lens parameters like mass-ratio, q, and separation, s, cannot be constrained well. However, we also find that the parameters for the source system like the orbital period and semi major axis are consistent between all the models we analyzed. We therefore constrain the properties of the source system better than the properties of the lens system. The source system comprises a G-type main-sequence star orbited by a brown dwarf with a period of P ∼ 5 days. This analysis is the first to demonstrate that the xallarap effect does affect binary-lens parameters in planetary events. It would not be common for the presence or absence of the xallarap effect to affect lens parameters in events with long orbital periods of the source system or events with transits to caustics, but in other cases, such as this event, the xallarap effect can affect binary-lens parameters

    OGLE-2019-BLG-0825: Constraints on the Source System and Effect on Binary-lens Parameters Arising from a Five-day Xallarap Effect in a Candidate Planetary Microlensing Event

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    We present an analysis of microlensing event OGLE-2019-BLG-0825. This event was identified as a planetary candidate by preliminary modeling. We find that significant residuals from the best-fit static binary-lens model exist and a xallarap effect can fit the residuals very well and significantly improves χ ^2 values. On the other hand, by including the xallarap effect in our models, we find that binary-lens parameters such as mass ratio, q , and separation, s , cannot be constrained well. However, we also find that the parameters for the source system such as the orbital period and semimajor axis are consistent between all the models we analyzed. We therefore constrain the properties of the source system better than the properties of the lens system. The source system comprises a G-type main-sequence star orbited by a brown dwarf with a period of P ∼ 5 days. This analysis is the first to demonstrate that the xallarap effect does affect binary-lens parameters in planetary events. It would not be common for the presence or absence of the xallarap effect to affect lens parameters in events with long orbital periods of the source system or events with transits to caustics, but in other cases, such as this event, the xallarap effect can affect binary-lens parameters