3,013 research outputs found

    Robust superconductivity and transport properties in (Li1-xFex)OHFeSe single crystals

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    The recently discovered (Li1βˆ’x{_{1-x}}Fex{_x})OHFeSe superconductor with TcT_c about 40K provides a good platform for investigating the magnetization and electrical transport properties of FeSe-based superconductors. By using a hydrothermal ion-exchange method, we have successfully grown crystals of (Li1βˆ’x{_{1-x}}Fex{_x})OHFeSe. X-ray diffraction on the sample shows the single crystalline PbO-type structure with the c-axis preferential orientation. Magnetic susceptibility and resistive measurements show an onset superconducting transition at around Tc{T_c}=38.3K. Using the magnetization hysteresis loops and Bean critical state model, a large critical current Js{J_s} is observed in low temperature region. The critical current density is suppressed exponentially with increasing magnetic field. Temperature dependencies of resistivity under various currents and fields are measured, revealing a robust superconducting current density and bulk superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Phase Diagram of a Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gases in a Bilayer Optical Lattice

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    We investigate the stability of helical superfluid phase in a spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas loaded in a bilayer optical lattice. The phase diagram of the system is constructed in the mean field framework. We investigate the topological properties of the superfluid phases by a nontrivial application of the Fermi surface topological invariant to our time-reversal invariant system with degeneracies on the Fermi surface. We find that there is a first-order phase boundary in the phase diagram of half filling case and the superfluid phases are all topological trivial. The superfluid phase is topological nontrivial when the filling fraction deviates from the half filling. In the topological nontrivial superfluid phase, a full pairing gap exists in the bulk and gapless helical Majorana edge states exist at the boundary.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Vortex lattice and vortex bound states in CsFe2_2As2_2 investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy

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    We investigate the vortex lattice and vortex bound states in CsFe2_2As2_2 single crystals by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) under various magnetic fields. A possible structural transition or crossover of vortex lattice is observed with the increase of magnetic field, i.e., the vortex lattice changes from a distorted hexagonal lattice to a distorted tetragonal one at the magnetic field near 0.5 T. It is found that a mixture of stripelike hexagonal and square vortex lattices emerges in the crossover region. The vortex bound state is also observed in the vortex center. The tunneling spectra crossing a vortex show that the bound-state peak position holds near zero bias with STM tip moving away from the vortex core center. The Fermi energy estimated from the vortex bound state energy is very small. Our investigations provide experimental information to both the vortex lattice and the vortex bound states in this iron-based superconductor.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Sign reversal superconducting gaps revealed by phase referenced quasi-particle interference of impurity induced bound states in (Li1βˆ’x_{1-x}Fex_x)OHFe1βˆ’y_{1-y}Zny_ySe

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    By measuring the spatial distribution of differential conductance near impurities on Fe sites, we have obtained the quasi-particle interference (QPI) patterns in the (Li1βˆ’x_{1-x}Fex_x)OHFe1βˆ’y_{1-y}Zny_ySe superconductor with only electron Fermi surfaces. By taking the Fourier transform on these patterns, we investigate the scattering features between the two circles of electron pockets formed by folding or hybridization. We treat the data by using the recent theoretical approach [arXiv:1710.09089] which is specially designed for the impurity induced bound states. It is found that the superconducting gap sign is reversed on the two electron pockets, which can be directly visualized by the phase-referenced QPI technique, indicating that the Cooper pairing is induced by the repulsive interaction. Our results further show that this method is also applicable for data measured for multiple impurities, which provides an easy and feasible way for detecting the gap function of unconventional superconductors

    Possible superconducting fluctuation and pseudogap state above TcT_c in CsFe2_2As2_2

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    Resistive, magnetization, torque, specific heat and scanning tunneling microscopy measurements are carried out on the hole heavily doped CsFe2_2As2_2 single crystals. A characteristic temperature Tβˆ—βˆΌ13T^*\sim13 K, which is several times higher than the superconducting transition temperature Tc=2.15T_c=2.15 K, is observed and possibly related to the superconducting fluctuation or the pseudogap state. A diamagnetic signal detected by torque measurements starts from the superconducting state, keeps finite and vanishes gradually until a temperature near Tβˆ—T^*. Temperature dependent resistivity and specific heat also show kinks near Tβˆ—T^*. An asymmetric gap-like feature with the energy of 8.4 meV and a symmetric superconducting related gap of 2.2 meV on the scanning tunneling spectra are detected, and these pseudogap-related features disappear at temperatures up to at least 9 K. These observations by different experimental tools suggest the possible existence of superconducting fluctuation or pseudogap state in the temperature range up to 4 - 6 times of TcT_c in CsFe2_2As2_2.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Possible Triplet p+ipp+ip Superconductivity in Graphene at Low Filling

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    We study the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice with nearest-neighbor hopping (t>0t>0) and next-nearest-neighbor one (tβ€²<0t'<0). When tβ€²<βˆ’t/6t'<-t/6, the single-particle spectrum is featured by the continuously distributed Van-Hove saddle points at the band bottom, where the density of states diverges in power-law. We investigate possible unconventional superconductivity in such system with Fermi level close to the band bottom by employing both random phase approximation and determinant quantum Monte-Carlo approaches. Our study reveals a possible triplet p+ipp+ip superconductivity in this system with appropriate interactions. Our results might provide a possible route to look for triplet superconductivity with relatively-high transition temperature in a low-filled graphene and other similar systems.Comment: 5.1pages, 9 figure

    Nodal Superconducting Gap in Ξ²\beta-FeS

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    Low temperature specific heat has been measured in superconductor Ξ²\beta-FeS with Tc_c = 4.55 K. It is found that the low temperature electronic specific heat Ce_e/T can be fitted to a linear relation in the low temperature region, but fails to be described by an exponential relation as expected by an s-wave gap. We try fittings to the data with different gap structures and find that a model with one or two nodal gaps can fit the data. Under a magnetic field, the field induced specific heat Δγ\Delta\gamma=[Ce_e(H)-Ce_e(0)]/T shows the Volovik relation Δγe(H)∝H\Delta\gamma_e(H)\propto \sqrt{H}, suggesting the presence of nodal gap(s) in this material.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Topological conditions of scale-free networks for cooperation to evolve

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    Evolutionary game theory is employed to study topological conditions of scale-free networks for the evolution of cooperation. We show that Apollonian Networks (ANs) are perfect scale-free networks, on which cooperation can spread to all individuals, even though there are initially only 3 or 4 hubs occupied by cooperators and all the others by defectors. Local topological features such as degree, clustering coefficient, gradient as well as topology potential are adopted to analyze the advantages of ANs in cooperation enhancement. Furthermore, a degree-skeleton underlying ANs is uncovered for understanding the cooperation diffusion. Constructing this kind degree-skeleton for random scale-free networks promotes cooperation level close to that of Barab\'asi-Albert networks, which gives deeper insights into the origin of the latter on organization and further promotion of cooperation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Strong coupling superconductivity revealed by scanning tunneling microscope in tetragonal FeS

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    We investigate the electronic properties of the tetragonal FeS superconductor by using scanning tunneling microscope/spectroscopy. It is found that the typical tunneling spectrum on the top layer of sulfur can be nicely fitted with an anisotropic s-wave or a combination of two superconducting components in which one may have a highly anisotropic or nodal like superconducting gap. The fittings lead to the maximum superconducting gap Ξ”maxβ‰ˆ\Delta_{max}\approx 0.90β€…β€Š\;meV, which yields a ratio of 2Ξ”max/kBTcβ‰ˆ\Delta_{max}/k_BT_c\approx 4.65. This value is larger than that of the predicted value 3.53 by the BCS theory in the weak coupling limit, indicating a strong coupling superconductivity. Two kinds of defects are observed on the surface, which can be assigned to the defects on the S sites (four-fold image) and Fe sites (dumbbell shape). Impurity induced resonance states are found only for the former defects and stay at zero-bias energy.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Scrutinizing the double superconducting gaps and strong coupling pairing in (Li1-xFexOH)FeSe

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    In the iron based superconductors, one of the on-going frontier studies is about the pairing mechanism. The recent interest concerns the high temperature superconductivity and its intimate reason in the monolayer FeSe thin films. The challenge here is how the double superconducting gaps seen by the scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS) associate however to only one set of Fermi pockets seen by the angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The recently discovered (Li1-xFexOH)FeSe phase with Tc=40 K provides a good platform to check the fundamental problems. Here we report the STS study on the (Li1-xFexOH)FeSe single crystals. The STS spectrum clearly indicates the presence of double anisotropic gaps with maximum magnitudes of Delta_1=14.3 meV and Delta_2=8.6 meV, and mimics that of the monolayer FeSe thin film. Further analysis based on the quasiparticle interference (QPI) allows us to rule out the d-wave gap, and for the first time assign the larger (smaller) gap to the outer (inner) hybridized Fermi pockets associating with the dxy (dxz/dyz) orbitals, respectively. The huge value Delta_1/k_BT_c = 8.7 discovered here undoubtedly proves the strong coupling mechanism in the present superconducting system.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, with the Supplementary Information. The second version supersedes the original version with detailed QPI data and analysi
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