6,268 research outputs found

    Coordination and Control of Distributed Discrete Event Systems under Actuator and Sensor Faults

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    We investigate the coordination and control problems of distributed discrete event systems that are composed of multiple subsystems subject to potential actuator and/or sensor faults. We model actuator faults as local controllability loss of certain actuator events and sensor faults as observability failure of certain sensor readings, respectively. Starting from automata-theoretic models that characterize behaviors of the subsystems in the presence of faulty actuators and/or sensors, we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of actuator and sensor fault tolerant supervisors, respectively, and synthesize appropriate local post-fault supervisors to prevent the post-fault subsystems from jeopardizing local safety requirements. Furthermore, we apply an assume-guarantee coordination scheme to the controlled subsystems for both the nominal and faulty subsystems so as to achieve the desired specifications of the system. A multi-robot coordination example is used to illustrate the proposed coordination and control architecture.Comment: 33 pages; 20 figures; 1 tabl

    Convergence rates of solutions for a two-species chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes sytstem with competitive kinetics

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    In this paper, we study the rates of convergence of supposedly given global bounded classical solutions to a two-species chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes system with Lotka-Volterra competitive kinetics. Except in one case where the rate of convergence for the fluid component is expressed in terms of the Poincare constant and the model parameters, all other rates of convergence are shown to be expressible only in terms of the model parameters and the underlying space dimension.Comment: 16 pages, submitte

    Ramanujan-type Congruences for \ell-Regular Partitions Modulo 3,5,113, 5, 11 and 1313

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    Let b(n)b_\ell(n) be the number of \ell-regular partitions of nn. Recently, Hou et al established several infinite families of congruences for b(n)b_\ell(n) modulo mm, where (,m)=(3,3),(6,3),(5,5),(10,5)(\ell,m)=(3,3),(6,3),(5,5),(10,5) and (7,7)(7,7). In this paper, by the vanishing property given by Hou et al, we show an infinite family of congruence for b11(n)b_{11}(n) modulo 1111. Moreover, for =3,13\ell= 3, 13 and 2525, we obtain three infinite families of congruences for b(n)b_{\ell}(n) modulo 3,53, 5 and 1313 by the theory of Hecke eigenforms.Comment: 13 page

    Formal residue and computer proofs of combinatorial identities

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    The coefficient of x^{-1} of a formal Laurent series f(x) is called the formal residue of f(x). Many combinatorial numbers can be represented by the formal residues of hypergeometric terms. With these representations and the extended Zeilberger's algorithm, we generate recurrence relations for summations involving combinatorial sequences such as Stirling numbers. As examples, we give computer proofs of several known identities and derive some new identities. The applicability of this method is also studied.Comment: 14 page

    Critical mass on the Keller-Segel system with signal-dependent motility

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    This paper is concerned with the global boundedness and blowup of solutions to the Keller-Segel system with density-dependent motility in a two-dimensional bounded smooth domain with Neumman boundary conditions. We show that if the motility function decays exponentially, then a critical mass phenomenon similar to the minimal Keller-Segel model will arise. That is there is a number m>0m_*>0, such that the solution will globally exist with uniform-in-time bound if the initial cell mass (i.e. L1L^1-norm of the initial value of cell density) is less than mm_*, while the solution may blow up if the initial cell mass is greater than mm_*

    Global stabilization of the full attraction-repulsion Keller-Segel system

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    We are concerned with the following full Attraction-Repulsion Keller-Segel (ARKS) system \begin{equation}\label{ARKS}\tag{\ast} \begin{cases} u_t=\Delta u-\nabla\cdot(\chi u\nabla v)+\nabla\cdot(\xi u\nabla w), &x\in \Omega, ~~t>0, v_t=D_1\Delta v+\alpha u-\beta v,& x\in \Omega, ~~t>0, w_t=D_2\Delta w+\gamma u-\delta w, &x\in \Omega, ~~t>0,\\ u(x,0)=u_0(x),~v(x,0)= v_0(x), w(x,0)= w_0(x) & x\in \Omega, \end{cases} \end{equation} in a bounded domain ΩR2\Omega\subset \R^2 with smooth boundary subject to homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. %The parameters D1,D2,χ,ξ,α,β,γD_1,D_2,\chi,\xi,\alpha,\beta,\gamma and δ\delta are positive. By constructing an appropriate Lyapunov functions, we establish the boundedness and asymptotical behavior of solutions to the system \eqref{ARKS} with large initial data. Precisely, we show that if the parameters satisfy ξγχαmax{D1D2,D2D1,βδ,δβ}\frac{\xi\gamma}{\chi\alpha}\geq \max\Big\{\frac{D_1}{D_2},\frac{D_2}{D_1},\frac{\beta}{\delta},\frac{\delta}{\beta}\Big\} for all positive parameters D1,D2,χ,ξ,α,β,γD_1,D_2,\chi,\xi,\alpha,\beta,\gamma and δ\delta, the system \eqref{ARKS} has a unique global classical solution (u,v,w)(u,v,w), which converges to the constant steady state (uˉ0,αβuˉ0,γδuˉ0)(\bar{u}_0,\frac{\alpha}{\beta}\bar{u}_0,\frac{\gamma}{\delta}\bar{u}_0) as t+t\to+\infty, where uˉ0=1ΩΩu0dx\bar{u}_0=\frac{1}{|\Omega|}\int_\Omega u_0dx. Furthermore, the decay rate is exponential if ξγχα>max{βδ,δβ}\frac{\xi\gamma}{\chi\alpha}> \max\Big\{\frac{\beta}{\delta},\frac{\delta}{\beta}\Big\}. This paper provides the first results on the full ARKS system with unequal chemical diffusion rates (i.e. D1D2D_1\ne D_2) in multi-dimensions.Comment: 20 page

    Implementations of two-photon four-qubit Toffoli and Fredkin gates assisted by nitrogen-vacancy centers

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    It is desirable to implement an efficient quantum information process demanding fewer quantum resources. We designed two compact quantum circuits for determinately implementing four-qubit Toffoli and Fredkin gates on single-photon systems in both the polarization and spatial degrees of freedom (DoFs) via diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in resonators. The gates are heralded by the electron spins associated with the diamond NV centers. In contrast to the ones with one DoF, our implementations reduce the quantum resource and are robust against the decoherence. Evaluations of fidelities and efficiencies of our gates show that our schemes may be implemented with current technology.Comment: 9 pages,5 figure

    Two faces of greedy leaf removal procedure on graphs

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    The greedy leaf removal (GLR) procedure on a graph is an iterative removal of any vertex with degree one (leaf) along with its nearest neighbor (root). Its result has two faces: a residual subgraph as a core, and a set of removed roots. While the emergence of cores on uncorrelated random graphs was solved analytically, a theory for roots is ignored except in the case of Erd\"{o}s-R\'{e}nyi random graphs. Here we analytically study roots on random graphs. We further show that, with a simple geometrical interpretation and a concise mean-field theory of the GLR procedure, we reproduce the zero-temperature replica symmetric estimation of relative sizes of both minimal vertex covers and maximum matchings on random graphs with or without cores.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figures, and 3 table

    Optimal Disruption of Complex Networks

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    The collection of all the strongly connected components in a directed graph, among each cluster of which any node has a path to another node, is a typical example of the intertwining structure and dynamics in complex networks, as its relative size indicates network cohesion and it also composes of all the feedback cycles in the network. Here we consider finding an optimal strategy with minimal effort in removal arcs (for example, deactivation of directed interactions) to fragment all the strongly connected components into tree structure with no effect from feedback mechanism. We map the optimal network disruption problem to the minimal feedback arc set problem, a non-deterministically polynomial hard combinatorial optimization problem in graph theory. We solve the problem with statistical physical methods from spin glass theory, resulting in a simple numerical method to extract sub-optimal disruption arc sets with significantly better results than a local heuristic method and a simulated annealing method both in random and real networks. Our results has various implications in controlling and manipulation of real interacted systems.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Statistical physics of hard combinatorial optimization: The vertex cover problem

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    Typical-case computation complexity is a research topic at the boundary of computer science, applied mathematics, and statistical physics. In the last twenty years the replica-symmetry-breaking mean field theory of spin glasses and the associated message-passing algorithms have greatly deepened our understanding of typical-case computation complexity. In this paper we use the vertex cover problem, a basic nondeterministic-polynomial (NP)-complete combinatorial optimization problem of wide application, as an example to introduce the statistical physical methods and algorithms. We do not go into the technical details but emphasize mainly the intuitive physical meanings of the message-passing equations. A nonfamiliar reader shall be able to understand to a large extent the physics behind the mean field approaches and to adjust them in solving other optimization problems.Comment: 17 pages. A mini-review to be published in Chinese Physics