20 research outputs found

    Eisenstein series associated with Ξ“0(2)\Gamma_0(2)

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    In this paper, we define the normalized Eisenstein series P\mathcal{P}, ee, and Q\mathcal{Q} associated with Ξ“0(2),\Gamma_0(2), and derive three differential equations satisfied by them from some trigonometric identities. By using these three formulas, we define a differential equation depending on the weights of modular forms on Ξ“0(2)\Gamma_0(2) and then construct its modular solutions by using orthogonal polynomials and Gaussian hypergeometric series. We also construct a certain class of infinite series connected with the triangular numbers. Finally, we derive a combinatorial identity from a formula involving the triangular numbers.Comment: This is an old paper uploaded for archival purpose

    On Classical groups detected by the tensor third representation

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    Motivated by the Langlands' beyond endoscopy proposal for establishing functoriality, we study the representation βŠ—3\otimes^3 in a setting related to the Langlands LL-functions L(s,Ο€,β€‰βŠ—3),L(s,\pi,\,\otimes^3), where Ο€\pi is a cuspidal automorphic representation of GG where GG is either SO(2n+1)\mathrm{SO}(2n+1), Sp(2n)\mathrm{Sp}(2n) and SO(2n)\mathrm{SO}(2n). In particular, under what conditions on partitions Ξ»\lambda, we examine whether or not βŠ—3\otimes^3 detects the subgroups S[Ξ»](G)\mathbb{S}_{[\lambda]}(G) for GG with type BnB_n and D2nD_{2n} or S⟨λ⟩(G)\mathbb{S}_{\langle\lambda\rangle}(G) for GG with type CnC_n. Here S[Ξ»]\mathbb{S}_{[\lambda]} and S⟨λ⟩\mathbb{S}_{\langle\lambda\rangle} are the usual Schur functors associated to the partition Ξ»\lambda

    A simple twisted relative trace formula

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    In this article we derive a simple twisted relative trace formula.Comment: This is an old paper uploaded for archival purpose

    On zeros of Eisenstein series for genus zero Fuchsian groups

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    Let \GN\leq\SLR be a genus zero Fuchsian group of the first kind with ∞\infty as a cusp, and let \Ek be the holomorphic Eisenstein series of weight 2k2k on \GN that is nonvanishing at ∞\infty and vanishes at all the other cusps (provided that such an Eisenstein series exists). Under certain assumptions on \GN, and on a choice of a fundamental domain \F, we prove that all but possibly c(\GN,\F) of the non-trivial zeros of \Ek lie on a certain subset of \{z\in\mathfrak{H} : \JN(z)\in\mathbb{R}\}. Here c(\GN,\F) is a constant that does not depend on the weight 2k2k and \JN is the canonical hauptmodul for $\GN.

    Convolution sums of some functions on divisors

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    One of the main goals in this paper is to establish convolution sums of functions for the divisor sums Οƒ~s(n)=βˆ‘d∣n(βˆ’1)dβˆ’1ds\widetilde{\sigma}_s(n)=\sum_{d|n}(-1)^{d-1}d^s and Οƒ^s(n)=βˆ‘d∣n(βˆ’1)ndβˆ’1ds\widehat{\sigma}_s(n)=\sum_{d|n}(-1)^{\frac{n}{d}-1}d^s, for certain ss, which were first defined by Glaisher. We first introduce three functions P(q)\mathcal{P}(q), E(q)\mathcal{E}(q), and Q(q)\mathcal{Q}(q) related to Οƒ~(n)\widetilde{\sigma}(n), Οƒ^(n)\widehat{\sigma}(n), and Οƒ~3(n)\widetilde{\sigma}_3(n), respectively, and then we evaluate them in terms of two parameters xx and zz in Ramanujan's theory of elliptic functions. Using these formulas, we derive some identities from which we can deduce convolution sum identities. We discuss some formulae for determining rs(n)r_s(n) and Ξ΄s(n)\delta_s(n), s=4,s=4, 88, in terms of Οƒ~(n)\widetilde{\sigma}(n), Οƒ^(n)\widehat{\sigma}(n), and Οƒ~3(n)\widetilde{\sigma}_3(n), where rs(n)r_s(n) denotes the number of representations of nn as a sum of ss squares and Ξ΄s(n)\delta_s(n) denotes the number of representations of nn as a sum of ss triangular numbers. Finally, we find some partition congruences by using the notion of colored partitions.Comment: This is an old paper uploaded for archival purpose

    On tensor third LL-functions of automorphic representations of GLn(AF)\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{A}_F)

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    Langlands' beyond endoscopy proposal for establishing functoriality motivates interesting and concrete problems in the representation theory of algebraic groups. We study these problems in a setting related to the Langlands LL-functions L(s,Ο€,β€‰βŠ—3),L(s,\pi,\,\otimes^3), where Ο€\pi is a cuspidal automorphic representation of GLn(AF)\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{A}_F) where FF is a global field

    Poles of triple product LL-functions involving monomial representations

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    In this paper, we study the order of the pole of the triple tensor product LL-functions L(s,Ο€1Γ—Ο€2Γ—Ο€3,βŠ—3)L(s,\pi_1\times\pi_2\times\pi_3,\otimes^3) for cuspidal automorphic representations Ο€i\pi_i of GLni(AF)\mathrm{GL}_{n_i}(\mathbb{A}_F) in the setting where one of the Ο€i\pi_i is a monomial representation. In the view of Brauer theory, this is a natural setting to consider. The results provided in this paper give crucial examples that can be used as a point of reference for Langlands' beyond endoscopy proposal

    Algebraic cycles and Tate classes on Hilbert modular varieties

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    Let E/QE/\mathbb{Q} be a totally real number field that is Galois over Q\mathbb{Q}, and let Ο€\pi be a cuspidal, nondihedral automorphic representation of GL2(AE)\mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb{A}_E) that is in the lowest weight discrete series at every real place of EE. The representation Ο€\pi cuts out a "motive" Met(Ο€βˆž)M_\mathrm{et}(\pi^{\infty}) from the β„“\ell-adic middle degree intersection cohomology of an appropriate Hilbert modular variety. If β„“\ell is sufficiently large in a sense that depends on Ο€\pi we compute the dimension of the space of Tate classes in Met(Ο€βˆž)M_\mathrm{et}(\pi^{\infty}). Moreover if the space of Tate classes on this motive over all finite abelian extensions k/Ek/E is at most of rank one as a Hecke module, we prove that the space of Tate classes in Met(Ο€βˆž)M_\mathrm{et}(\pi^{\infty}) is spanned by algebraic cycles.Comment: This is an old paper posted for archival purpose

    A general simple relative trace formula and a relative Weyl law

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    In this paper, we prove a general simple relative trace formula. As an application, we prove a relative analogue of the Weyl law.Comment: To be published in the Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 19 pages. Previous version contains a more detailed proof of the relative Weyl la

    Integrable systems and modular forms of level 2

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    A set of nonlinear differential equations associated with the Eisenstein series of the congruent subgroup Ξ“0(2)\Gamma_0(2) of the modular group SL2(Z)SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) is constructed. These nonlinear equations are analogues of the well known Ramanujan equations, as well as the Chazy and Darboux-Halphen equations associated with the modular group. The general solutions of these equations can be realized in terms of the Schwarz trianle function S(0,0,1/2;z)S(0,0,1/2; z).Comment: PACS numbers: 02.30.Ik, 02.30.Hq, 02.10.De, 02.30.G