30 research outputs found

    Illinois River Volunteer Monitoring

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    Understanding how water quality conditions change along a land use gradient and over time is important for sustainable watershed management. Therefore, a volunteer monitoring program was created to measure water chemistry at 37 established sites within the Upper Illinois River Watershed and to evaluate changes in water chemistry over the past 15 years. The Illinois River Watershed Partnership (IRWP), a non‐profit organization subcontracted with the Arkansas Water Resources Center at the University of Arkansas, to manage the volunteer monitoring project, train volunteers to collect samples following EPA approved methods, and to analyze the collected samples. The AWRC trained 27 volunteers to collect water samples at 37 sites that were previously sampled in 1993 and 1994. Samples were collected during baseflow conditions during September and December 2008 and February and May 2009 and analyzed for soluble reactive phosphorus, nitrate‐nitrogen, sulfate, chloride, fluoride, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, total suspended solids, and turbidity. Geomean concentrations were calculated and compared to the concentrations observed during the 1993‐1994 study. Overall, total phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations significantly increased at 14% and 11% of the sampled sites, respectively, between the previous and current studies, while respective concentrations significantly decreased at 8% and 16% of sampled sites. The greatest reductions in phosphorus concentrations occurred at sites downstream of effluent discharges, and both total phosphorus and soluble reactive phoshporus concentrations were positevely correlated to pasture and urban land use within the catchment (R²= 0.11, P=0.045; R²= 0.16, P=0.015, respectively). Similarly,both total nitrogen and nitrate‐nitrogen concentrations were positvely correlated to urban and pasture land use (R²= 0.38, P \u3c 0.0001; R²=0.29, P=0.0006, respectively), and 5% and 14% of the sampled sites significantly increased in total nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen concentrations, respectively, between the two study periods. Overall, very few significant changes in water quality (i.e., water chemistry) were observed over the last 15 years; those changes that were most noticeable resulted from either improvements in the phosphorus mangement of waterwater treatment facilities or the introdiction of effluent discharge into a new receiving stream. Volunteer monitoring programs are an excellent way to promote environmental education and stewardship, and these programs can be useful in documenting changes in watershed conditions over time

    Heterosternuta sulphuria (Coloptera: Dytiscidae) Occurence in the Sulphur Springs Headwater System and in Buffalo National River Tributaries (Arkansas, USA): Current Distribution, Habitat Conditions, and Biomonitoring Framework

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    Heterosternuta sulphuria is an endemic aquatic species of concern in Arkansas, with a priority score of 80 out of 100 and a conservation rank of S1and G1. A need of the Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan (AWAP) was to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status of H. sulphuria. Here, we report new H. sulphuria records for 39 sites across 10 counties in the Ozark Highlands and Boston Mountain ecoregions and a determined habitat type of shallow margins and small bedrock pools of perennial streams and spring seeps. Few habitat patches were observed per site because detection was typically rapid and (unconfirmed) field identifications were possible because of the unique coloration of the pronotum, therefore only a small portion of the total available habitat was surveyed. We conclude that from our surveys and information gathered from other sources that in Arkansas H. sulphuria is probably ubiquitous among permanently wet aquatic habitats (primarily in upland headwater systems) throughout the Ozark Highlands and Boston Mountain ecoregions. Based on the number of occurrences, we recommend a downgrade of conservation status to S3 or S4. While some locations provide protection for current H. sulphuria populations (e.g., Buffalo National River, Hobbs State Park – Conservation Area, Sherfield Cave effluent stream, and USFS Richland Creek Wilderness), populations on unprotected lands in urban and agricultural settings probably have a much greater risk of population decline. A final determination of conservation status should consider several factors including dispersal capacity, population sizes, and genetic differentiation among populations. Furthermore, determining if existing H. sulphuria populations are isolated subpopulations or an interacting metapopulation and the habitat area required for population persistence are key for developing effective conservation actions. Monitoring existing populations should involve revisiting current H. sulphuria sites, and this is especially important for potentially fragmented populations in unprotected streams. Bioassessment programs could benefit from monitoring these easily observed populations that might positively relate to the overall physical and biological integrity of permanent Ozark streams and riparian corridors

    Water Quality Monitoring and Constituent Load Estimation in the Upper Illinois River Watershed, 2009

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    The Arkansas Water Resources Center (AWRC) monitored water quality at eight sites in the Upper Illinois River Watershed (UIRW) during base flow conditions and storm events from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. Water samples were collected manually with an alpha or Kemmerer style sampler and analyzed for nitrate-nitrogen (NO₃-N), sulfate (SO₄), chloride (Cl), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total phosphorus (TP), dissolved ammonia (NH₃-N), total N (TN), total suspended solids (TSS), and turbidity. Physico-chemical parameters were measured in the field including pH, conductivity, water temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration. The selected sites were at established discharge monitoring stations maintained by the US Geological Survey or AWRC, and constituent loads were determined using regression models between constituent concentrations, discharge, and seasonal factors to estimate daily loads, which were then summed to produce monthly and annual load estimates. The constituent loads and annual flow-weighted concentrations for the 2009 calendar year are summarized in the tables below, using the data collected in this study. The regression models were applied throughout the discharge record of the entire calendar year to estimate loads. Summary of calculate

    Frequency Distributions of Median Nutrient and Chlorophyll Concentrations across the Red River Basin, 1996-2006

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    Acquisition and compilation of water quality data for a ten year time period (1996 – 2006) from 589 stream and river stations was conducted to support nutrient criteria development for the multi–state Red River Basin shared by Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas, USA. Twenty–three water quality parameters were collected from five data sources (USGS, ADEQ, LDEQ, OCC, OWRB, and TCEQ) and an additional 13 parameters were acquired from at least one source. Data for the primary biological parameter of interest, chlorophyll a, was sparse and available from only two sources. Following compilation of data, medians were calculated for the ten year period and median distributions (min, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th percentiles and max) were presented for several different spatial scales including state specific data, HUC8 designated watersheds, and various ecoregions. Across this basin, median values for total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and sestonic chlorophyll–a (chl–a) ranged from \u3c0.02 to 20.2 mg L⁻¹, \u3c0.01 to 6.66 mg L⁻¹, and 0.10 to 26 µg L⁻¹, respectively. Overall, the 25th percentiles of median TN data specific to the Red River Basin were generally similar to the USEPA recommended eco–region nutrient criteria. Whereas, median TP and chl–a data specific to the Red River Basin showed 25th percentiles greater than the USEPA recommended criteria. The unique location of the Red River Basin in the south–central USA places it near the boundaries of several aggregate eco–regions; therefore, the development of eco–region nutrient criteria likely requires using data specific to the Red River Basin, as shown in these analyses. This study provided basin–specific distribution of medians as the first step supporting states in developing nutrient criteria to protect designated uses in the multi–jurisdictional Red River Basin and in potentially reducing nutrient export from the Red River Basin to the Gulf of Mexico

    Phosphorus Release from Bottom Sediments at Lake Wister, Oklahoma, Summer 2010

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    A previous reservoir model of Lake Wister, Oklahoma suggested that internal P sources were dominant, and that a watershed management plan need not be developed to address external sources. The objectives of this study were to collect intact sediment cores from three sites at Lake Wister and measure sediment O₂ demand (SOD) and soluble reactive P (SRP) release to the overlying water during lab incubations under quiescent conditions. The measured SOD rates were between 9.9 and 22.6 mg m⁻² hr⁻¹ on average across the three sites, where the shallow headwaters site had the least SOD. The SRP release rates were estimated to vary from less than zero to 3.30 mg m⁻² d⁻¹ on average across the sites, and release rates were greatest under anaerobic conditions in the cores collected from deep waters near the dam and water intake structure. These measured values were an order of magnitude less than used in the calibration of the previous reservoir model, suggesting that internal P cycling was likely not the dominant P source; thus, it might be premature to neglect external P sources to Lake Wister. A watershed‐based strategy that focuses on internal and external P sources is needed for this drinking water supply reservoir to improve overall water quality

    Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for Nutrients and Solids on the Ballard Creek, 2008

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    The Arkansas Water Resources Center monitored water quality at Ballard Creek at the Washington County Road 76 Bridge in northwest Arkansas during base flow and storm events from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. Water samples were collected manually or with an auto-sampler and analyzed for nitrate-nitrogen, ammonia-nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, soluble reactive phosphorus, sulfate, chloride and total suspended solids. Instantaneous stage and discharge were recorded at the site; total annual discharge was 55,800,000 m³ , with 27% attributed to base flow and 73% attributed to storm flow. Loads were estimated using the mid-interval integration approach using continuous discharge (i.e., 30 min intervals) and measured concentrations as applied to sampling intervals; the incremental loads were then summed to get annual loads for the 2008 calendar year. The constituent loads and annual flow-weighted concentrations are summarized in the table below, using data collected through this study (July through December 2008) plus data from the prior study (January through June 2008)

    Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for the Illinois River at Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge, 2008

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    The Arkansas Water Resources Center monitored water quality at the Illinois River at the Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge, just upstream from the Arkansas-Oklahoma state border during base flow and storm events from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. Water samples were collected manually or with an auto-sampler and analyzed for nitrate-nitrogen, ammonia-nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, soluble reactive phosphorus, sulfate, chloride and total suspended solids. The U.S. Geological Survey recorded instantaneous stage and discharge at the site, total annual discharge was 1,010,000,000 m³ , with 37% attributed to base flow and 63% attributed to storm flow. Loads were estimated using the mid-interval integration approach using continuous discharge (i.e., 30 min intervals) and measured concentration as applied to sampling intervals; the incremental loads were then summed to get annual loads for the 2008 calendar year. The constituent loads and annual flow-weighted concentrations for the 2008 calendar year are summarized in the table below, using data collected through this study (July through December 2008) plus data from the prior study year (January through June 2008)

    Water Quality Monitoring and Constituent Load Estimation in the Kings River near Berryville, Arkansas, 2009

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    The Arkansas Water Resources Center monitored water quality at the Kings River near Berryville, Arkansas, during base flow conditions and storm events from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. Water samples were collected manually with an alpha or Kemmerer style sampler and analyzed for nitrate‐nitrogen (NO₃‐N), sulfate (SO₄), chloride (Cl), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total phosphorus (TP), dissolved ammonia (NH₃‐N), total N (TN), total suspended solids (TSS), and turbidity. Physico‐chemical parameters were measured in field including pH, conductivity, water temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration. The selected site was at an established discharge monitoring station maintained by the US Geological Survey, and total annual discharge was 825,848,000 m₃. Constituent loads were determined using regression models between constituent concentrations, discharge, and seasonal factors to estimate daily loads, which were then summed to produce monthly and annual load estimates. The constituent loads and annual flow‐weighted concentrations for the 2009 calendar year are summarized in the table below, using the data collected in this study. Semi‐annual loads from 1 January to 30 June 2010 are also summarized

    Handbook of Best Management Practices for the Upper Illinois River Watershed and Other Regional Watersheds

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    Management actions are strategies carried out by stakeholders that are designed to implement water quality protection and restoration activities with a watershed. This publication presents a range of beneficial management actions from simple to complex that address the pollutant potential that is common across the watershed landscape of northwest Arkansas. Some management actions can be undertaken by any watershed stakeholder at any time, while others need to be carefully planned or lobbied to local and state government. The following chapters address potential management actions that can be taken by individuals or groups at households, businesses, institutions, municipalities, industrial facilities, farms, and construction sites to maintain or improve water quality in northwest Arkansas. This publication serves as companion material to MSC Publication 355, Final Report to the Illinois River Watershed Partnership: Recommended Watershed Based Strategy for the Upper Illinois River Watershed, Northwest Arkansas. However, the practices and programs described within this publication are also relevant to other regional watersheds

    Final Report to the Illinois River Watershed Partnership: Recommended Watershed Based Strategy for the Upper Illinois River Watershed, Northwest Arkansas

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    This publication serves as the final report to the Illinois River Watershed Partnership (IRWP) regarding the project entitled “Development of the Watershed Management Plan for the Upper Illinois River”. This document was intended to provide this stakeholder based organization guidance in the development of a watershed management plan for the Illinois River drainage area (i.e., the Upper Illinois River Watershed, UIRW) in Arkansas. This document represents the final report from the Arkansas Water Resources Center (AWRC) and affiliated project investigators, and the IRWP may alter this document before the final submission of its watershed management plan to the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency