140 research outputs found

    Post-Processing Independent Evaluation of Sound Event Detection Systems

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    Due to the high variation in the application requirements of sound event detection (SED) systems, it is not sufficient to evaluate systems only in a single operating mode. Therefore, the community recently adopted the polyphonic sound detection score (PSDS) as an evaluation metric, which is the normalized area under the PSD receiver operating characteristic (PSD-ROC). It summarizes the system performance over a range of operating modes resulting from varying the decision threshold that is used to translate the system output scores into a binary detection output. Hence, it provides a more complete picture of the overall system behavior and is less biased by specific threshold tuning. However, besides the decision threshold there is also the post-processing that can be changed to enter another operating mode. In this paper we propose the post-processing independent PSDS (piPSDS) as a generalization of the PSDS. Here, the post-processing independent PSD-ROC includes operating points from varying post-processings with varying decision thresholds. Thus, it summarizes even more operating modes of an SED system and allows for system comparison without the need of implementing a post-processing and without a bias due to different post-processings. While piPSDS can in principle combine different types of post-processing, we hear, as a first step, present median filter independent PSDS (miPSDS) results for this year's DCASE Challenge Task4a systems. Source code is publicly available in our sed_scores_eval package (https://github.com/fgnt/sed_scores_eval).Comment: submitted to DCASE Workshop 202

    LibriWASN: A Data Set for Meeting Separation, Diarization, and Recognition with Asynchronous Recording Devices

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    We present LibriWASN, a data set whose design follows closely the LibriCSS meeting recognition data set, with the marked difference that the data is recorded with devices that are randomly positioned on a meeting table and whose sampling clocks are not synchronized. Nine different devices, five smartphones with a single recording channel and four microphone arrays, are used to record a total of 29 channels. Other than that, the data set follows closely the LibriCSS design: the same LibriSpeech sentences are played back from eight loudspeakers arranged around a meeting table and the data is organized in subsets with different percentages of speech overlap. LibriWASN is meant as a test set for clock synchronization algorithms, meeting separation, diarization and transcription systems on ad-hoc wireless acoustic sensor networks. Due to its similarity to LibriCSS, meeting transcription systems developed for the former can readily be tested on LibriWASN. The data set is recorded in two different rooms and is complemented with ground-truth diarization information of who speaks when.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the ITG conference on Speech Communication 202

    Spatial Diarization for Meeting Transcription with Ad-Hoc Acoustic Sensor Networks

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    We propose a diarization system, that estimates "who spoke when" based on spatial information, to be used as a front-end of a meeting transcription system running on the signals gathered from an acoustic sensor network (ASN). Although the spatial distribution of the microphones is advantageous, exploiting the spatial diversity for diarization and signal enhancement is challenging, because the microphones' positions are typically unknown, and the recorded signals are initially unsynchronized in general. Here, we approach these issues by first blindly synchronizing the signals and then estimating time differences of arrival (TDOAs). The TDOA information is exploited to estimate the speakers' activity, even in the presence of multiple speakers being simultaneously active. This speaker activity information serves as a guide for a spatial mixture model, on which basis the individual speaker's signals are extracted via beamforming. Finally, the extracted signals are forwarded to a speech recognizer. Additionally, a novel initialization scheme for spatial mixture models based on the TDOA estimates is proposed. Experiments conducted on real recordings from the LibriWASN data set have shown that our proposed system is advantageous compared to a system using a spatial mixture model, which does not make use of external diarization information.Comment: Accepted at Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers 202
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