54 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi rendahnya keterampilan siswa sekolah dasar bermain bolavoli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah implementasi model peer teaching dapat mengembangkan keterampilan bermainan siswa dalam pembelajaran permainan bolavoli. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua siklus, setiap siklus dilaksanakan sebanyak dua kali tindakan penelitian. Subjek penelitian adalah kelas V SDN 053 Cisitu Bandung sebanyak 30 siswa orang terdiri dari 15 siswi dan 15 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data antara lain dengan observasi, catatan lapangan, dan dokumentasi kegiatan pembelajaran selanjutnya dilakukan analisis data. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah presentase hasil keterampilan bermain siswa. Hasil belajar keterampilan bermain bolavoli. Kemudian data-data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan teknik presentase, nilai rata-rata keseluruhan hasil penelitian yaitu data awal adalah 35%, dan sikul 1 tindakan 1 adalah 47%, siklus 1 tindakan 2 adalah 62%, siklus 2 tindakan 1 adalah 75%. Dilihat dari hasil diatas sudah melebihi kkm sekolah maka penelitian terhadap keterampilan bermain siswa dalam permainan bolavoli telah menunjukan bahwa implementasi model peer teaching dapat meningkatkan keterampilan bermain siswa dalam pembelajaran permainan bolavoli disekolah.;---the study was backed by the low skills of elementary school students play volleyball. This research aims to determine whether the implementation of models of peer teaching to develop the learning skills of the students in the bermainan game of volleyball. This research uses the class action research (PTK). The research was conducted in two cycles, each cycle is implemented as much as twice the action research. The subject is class V SDN 053 Cisitu as many as 30 students of Bandung people consisted of 15 students and 15 students. Data collection techniques, among others, with observations, notes field, and documentation of learning activities carried out further analysis of the data. Data collection techniques used are the percentage results playing skills of students. The results of the learning skills of playing volleyball. Then the collected data is analyzed using a percentage, the average value of the overall results of the study i.e. the initial data is 35%, and 1 action 1 sikul is 47%, cycle 1 action 2 is 62%, cycle 2 action 1 is 75%. Judging from the results above, it already exceeds the kkm school then research on the skills of the play students in volleyball games have shown that the implementation of models of peer teaching can improve the skills of the play students in learning the game of volleyball in schools

    Highly-efficient, diffraction-limited laser emission from a Vertical External Cavity Surface-emitting Organic Laser

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    We report on a solid-state laser structure being the organic counterpart of the Vertical External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VECSEL) design. The gain medium is a poly (methyl methacrylate) film doped with Rhodamine 640, spin-casted onto the High-Reflectivity mirror of a plano-concave resonator. Upon pumping by 7-ns pulses at 532 nm, a diffraction-limited beam (M^2=1) was obtained, with a conversion efficiency of 43%; higher peak powers (2kW) could be attained when resorting to shorter (0.5 ns) pump pulses. The spectrum was controlled by the thickness of the active layer playing the role of an intracavity etalon; tunability is demonstrated over up to 20 nm

    Tunable Ultraviolet Vertically-emitting Organic Laser

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    International audienceA solid-state organic thin-film laser with intracavity frequency doubling is reported. Tunable ultraviolet emission from 309 to 322 nm is achieved from a vertical external cavity surface-emitting organic laser, with 2 % efficiency (1 µJ at 315 nm). The laser comprises a polymethyl(methacrylate) layer doped with Rhodamine 640, spun-cast onto a plane mirror, a remote concave mirror, a nonlinear crystal and a dichroic separator. The output is spectrally narrow (<0.5 nm FWHM) and tunable through phase-matching selection of the fundamental radiation lasing modes. These results highlight a low-cost and portable alternative to tunable UV laser sources, useful for spectroscopic applications

    Influence of fuzzy Goal Programming in Production Optimization Case study: Cement Industry

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    Using the mathematic techniques such as Fuzzy approach has useful outcomes for production planning in different sources. In this paper LGP1 was used to model the objectives such as: avoidance of shortage or surplus of demand, access to maximum of income, using the normal capacity of production and organizing the inventory of warehouse, within the framework of Goal constraints like balancing between demand and inventory, rate of production within every period and the constraints of threshold of inventory at the end of every month. On these lines, the goal programming is one of the best methods for analyzing the multi objective decision making in cement industry management. The most principal disadvantage of goal programming is that all the parameters of model should be defined carefully and all of the objectives and constraints should certainly be determined. For taking over on this problem we introduced the Fuzzy concept. In this research, the mathematic goal programming model in the cement industry is modeled by Fuzzy and absolute approach. This research is intended to answer this question, which one presents the optimal solution for production process planning, Fuzzy or absolute approach? The necessity information to do this research is obtained with using field methods, desk surveys, observations, factory documents, and interviews or questionnaires. In this article we use GP to formulize, AHP2 for grading and weighting and LINGO for solving. Afterwards, the data are entered in the formula modeled before and are solved using LINGO software

    The Effect of Different Mixing Methods on Working Time, Setting Time, Dimensional Changes and Film Thickness of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Calcium-Enriched Mixture

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different mixing techniques (conventional, amalgamator and ultrasonic mixing) on the physical properties the working time (WT), setting time (ST), dimensional changes (DC) and film thickness (FT)] of calcium-enriched mixture (CEM) cement and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Methods and Materials: The mentioned physical properties were determined using the ISO 6786:2001 specification. Six samples of each material were prepared for three mixing techniques (totally 36 samples). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, two-way ANOVA and Post Hoc Tukey’s tests. The level of significance was defined at 0.05. Results: Irrespective of mixing technique, there was no significant difference between the WT and FT of the tested materials. Except for the DC of MTA and the FT of the all materials, other properties were significantly affected with mixing techniques (P&lt;0.05). The ultrasonic technique decreased the ST of MTA and CEM cement and increased the WT of CEM cement (P&lt;0.05). Conclusion: The mixing technique of the materials had no significant effect on the dimensional changes of MTA and the film thickness of both materials.Keywords: Calcium-Enriched Mixture; Dimensional Changes; Film Thickness; Mineral Trioxide Aggregate; Setting Time; Working Tim

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), through their complex cargo, can reflect the state of their cell of origin and change the functions and phenotypes of other cells. These features indicate strong biomarker and therapeutic potential and have generated broad interest, as evidenced by the steady year-on-year increase in the numbers of scientific publications about EVs. Important advances have been made in EV metrology and in understanding and applying EV biology. However, hurdles remain to realising the potential of EVs in domains ranging from basic biology to clinical applications due to challenges in EV nomenclature, separation from non-vesicular extracellular particles, characterisation and functional studies. To address the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field, the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) updates its 'Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles', which was first published in 2014 and then in 2018 as MISEV2014 and MISEV2018, respectively. The goal of the current document, MISEV2023, is to provide researchers with an updated snapshot of available approaches and their advantages and limitations for production, separation and characterisation of EVs from multiple sources, including cell culture, body fluids and solid tissues. In addition to presenting the latest state of the art in basic principles of EV research, this document also covers advanced techniques and approaches that are currently expanding the boundaries of the field. MISEV2023 also includes new sections on EV release and uptake and a brief discussion of in vivo approaches to study EVs. Compiling feedback from ISEV expert task forces and more than 1000 researchers, this document conveys the current state of EV research to facilitate robust scientific discoveries and move the field forward even more rapidly

    Nouveaux matériaux et architectures de dispositifs pour les lasers organiques à l'état solide

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    The aim of this thesis is the study of new materials and innovative architectures for organic solid-state lasers. The first axis of this work is dedicated to lasing characterization of a novel organic small molecule called "fvin". Stimulated emission in red part of the spectrum (around 650 nm) was observed in neat film of this material which is generally impossible in the family of organic dyes due to concentration quenching phenomenon. The Variable Stripe Length (VSL) technique was employed to investigate and measure the material gain. The lasing effect was demonstrated in a DBR configuration as well as under the form of random lasing at high pump intensities. The second axis of this thesis is addressing design, realization, emission characterization and behavior modeling of an external-cavity organic laser structure called VECSOL (inspired from the traditional inorganic VECSEL architecture). The gain medium was a layer of PMMA doped with a laser dye (Rhodamine 640), spin casted on a dielectric plane mirror. The laser was characterized with two pump sources with different pulse durations (0.5 ns and 7 ns). We have demonstrated a tunable emission (within a range of more than 40 nm), a diffraction-limited beam and an efficiency record of 57% in an optimized configuration. The dynamics of the emission was modeled through Tang-Statz-de Mars rate equations adapted to the VECSOL geometry. Furthermore, the open cavity of the realized architecture allowed obtaining ultraviolet emission through intracavity frequency doubling in a modified VECSOL geometry.L'objectif de cette thèse est l'étude de nouveaux matériaux et d'architectures innovantes pour les lasers organiques à l'état solide. Le premier axe de ce travail est consacré à la caractérisation laser d'une nouvelle petite molécule organique appelée " fvin ". L'émission stimulée dans le rouge (vers 650 nm) a été observée dans une couche pure de ce matériau, ce qui est en général impossible dans les colorants organiques en raison du phénomène de " concentration quenching ". La méthode de ruban de pompage de longueur variable (Variable Stripe Length (VSL) technique) a été utilisée pour étudier et mesurer le gain de ce matériau. L'effet laser a été démontré dans une cavité à réseaux de Bragg distribués (DBR) ainsi que sous la forme de laser aléatoire à des intensités de pompe élevées. Le deuxième axe de cette thèse est dédié au design, à la réalisation, à la caractérisation et à la modélisation d'une nouvelle architecture laser organique à cavité externe appelée VECSOL (inspirée de l'architecture traditionnelle des VECSELs inorganiques). Le milieu à gain est une couche de PMMA dopée avec un colorant (Rhodamine 640), déposée par " spin-coating " sur un miroir plan diélectrique. Le laser a été caractérisé avec deux sources de pompage de durées d'impulsion différentes (0.5 ns et 7 ns). Nous avons démontré une émission accordable (sur plus de 40 nm), un faisceau limité par la diffraction et un record d'efficacité de 57% dans une configuration optimisée. La dynamique de l'émission laser a été modélisée grâce aux équations de taux de Tang-Statz-de Mars, adaptées à la géométrie VECSOL. La cavité ouverte de l'architecture réalisée a permis, en outre, l'obtention d'une émission ultraviolette accordable grâce au doublement de fréquence intracavité dans une géométrie VECSOL modifiée

    New materials and device architectures for organic solid-state lasers

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    L objectif de cette thèse est l étude de nouveaux matériaux et d architectures innovantes pour les lasers organiques à l état solide. Le premier axe de ce travail est consacré à la caractérisation laser d'une nouvelle petite molécule organique appelée fvin . L émission stimulée dans le rouge (vers 650 nm) a été observée dans une couche pure de ce matériau, ce qui est en général impossible dans les colorants organiques en raison du phénomène de concentration quenching . La méthode de ruban de pompage de longueur variable (Variable Stripe Length (VSL) technique) a été utilisée pour étudier et mesurer le gain de ce matériau. L effet laser a été démontré dans une cavité à réseaux de Bragg distribués (DBR) ainsi que sous la forme de laser aléatoire à des intensités de pompe élevées. Le deuxième axe de cette thèse est dédié au design, à la réalisation, à la caractérisation et à la modélisation d'une nouvelle architecture laser organique à cavité externe appelée VECSOL (inspirée de l'architecture traditionnelle des VECSELs inorganiques). Le milieu à gain est une couche de PMMA dopée avec un colorant (Rhodamine 640), déposée par spin-coating sur un miroir plan diélectrique. Le laser a été caractérisé avec deux sources de pompage de durées d impulsion différentes (0.5 ns et 7 ns). Nous avons démontré une émission accordable (sur plus de 40 nm), un faisceau limité par la diffraction et un record d efficacité de 57% dans une configuration optimisée. La dynamique de l émission laser a été modélisée grâce aux équations de taux de Tang-Statz-de Mars, adaptées à la géométrie VECSOL. La cavité ouverte de l architecture réalisée a permis, en outre, l obtention d une émission ultraviolette accordable grâce au doublement de fréquences intracavité dans une géométrie VECSOL modifiée.PARIS13-BU Sciences (930792102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Laser operation in non-doped thin films made of a small-molecule organic red-emitter

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    International audienceStimulated emission in small-molecule organic films at a high dye concentration is generally hindered by fluorescence quenching, especially in the red region of the spectrum. Here we demonstrate the achievement of high net gains (up to 50 cm-1) around 640 nm in thermally evaporated non-doped films of 4-di(4'-tert-butylbiphenyl-4-yl)amino-4'-dicyanovinylbenzene, which makes this material suitable for green-light pumped single-mode organic lasers with low threshold and superior stability. Lasing effect is demonstrated in a DBR resonator configuration, as well as under the form of random lasing at high pump intensities