5 research outputs found


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    Berjalan kaki merupakan alat transportasi yang menghubungkan kawasan perdagangan, budaya, permukiman yang menciptakan lingkungan kota yang manusiawi. Pejalan kaki berhak menikmati fasilitas pejalan kaki yang layak dalam tata ruang kota modern, oleh karena itu perancangan fasilitas pejalan kaki harus mempertimbangkan karakteristik pejalan kaki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pejalan kaki dalam menilai kualitas pelayanan di stasiun Depok baru serta mengetahui kenaikan jumlah penumpang KRL 5 tahun mendatang. Data yang digunkan berasal dari data primer yaitu data dengan pengamatan langsung, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari jurnal dan dokumen melalui instansi terkait. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dan metode trend linear serta uji validasi kelayakan produk oleh ahli perencanaan, yakni menggunakan teknik manual dalam pengamatan dan pengambilan data di lapangan. Dari hasil survai di lapangan di dapatkan data jumlah pejalan kaki. sedangkan metode trend linear menggunakan data jumlah pertumbuhan penumpang tiap tahun. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kenaikan jumlah penumpang 5 tahun mendatang cendrung mengalami peningkatan dalam jumlah penumpang tiap tahunya. Sedangkan tingkat pelayanan untuk Pintu Barat termasuk tingkat “B”, sedangkan untuk Pintu Timur termasuk tingkat pelayanan “A” dan untuk Pintu Timur termasuk tingkat pelayanan “B”. hal ini bahwa tingkat pelayanan di Stasiun Depok baru memenuhi standar HCM 1985 dan termasuk kategori baik

    EVALUASI DAN ANALISIS SISTEM DRAINASE UTAMA MENGGUNAKAN EPA SWMM (Studi Kasus Rw. 04, Desa Sriwulan, Kecamatan Sayung, Kabupaten Demak)

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    Permasalahan banjir di Jalan Sriwulan, Sayung, Demak, sangat kompleks dan multifaktorial. Sehingga sistem drainase memainkan peran yang sangat penting. Sistem drainase yang efektif dapat membantu mengurangi risiko banjir, Demikian juga yang terjadi di Desa Sriwulan, Kecamatan Sayung, Kabupaten Demak. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian dan analisis hidrologi dan hidrolika jaringan drainase di Sriwulan. Dalam hal ini diambil sample lokasi di RW 04 Desa Sriwulan.Analisis yang digunakan meliputi perhitungan curah hujan dengan menggunakan data dalam periode 10 tahun yaitu 2013-2022 menggunakan metode Polygon Thiessen, perhitungan Distribusi menggunakan metode Normal, Log Normal, Gumbel, Log Pearson III, Perhitungan Uji Distribusi Probabilitas menggunakan metode Uji Chi – Square, Uji Smirnov Kolmogorov, perhitungan Debit Rencana serta Analisis dan Evaluasi Saluran Drainase menggunakan Software EPA SWMM. Perhitungan data stasiun curah hujan yang digunakan ada 3 yakni stasiun Karangroto, Brumbung, Purwosari serta data klimatologi.Dari perhitungan menggunakan periode 10 tahun didapat nilai debit air sebesar 11,109 m3 /det, kapasitas penampang saluran Drainase sekarang dapat menampung debit air sebesar 6,768 m3 /det dengan ukuran saluran Drainase lebar 2 m dan tinggi 1,5 m.. Sehingga pelu dilakukannya perencanaan ulang pada saluran Drainase pada daerah tersebut. Setelah dilakukannya perencanaan ulang pada Saluran Drainase dengan spesifikasi lebar 3 m dan tinggi 1,5 m didapat nilai untuk menampung debit air sebesar 11,781 m3 /det, Sehingga dirasa cukup untuk menampung debit air pada daerah tersebut selama 10 tahun.Kata Kunci: Sistem Drainase; Metode Rasional; Kapasitas Debit; EPA SWMM; DAS Babo

    Al-Khurūj ‘alā al-Ḥākim fī al-Fiqh al-Siyāsī al-Islāmī: Dirāsah ‘alā Ma’nā al-Thawrah

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    The Arab Spring emerged due to a political crisis in most Arab countries that wanted a change from dictatorial regimes to democratic systems in their countries. One of the most prominent issues that caused controversy during the revolution was the issue of al-khurūj 'alā al-ḥākim. This article aims to analyze the meaning of revolution from an Islamic political perspective by discussing the concept of al-khurūj 'alā al-ḥākim, especially towards the three terms: al-bāghī, al-khawārij and al-ḥirābah. This article clarifies the relationship between these three terms with the phenomenon of revolution in the contemporary Islamic world. This article uses a jurisprudential approach with an inductive method by extrapolating jurisprudential sources and references related to the research subject. This article concludes that the notion of revolution is not the same as the concept of al-khurūj 'alā al-ḥākim in Islamic jurisprudence. The reason is that revolution aims to change the political, social and economic reality. In contrast, khurūj is a form of resistance to the leader and does not carry out all the rights demanded of the ruler. In the present context, the redefinition of the concept of al-khurūj 'alā al-ḥākim in Islamic jurisprudence is necessary to suit the modern era


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    Sistem pembuktian sangat menentukan bagi hakim di dalam memutuskan perkara. Namun dalam praktek sistem tersebut sangat terkait dengan konsep kebenaran formil, dimana tidak mensyaratkan hakim memutus perkara dengan keyakinan (kebenaran materil), tetapi cukup berdasarkan alat bukti yang ada dan sah menurut Undang-undang. Tidak jarang, penyelesaian perkara dengan model seperti ini terkadang menjadi alasan ketidakpuasan pihak-pihak yang berperkara atas putusan hakim. Penelitian ini mengkaji urgensitas kebenaran materil sebagai bahan pertimbangan hakim ketika memutuskan perkara dan prinsip-prinsip yang harus dipegang oleh seorang hakim. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan agar dapat mewujudkan kebenaran dan keadilan pada setiap keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh pengadilan terhadap suatu kasus, maka seorang hakim dituntut agar dapat mencari kebenaran materil terhadap perkara yang sedang diperiksanya. Dan prinsip umum yang harus dipegang oleh seorang hakim ketika pembuktian perkara ada dua, yaitu: hakim harus mengetahui hakikat dakwaan/ gugatan dan hakim mengetahui hukum Allah atas kasus yang dihadapinya

    Mafhum al Khuruj 'Ala Al Hakum al Dzolim: Dirasah Muqaranah Li Fikr Muhammad Said Ramadhan al Buthi wa Yusuf Qardhawi

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    The Arab Revolution, also known as the Arab Spring, emerged in late 2010 to early 2011 due to the political crisis in most Arab countries. This revolution is a people's movement that wants to overthrow (change) the dictatorial regime in power and implement a democratic system in their country. One of the most prominent issues that caused controversy from the revolution was the issue of rebellion against the unjust ruler (al-Khuruj 'ala al- Ḥakim), especially in the view of Islamic law. This study seeks to examine the thoughts of al-Buṭi and al-Qaraḍawi in the problem of al-Khuruj 'ala al-Ḥakim, especially in the context of the Syrian revolution, where both of them had close views before the revolution, but became opposite after that. This research discusses to what extent the social cognition is involved in the legal istinbaṭ process, by looking at the influence of the social environment, affiliation and media discourse, which also shape a person's mental model in viewing a particular case. Furthermore, this study examines the relationship between al-Buṭi and al-Qaraḍawi’s discussion in the Syrian revolution and the contribution of al- Imamah theory in the contemporary context. This research is a library research with the nature of the research a comparative study, and the data is requested and examined directly from its primary sources, which are the books of Sa’id Ramaḍan al-Buṭi and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. This research uses three approaches; normative approach, historical approach, and comparative approach. The normative approach is based on Islamic teachings, especially in the jurisprudential theory of the issue of al-Khuruj 'ala al-Ḥakim. It uses a historical approach intended to obtain the complete biography of al-Buṭi and al- Qaradawi. The comparative approach is used to compare the views of al-Buṭi and al-Qaradawi. regarding the issue of al-Khuruj 'ala al-Ḥakim and the Syrian revolution. The study found that: (1) al-Buṭi rejects resistance to the leader, both before and after the Syrian revolution, and considers it a fitnah because according to him the leader has not yet reached the real limit of kufr. As for al-Qaradawi, there was a change of opinion, at first he limited armed resistance to the leader and considered it the attitude of the Khawarij, but after the outbreak of the Syrian revolution, he supported the revolution and the opposition in the armed resistance movement against the leader in Syria. (2) Aspects that cause differences in opinion between the two are due to differences in understanding the hadith that command patience over the injustice of leaders, differences in the criteria of the Ḥakim that must be obeyed, differences in the legality of revolutions and differences in political and ideological tendencies of these two figures. (3) Judging from the use of arguments and methodology, al-Buṭī is more consistent than al- Qaradawi when compared to before and after the revolution. By implementing the approach of critical discourse analysis approach of the Teun A. Van Dijk model, it can be seen that there is involvement of social cognition in the legal istinbat process that was issued by both of them in the form of a fatwa when responding to the revolutionary movement in Syria, assuming that al-Buṭi's attitude is inseparable from the influence of his social environment. while al-Qaradawi is influenced by the discourse developed by the media, in addition to the difference in affiliation of the two so that it raises pro and contra attitudes towards the Syrian revolution. In relation to contemporary al-Imamah theory, the concept of opposition has also developed along with the development of a comprehensive concept of nation-state leadership, so this study shows that contemporary scholars no longer consistently follow what was formulated by previous scholars, they further develop al-Khuruj' ala al-Ḥakim as pressure or demand, not limited to forms of violent opposition as classified by previous scholars in their books