13,922 research outputs found

    Agricultural research and poverty reduction:

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    International agricultural research has contributed enormously to increasing world food supplies to their current state of plenty. Yet poverty remains a major problem and the challenge for agricultural research now lies in developing strategies that more explicitly address the needs of the poor. This paper, based on the study commissioned by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of the CGIAR system, addresses this issue. Based on an analysis of the links between agricultural research and poverty alleviation in different types of countries and rural regions, Peter Hazell and Lawrence Haddad identify six key priorities for a pro-poor agricultural research agenda and discuss strategies for achieving each of these goals with the least trade-off in national agricultural growth. (Excerpted from Forward by Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Emil Javier)agricultural research, poverty, food supply,

    Off line Parallax Correction for Neutral Particle Gas Detectors

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    In a neutral particle gas detector, the parallax error resulting from the perpendicular projection on the detection plane or wire of the radial particle trajectories emanating from a point like source (such as a scattering sample) can significantly spoil the apparent angular resolution of the detector. However, as we will show, the information is not lost. We propose an off line data treatment to restore as much as possible the original scattering information in the case of a one-dimensional parallax effect. The reversibility of parallax follows from the algebraic structure of this effect, which is different from the resolution loss which is essentially irreversible. The interplay between finite resolution and parallax complicates the issue, but this can be resolved

    Alignment in total knee arthroplasty : what’s in a name?

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    Dissatisfaction following total knee arthroplasty is a well-documented phenomenon. Although many factors have been implicated, including modifiable and nonmodifiable patient factors, emphasis over the past decade has been on implant alignment and stability as both a cause of, and a solution to, this problem. Several alignment targets have evolved with a proliferation of techniques following the introduction of computer and robotic-assisted surgery. Mechanical alignment targets may achieve mechanically-sound alignment while ignoring the soft tissue envelope; kinematic alignment respects the soft tissue envelope while ignoring the mechanical environment. Functional alignment is proposed as a hybrid technique to allow mechanically-sound, soft tissue-friendly alignment targets to be identified and achieved

    A new methodology called dice game optimizer for capacitor placement in distribution systems

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    Purpose. Shunt capacitors are installed in power system for compensating reactive power. Therefore, feeder capacity releases, voltage profile improves and power loss reduces. However, determination optimal location and size of capacitors in distributionsystems is a complex optimization problem. In order to determine the optimum size and location of the capacitor, an objective function which is generally defined based on capacitor installation costs and power losses should be minimized According to operational limitations. This paper offers a newly developed metaheuristic technique, named dice game optimizerto determine optimal size and location of capacitors in a distribution network. Dice game optimizer is a game based optimization technique that is based on the rules of the dice game.Цель. Шунтирующие конденсаторы в энергосистеме устанавливаются для компенсации реактивной мощности. Следовательно, снижается емкость фидера, улучшается профиль напряжения и снижаются потери мощности. Однако определение оптимального местоположения и размера конденсаторов в системах распределения является сложной задачей оптимизации. Чтобы определить оптимальный размер и расположение конденсатора, целевую функцию, которая обычно определяется на основе затрат на установку конденсатора и потерь мощности, следует минимизировать в соответствии с эксплуатационными ограничениями. Данная статья предлагает недавно разработанный метаэвристический метод, называемый оптимизатором игры в кости, для определения оптимального размера и расположения конденсаторов в распределительной сети. Оптимизатор игры в кости – это игровой метод оптимизации, основанный на правилах игры в кости

    Animais aquáticos venenosos e perigosos da Europa com ênfase em Portugal Continental e Ilhas

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    A listagem abaixo, tecnicamente desenvolvida ao longo de um trabalho de pesquisa de cerca de seis anos, pretende descrever e informar o leitor sobre dados adicionais que complementam o livro acima mencionado. Os acidentes com animais marinhos são uma realidade que, na Europa em geral e em Portugal, incluindo Madeira e Açores, tem sido pouco ou nada estudada embora cause, anualmente, um número elevado – mas não devidamente quantificado – de acidentes com diversos graus de gravidade que podem ir desde pequenas lesões benignas até óbitos por causa directa ou indirecta, nomeadamente, afogamentos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacts of agricultural research on poverty: findings of an integrated economic and social analysis

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    Agricultural research, Sustainable livelihoods, Agricultural growth, Gender, Agricultural technology,

    Breakdown performance of vacuum circuit breakers using alternative CF3I-CO2 insulation gas mixture

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    In this paper, sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) insulated vacuum interrupter circuit breakers have been used to explore replacing SF6 gas with a trifluoroiodomethane and carbon dioxide (CF3I-CO2) gas mixture. The search for an alternative insulation gas is driven by the well known extreme global warming potential of SF6. For this purpose, the circuit breaker gas compartment of a piece of gas insulated switchgear (GIS) was filled with a CF3I gas mixture and then tested using lightning impulses up to the rated withstand strength. The tested ring main unit was initially designed to be insulated with SF6 gas. The unit is a three-phase switchgear containing two switches per phase; a selector interlock and a vacuum bottle circuit breaker per phase. The test programme performed in this investigation demonstrated the breakdown performance and insulation strength of the new gas mixture as well as the vacuum circuit breakers behavior when insulated with a new insulation medium. Data on the dielectric properties of the proposed gas mixture is presented, and the performance of the tested vacuum circuit breaker is discussed. Promising results are obtained which indicate the suitability of this more-environmentally friendly gas for high voltage insulation purposes

    Bite by moray eel

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    Copyright © 2008 CEVAP.Injuries caused by moray eels are not a common problem, but are distributed throughout the globe, affecting mainly fishermen while manipulating hooked or netted fish. On a lesser scale, scuba divers and snorkelers, practicing or not spear fishing, are occasional victims of bites. With more than 185 species distributed among 15 genera, mostly in tropical to temperate shallow water, moray eels easily come into contact with humans and occasional injuries are not uncommon. The current study reports one case of moray eel bite and discusses the circumstances in which the accident happened, as well as wound evolution and therapy

    Dangerous Azorean Marine Animals : A Field Guide

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    A ocorrência de acidentes por animais marinhos no mundo é relatada no meio científico de maneira esporádica e sem sequência. Os principais animais causadores dos acidentes e as características clínicas só recentemente vêm recebendo maior atenção por parte dos médicos e dos biólogos, o que resulta numa maior possibilidade de se estabelecerem medidas terapêuticas e preventivas efectivas para o problema. Este facto ocorre nos Açores e, de resto, em Portugal continental bem como por toda a Europa. Este projecto pretende relacionar os principais animais marinhos potencialmente perigosos do Arquipélago dos Açores, sem pretender avaliar a incidência dos acidentes. Agravos com este perfil são causados principalmente pelos cnidários, pelos equinodermes e por alguns peixes peçonhentos e traumatizantes, facto observado de forma cosmopolita. No único estudo realizado de maneira quantitativa sobre acidentes por animais marinhos peçonhentos e traumatizantes, efectuado em Ubatuba, no litoral Sudeste do Brasil, foram atendidos cerca de 600 pacientes vitimados principalmente por ouriços-do-mar (50 %), cnidários (25%) e peixes venenosos de várias espécies (25%).ABSTRACT: The world occurrence of accidents with marine animals is reported sporadically by science and, normally with no practical consequences. Only recently the main animals that do cause accidents, together with the clinical caractheristics, are calling the attention of both biologists and physicians, which results in significant improvements regarding terapeutics and prevention measures. This is happening in the Azores, but also in other parts of Portugal and, of course, Europe. This Project aims to describe the main marine animals from the Azores that are pottentially dangerous. It does not intend to evaluate the incidence of the accidents themselves. The majority of accidents is caused by Cnidaria, Echinoderms and by some poisonous and/ or injury inflicting fish. The scenario follows a cosmopolitan pattern. In the only so far published quantitative study made on this subject made in Ubatuba, SE Brazil, some 600 patients were attended, mainly injured by seaurchins (50 %), cnidaria (25%) and poisonous fish from several species (25%)