9 research outputs found

    Black hole entropy and soft hair

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    Abstract A set of infinitesimal Virasoro L ⊗ Virasoro R diffeomorphisms are presented which act non-trivially on the horizon of a generic Kerr black hole with spin J. The covariant phase space formalism provides a formula for the Virasoro charges as surface integrals on the horizon. Integrability and associativity of the charge algebra are shown to require the inclusion of ‘Wald-Zoupas’ counterterms. A counterterm satisfying the known consistency requirement is constructed and yields central charges c L = c R = 12J. Assuming the existence of a quantum Hilbert space on which these charges generate the symmetries, as well as the applicability of the Cardy formula, the central charges reproduce the macroscopic area-entropy law for generic Kerr black holes.</jats:p

    The conformal BMS group

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    Abstract We describe the conformal symmetries of asymptotically flat spacetime. These represent an extension of the BMS group that we call the conformal BMS group. Its general features are discussed