272 research outputs found

    Kinematics and Vorticity in Kangmar Dome, Southern Tibet: Testing Midcrustal Channel-flow Models for the Himalaya

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    Kinematic, kinematic vorticity (Wm), and deformation temperature analyses were completed to test the hypothesis that midcrustal rocks exposed in the core of the Kangmar gneiss dome, southern Tibet record ductile deformation patterns of a “frozen” segment of a southward flowing midcrustal channel. Microscopic and mesoscopic kinematic indicators exhibit a downward transition from a subequal mix of top-north and top-south shear in garnet zone rocks to dominantly top-north shear in staurolite/kyanite zone and deeper rocks. Kinematic vorticity values indicate an increase in pure shear component with depth from ∌48% pure shear in chloritoid zone rocks through ∌62% in garnet zone to staurolite/kyanite zone rocks to ∌68% pure shear in an orthogneiss, the deepest exposed rocks. Deformation temperatures inferred from grain-scale microstructures and quartz lattice preferred orientations increase from ∌300°C–400°C in chloritoid zone rocks to ≄600°C in the deepest exposed rocks. These temperatures are equivalent to temperatures derived from garnet-biotite thermobarometry, indicating that Wm was recorded during peak metamorphism. This ductile deformation zone was cut by the brittle southern Tibetan detachment system (STDS) that juxtaposed metasedimentary rocks upon the orthogneiss. On the basis of these relations, midcrustal rocks in the core of Kangmar Dome record: (1) general shear (vertical thinning and N–S horizontal extension) with a component of top-north shear during peak metamorphism within a ductile shear zone corresponding to the northern and deeper portion of the STDS, (2) an increase in pure shear with structural depth, a consequence of an increase in lithostatic load, and (3) displacement of the high-temperature shear zone by the brittle STDS. Our data are compatible with the deformation patterns predicted for the top part of a southward flowing midcrustal channel

    Size and Exhumation Rate of Ultrahigh-Pressure Terranes Linked to Orogenic Stage

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    A growing set of data indicates a stark contrast between the evolution of two types of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terranes: large terranes that evolved slowly (over 10–30 Myr), and small terranes that formed and were exhumed on timescales of \u3c 10 Myr. Here we compare the characteristics – area, thickness, formation rate, exhumation rate, age, and tectonic setting – of these two endmember types of UHP terrane worldwide. We suggest that the two UHP terrane types may form during different orogenic stages because of variations in the buoyancy and traction forces due to different proportions of subducting crust and mantle lithosphere or to different rates of subduction. The initial stages of continent collision involve the subduction of thin continental crust or microcontinents, and thus tectonic forces are dominated by the density of the oceanic slab; subduction rates are rapid and subduction angles are initially steep. However, as collision matures, thicker and larger pieces of continental material are subducted, and the positive buoyancy of the down-going slab becomes more prominent; subduction angles become gentle and convergence slows. Assessing the validity of this hypothesis is critical to understanding the physical and chemical evolution of Earth\u27s crust and mantle. Included here is the post-print copy of this article. The final publication is available via ScienceDirect at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X1100756

    Ultrahigh-temperature osumilite gneisses in southern Madagascar record combined heat advection and high rates of radiogenic heat production in a long-lived high-T orogen

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    We report the discovery of osumilite in ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) metapelites of the Anosyen domain, southern Madagascar. The gneisses equilibrated at ~930°C/0.6 GPa. Monazite and zircon U–Pb dates record 80 Ma of metamorphism. Monazite compositional trends reflect the transition from prograde to retrograde metamorphism at 550 Ma. Eu anomalies in monazite reflect changes in fO_2 relative to quartz–fayalite–magnetite related to the growth and breakdown of spinel. The ratio Gd/Yb in monazite records the growth and breakdown of garnet. High rates of radiogenic heat production were the primary control on metamorphic grade at the regional scale. The short duration of prograde metamorphism in the osumilite gneisses (<29 ± 8 Ma) suggests that a thin mantle lithosphere (<80 km) or advective heating may have also been important in the formation of this high‐T, low‐P terrane

    Seismic anisotropy as a constraint on composition in the lower crust

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    Our current interpretation of the composition of the middle and lower crust comes mainly from seismic observations, yet it remains a challenge to link seismic observations directly to composition. This is because isotropic seismic properties are similar across a range of compositions. Taking anisotropy into account allows for further refinement of our interpretation of composition provided that anisotropy is characterized for candidate rock types. This study uses electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) measurements of crystallographic preferred orientation of minerals to calculate seismic anisotropy in samples of the Pelona-Orocopia-Rand (POR) schist from the Mojave region of southern California. The goals of this work are to characterize the seismic anisotropy of the POR schist and its relationship to observed lower crustal anisotropy in the region, and to refine predictions of lower crustal composition based on seismic anisotropy

    Diapirs as the source of the sediment signature in arc lavas

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature Geoscience 4 (2011): 641-646, doi:10.1038/ngeo1214Many arc lavas show evidence for the involvement of subducted sediment in the melting process. There is debate whether this “sediment melt” signature forms at relatively low temperature near the fluid-saturated solidus or at higher temperature beyond the breakdown of trace-element-rich accessory minerals. We present new geochemical data from high- to ultrahigh-pressure rocks that underwent subduction and show no significant depletion of key trace elements in the sediment melt component until peak metamorphic temperatures exceeded ~1050ÂșC from 2.7 to 5 GPa. These temperatures are higher than for the top of the subducting plate at similar pressures based on thermal models. To address this discrepancy, we use instability calculations for a non-Newtonian buoyant layer in a viscous half-space to show that, in typical subduction zones, solid-state sediment diapirs initiate at temperatures between 500–850ÂșC. Based on these calculations, we propose that the sediment melt component in arc magmas is produced by high degrees of dehydration melting in buoyant diapirs of metasediment that detach from the slab and rise into the hot mantle wedge. Efficient recycling of sediments into the wedge by this mechanism will alter volatile fluxes into the deep mantle compared to estimates based solely on devolatilization of the slab.Funding for this work was provided by NSF and WHOI’s Deep Ocean Exploration Institute

    High-Temperature Deformation During Continental-Margin Subduction & Exhumation: The Ultrahigh-Pressure Western Gneiss Region of Norway

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    A new dataset for the high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure Western Gneiss Region allows the definition of distinct structural and petrological domains. Much of the study area is an E-dipping homocline with E-plunging lineations that exposes progressively deeper, more strongly deformed, more eclogite-rich structural levels westward. Although eclogites crop out across the WGR, Scandian deformation is weak and earlier structures are well preserved in the southeastern half of the study area. The Scandian reworking increases westward, culminating in strong Scandian fabrics with only isolated pockets of older structures; the dominant Scandian deformation was coaxial E–W stretching. The sinistrally sheared Mþre–Trþndelag Fault Complex and Nordfjord Mylonitic Shear Zone bound these rocks to the north and south. There was moderate top-E, amphibolite-facies deformation associated with translation of the allochthons over the basement along its eastern edge, and the Nordfjord–Sogn Detachment Zone underwent strong lower amphibolite-facies to greenschist-facies top-W shearing. A northwestward increase in exhumation-related melting is indicated by leucosomes with hornblende, plagioclase, and Scandian sphene. In the western 2/3 of the study area, exhumation-related, amphibolite-facies symplectite formation in quartzofeldspathic gneiss postdated most Scandian deformation; further deformation was restricted to slip along biotite-rich foliation planes and minor local folding. That the Western Gneiss Region quartzofeldspathic gneiss exhibits a strong gradient in degree of deformation, implies that continental crust in general need not undergo pervasive deformation during subduction

    Focused radiogenic heating of middle crust caused ultrahigh temperatures in southern Madagascar

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    Internal heating can cause melting, metamorphism, and crustal weakening in convergent orogens. This study evaluates the role of radiogenic heat production (RHP) in a Neoproterozoic ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic (UHTM) terrane exposed in southern Madagascar. Monazite and zircon geochronology indicates that the Paleoproterozoic Androyen and Anosyen domains (i) collided with the oceanic Vohibory Arc at ~630 Ma, (ii) became incorporated into the Gondwanan collisional orogen by ~580 Ma, and (iii) were exhumed during crustal thinning at 525–510 Ma. Ti-in-quartz and Zr-in-rutile thermometry reveals that UHTM occurred over >20,000 km^2, mostly within the Anosyen domain. Assuming that U, Th, and K contents of samples from the field area are representative of the middle to lower crust during orogenesis, RHP was high enough—locally >5 ΌW/m^3—to cause regional UHTM in <60 Myr. We conclude that, due in large part to the stability and insolubility of monazite at high crustal temperatures, RHP was the principal heat source responsible for UHTM, obviating the need to evoke external heat sources. Focused RHP probably thermally weakened portions of the middle crust, gravitationally destabilizing the orogen and facilitating thinning via lateral extrusion of hot crustal sections

    Ultrahigh-temperature osumilite gneisses in southern Madagascar record combined heat advection and high rates of radiogenic heat production in a long-lived high-T orogen

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    We report the discovery of osumilite in ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) metapelites of the Anosyen domain, southern Madagascar. The gneisses equilibrated at ~930°C/0.6 GPa. Monazite and zircon U–Pb dates record 80 Ma of metamorphism. Monazite compositional trends reflect the transition from prograde to retrograde metamorphism at 550 Ma. Eu anomalies in monazite reflect changes in fO_2 relative to quartz–fayalite–magnetite related to the growth and breakdown of spinel. The ratio Gd/Yb in monazite records the growth and breakdown of garnet. High rates of radiogenic heat production were the primary control on metamorphic grade at the regional scale. The short duration of prograde metamorphism in the osumilite gneisses (<29 ± 8 Ma) suggests that a thin mantle lithosphere (<80 km) or advective heating may have also been important in the formation of this high‐T, low‐P terrane
