33 research outputs found

    Teaching Effectiveness and Efficiency in Project Management: A SIMPROJECT Approach

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    SIMPROJECT™ is a useful simulation tool structured to follow the project lifecycle aiding students in understanding how projects are managed. In practice, students learn to conceptualize, plan, execute, and terminate projects during the entire project life cycle. In reality, students lack an appreciation of the importance of planning and how to evaluate project information. While, SIMPROJECT™ provides much of the information required to conceptualize the simulated project, a series of systematic exercises was developed to augment the planning needed to execute and finally terminate projects within the context of the simulation. This workshop provides a series of 7 pre-emptive exercises prior to starting a simulation and Excel worksheets helpful to students in understanding the effectiveness and efficiency measures needed to develop a successful project plan. Results suggest that students leave the course with a better understanding of the importance of planning, evaluating their plan, and monitoring their plan as SIMPROJECT is executed

    IS Student Resume Writing Exercise

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    Resumes are a necessary component to the IS student job search. Unfortunately, many IS students downplay the importance of their resume and do little to improve the likelihood of their resume being read and positively evaluated. This exercise requires students to peer review the resumes of their classmates using a standardized rating system that rank orders all the responses. IS students are able to review MS Excel skills to aid in their decision making as well as develop a graphical decision tool to more easily compare responses. Results suggest that students rank at least 2 of the same resumes highest or lowest on the ranking scale with middle rankings being much more subjective. A result is that students can utilize useful ideas from other student resumes. Instructors may use results to emphasize that extra effort pays off in creating opportunities for a more positive review and rewarding result

    The Impact of Organizational Memory on IT Systems

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    Organizational Memory Information Systems (OMISs) combine the attributes of culture, history, business process, human memory and fact into an integrated knowledge based business system. While not currently in existence in the configuration suggested in this paper, this type of information system would be an integral part of any firm wanting to anticipate business climate changes, expand their customer base and improve existing customer service. OMIS’s would benefit businesses wanting to integrate disparate data bases, capture the expertise of retiring staff, improve organizational coordination and provide a decision making aid to staff members encountering new and complex issues requiring the integration of diverse and inconsistent types of knowledge

    Diffusion of Innovations: A Longitudinal Study of a Virtual Community

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    The exponential growth and global access of the Internet may have signaled a basic change in human sociology. Increasingly, people are choosing to relate to each other through computer-mediated channels by forming virtual communities. As these virtual communities become more pervasive, it is important that we gain an understanding of the nature of these social systems. This study will analyze the content of warehoused electronic communications to study these communities. The preliminary analysis examines the viability of the community and the diffusion of innovations. The ongoing inquiry will use computerized content analysis to gain deeper insight into community dynamics, leadership and communication character

    The Work-Life Balance of Nursing Professionals: An Information Technology Context

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    Evaluating Information Technology (IT) and Nursing Professionals’ intentions to leave their organizations during COVID-19 using Critical Lens Theory found similar perceptions toward job burnout and the 6Cs of nursing. Both groups suffer from similar levels of emotional exhaustion. Nurses exhibit lower levels of Depersonalization and Personal Accomplishment than IT Professionals. IT professionals scored lower across the 6Cs of nursing, supporting the stereotype of IT professionals exhibiting lower levels of care and compassion toward customers. IT Professionals scored higher on Personal Accomplishments. Interestingly, both groups seemed to keep their options open in seeking new jobs or quitting their current position

    Critical Success Factors for Electronic Therapy—A Delphi Study

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    E-therapy employs a cross-section of online psychotherapies that use many of the same traditional face-to-face techniques as psychotherapy by exploiting electronic synchronous communication between a patient and trained therapists (counselors, psychoanalyst’s, or other licensed practitioners). A Delphi study of practicing therapists revealed five critical success factors (CSFs) (technological, managerial, empathic, service quality, and legal) that are important influences in the implementation of e-therapy services. Results suggest that managerial and legal factors hinder wider acceptance of e-therapy services. Secure and effective communication channels and protection of patient data emerge as important themes in the context of the five CSFs as concerns of potential e-therapists in wanting to provide effective care to patients

    Introduction to Marketing and Consumer Behavior in Electronic Markets

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    In this paper we discuss three issues that are relevant to understanding the current state of marketing and consumer behavior in online sales channels and electronic marketplaces enabled by the Internet and World Wide Web (Web). First, how is the Internet used for marketing? It can be used as a new tool for market research, new product creation, product advertising and distribution, and developing consumer relationships. The second issue is how much money is currently spent by companies for Web advertising and by consumers for purchasing products and services online? Statistics illustrate explosive growth in each of these areas in the past few years. And the third issue is what factors affect consumer purchase behavior in electronic sales channels and markets? Three studies that represent current research in this area are discussed. Each study uses a different approach to study online consumer behavior in industries such as books, travel, and financial services. Online consumer behavior is an important issue for companies because they need to identify the characteristics of their potential online customers and use this information to effectively design their Web-based customer interface to succeed in this highly competitive new market

    Chief Information Officers and Industry Characteristics: Is Profiling Possible?

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    The position of Chief Information Officer (CIO) continues to evolve into an executive position on par with the CEO and CFO. Beginning primarily as a technical position, the CIO now sits in an executive office analogous to the CEO and CFO. CIOS now supervise projects integrated with long-range strategic planning and advise senior managers about the future courses of their organizations. Our study sought to better understand how the CIO as an individual has evolved the job position. Collecting over 312 IT CIO profiles from IT announcements, we are using interpretive text analysis techniques to investigate personal characteristics of CIOs with the intention of noting differences in their professional demeanor overtime. Preliminary results are in work

    A Framework for the Exploration of The Evolution of Electronic Meeting Systems in Multinational Corporations

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify an important development in videoconferencing and present a framework for future research and understanding of this technology. Video-conferencing is a rich medium that provides multiple cues through reoccurring channels of communication with immediate feedback capabilities supporting different languages and a high degree of personalization. The Information Technology (IT) infrastructure necessary to support the large bandwidth for video-conferencing is being expanded around the globe. Organizations dealing across national boundaries will be faced with additional equivocality in making decisions because of diverse cultural perspectives. Equivocality is reduced by allowing decision makers to communicate their individual understanding to each other in an attempt to develop a shared vision or interpretation of the circumstance. Desktop video-conferencing has the potential to be an important new tool for the coordination of multinational corporation