34 research outputs found

    Antoine de Baecque, Philippe Chevallier (dir.), Dictionnaire de la pensée du cinéma

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    Le Dictionnaire de la pensĂ©e du cinĂ©ma – dernier venu de la sĂ©rie des dictionnaires de poche publiĂ©s par les PUF – se prĂ©sente comme un recueil de courts essais indexĂ©s par ordre alphabĂ©tique. Il compte prĂšs de 400 entrĂ©es signĂ©es par 73 auteurs. Antoine de Baecque et Philippe Chevallier, qui assument la direction de l’ouvrage, insistent en introduction sur sa valeur de « manifeste » (p. VII). Comment la force assertive qui caractĂ©rise ce genre passĂ©iste peut-elle s’accommoder de la structure..

    Colloque international « Le paradigme sĂ©miologique et la pensĂ©e “ cinĂ©matographique ” de Christian Metz »

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    Ce colloque, qui s’est tenu Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de ZĂŒrich du 12 au 14 juin 2013, a Ă©tĂ© organisĂ© par le Seminar fĂŒr Filmwissenschaft de cette institution, en partenariat avec la SociĂ©tĂ© de philosophie et la chaire de littĂ©rature française moderne de la mĂȘme universitĂ© et l’Ambassade de France en Suisse, sous le patronage de l’AcadĂ©mie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales et de l’Association suisse de sĂ©miotique et de thĂ©orie de la culture – ainsi que l’a rappelĂ© en ouverture Margrit Tröhler. Il..

    Olive pulp and exogenous enzymes feed supplementation effect on the carcass and offal in broilers: a preliminary study

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    Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in the exploitation and valorization of agricultural food waste and by-products. At the same time, the growing demand by markets worldwide, especially in Africa and Southeast Asia, can justify the growing interest in the use of by-products for the poultry industry. Olive pulp is one of the most interesting by-products of olive tree farming (typical of the Mediterranean area), being a good source of many biologically active compounds with antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. The presence of processed olive pulp in the diet showed to be effective in increasing the weight of specific carcass and offal traits. This work aims at studying olive pulp as a feed supplement in poultry nutrition, by focusing on the effects on broiler carcass and offal. Olive pulp (OP) is one of the by-products of olive tree farming, being the residue of olive cake after it is dried. To evaluate the effects of OP in a diet supplemented with different levels of a commercial enzyme (ENZ) blend on broiler carcass and offal traits, three hundred male broiler chicks (Ross 308 lineage; one-day-old) were divided into ten treatment groups according to a completely randomized design. The treatments diets contained: unprocessed OP (50 g/kg, 100 g/kg, 50 g/kg with ENZ, 100 g/kg with ENZ), processed OP (50 g/kg, 100 g/kg, 50 g/kg with ENZ, 100 g/kg with ENZ), and control groups (without OP, and without OP with ENZ). The OP processing increased breast percentages in broilers. Supplementation with ENZ did not change any of the studied carcass or offal trait values. The presence of OP (50 g/kg) in broiler diets increased the eviscerated carcass, leg, and neck percentage values. The presence of processed OP (50 g/kg) in the diet showed to be effective in increasing the weight of specific carcass and offal traits.This manuscript was prepared from the MSc thesis presented by the first author to the Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Rasht, Iran. We are grateful to the Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Rasht, Iran, and to the Minas Gerais Research Foundation (FAPEMIG), Brazil, for their support.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The mosses are widely used as sentinels of the lead pollution from road traffic, for their morphological and physiological properties (the absence of root system and tissue developed conductors). Indeed, the mosses are used to estimate concentrations of lead emitted by vehicles in the atmosphere of the city of Tiaret (west Algeria); such was the object of this research. Mosse Bryum argenteum is used in this study, as a bio-monitor passive of trace element which is emitted by road traffic. The results show that the city of Tiaret is polluted, because the lead levels (Pb) in Bryum argenteum are considerably high (584 ”g/g)

    Mathematical and numerical modelling of soiling effects of photovoltaic solar panels on their electrical performance

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    With time, the photovoltaic solar panels naturally soiled from dust and other elements. These soils prevent light to reach solar cell and can reduce the long-term profitability. The study demonstrates the soiling effect on the electrical characteristics of panels, productivity and performance. A model simulation was developed in this direction in order to quantify and compare the performance of clean and dirty panels, the dust particles have been considered as spheres with an elliptical shadow on the panel. The results prove a power loss of 40% of a 0,224 mg/cm2 dust deposition in comparison with a clean panel at the maximum operating point MPP. This study describes the identified critical parameters governing the fouling of the PV panels

    Flexible Smart Textile Coated by PVDF/Graphene Oxide With Excellent Energy Harvesting Toward a Novel Class of Self-Powered Sensors: Fabrication, Characterization and Measurements

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    Because of some of their diverse benefits, intelligent textiles have attracted a great deal of interest among specialists over the past decade. This paper describes a novel approach to the manufacture of intelligent piezoelectric polymer-based textiles with enhanced piezoelectric responses for applications that extract biomechanical energy. Here we report a highly scalable and ultrafast production of smart textile piezoelectric containing graphene oxide nanosheets (GONS) dispersed in polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). In this work, Cotton textiles (CT) were functionalized and by graphene oxide (GO), using PVDF as a binder to obtain a CT-PVDF-GO material. Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) was further grafted as a coating layer to improve the surface compatibility, resulting in the CT-PVDF-GO-TEOS composite. The research results show that the addition of GONS significantly improves PVDF's overall crystallization rate on CT. More specifically, the piezoelectric β-phase content (100 % higher F[β]) and crystallinity degree on the piezoelectric properties of composite cotton fiber has been improved effectively. Consequently, this fabricated piezo-smart textile has a glorious piezoelectricity even with comparatively low coating content of PVDF-GONS-TEOS. Based on it, the as-fabricated piezoelectric textile device has resulted in the output voltage of up to 13 mV for a given frequency (fm = 8 Hz) at fixed strain amplitude value (0.5 %). It is believed that this research may further reveal the field of energy harvesting for possible applications in the future.. In addition, the set of experimental results that illustrate the smart textile was carried out and discussed, and how it can be used as a wearable device source for this smart textile. Finally, the approach described in this study can also be used to construct other desirable designs, for a wearable low-consumption sensor, etc

    Acheminement vers le concept de dispositif. PrĂ©supposĂ©s d’une notion, diachronie d’une problĂ©matique.

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    Le concept de dispositif joue un rĂŽle important au sein des discours thĂ©oriques sur le cinĂ©ma et les mĂ©dias. Le prĂ©sent travail interroge la formation de ce concept au grĂ© de ses dĂ©placements Ă  travers diffĂ©rents champs : ceux de la philosophie, de la psychanalyse et du cinĂ©ma. La question qui nous guide n’est pas tant celle de la dĂ©finition du concept – qu’est qu’un dispositif ? – que celle de ses usages : pourquoi dit-on dispositif ? Quel problĂšme le concept a-t-il pour vocation de rĂ©soudre et quelles solutions dessinent ses dĂ©placements ? Le problĂšme qui prĂ©side Ă  la formation du concept de dispositif se dessine au carrefour d’une rĂ©flexion qui concerne la technique et ses « effets » d’une part, et la structure et son extension d’autre part. Or, la notion de dispositif n’est pas la seule situĂ©e Ă  cette intersection. En effet, il est nĂ©cessaire de prendre en compte, outre la notion de dispositif, toute une sĂ©rie d’autres notions qui dĂ©ploient leur portĂ©e conceptuelle dans le mĂȘme champ problĂ©matique. Celles-ci peuvent se rĂ©partir en deux catĂ©gories. Dans une premiĂšre catĂ©gorie Ă©voluent des notions dont la portĂ©e se veut disruptive. C’est le cas du concept de Gestell chez Heidegger, du concept d’objet a chez Lacan, de celui de causalitĂ© mĂ©tonymique chez Althusser, ou encore de celui de suture dans les Cahiers du cinĂ©ma. Ces concepts, dĂ©veloppĂ©s au fil des annĂ©es 1960, partagent une mĂȘme fonction disruptive : ils ont pour vocation de dĂ©limiter, au carrefour du questionnement sur la technique et sur la structure, un espace vide. Dans cette entreprise, les deux questions se font Ă©cho de façon analogique : la structure, comme la technique, ne trouve sa consistance que dans l’absence de sa cause. C’est prĂ©cisĂ©ment ce vide que les notions d’appareil chez Baudry et Althusser, de machine chez Deleuze-Guattari et de dispositif chez Foucault ont pour vocation de combler : il s’agit lĂ  des concepts qui entrent dans la seconde catĂ©gorie. Ces trois concepts, dĂ©veloppĂ©s au cours des annĂ©es 1970, ont une fonction descriptive et analytique. Bien qu’ils dĂ©signent, Ă  l’instar du concept de structure, des agencements ; ces concepts ne prĂ©supposent dĂ©sormais en rien la modalitĂ© des rapports entre les Ă©lĂ©ments qu’ils assemblent. Le principe de cohĂ©rence se trouve reversĂ© sur les techniques et de leur dĂ©veloppement historique. En somme, loin de reconduire les jeux de l’analogie entre la structure et la technique, ces concepts opĂšrent leur complĂšte jonction. En somme, ils font varier l’extension du concept de structure en lui confĂ©rant une assise matĂ©rielle et topologique via un paradigme technique. De l’interrogation sur la technique menĂ©e par Heidegger dans les annĂ©es 1950, jusqu’au concept de dispositif Ă©laborĂ© par Foucault dans Surveiller et Punir en 1975, ce travail examine la formation du concept au grĂ© de ses dĂ©placements Ă  travers les champs de la psychanalyse, de la philosophie et du cinĂ©ma. La thĂ©orie cinĂ©matographique – en plein essor Ă  cette Ă©poque dans les revues d’avant-garde – joue un rĂŽle prĂ©pondĂ©rant quant au dĂ©veloppement du concept. En contrechamp, le cinĂ©ma est souvent convoquĂ© par les philosophes pour confĂ©rer au concept une assise matĂ©rielle et topologique. Si bien que le cheminement que dessine le concept de dispositif n’est pas tant celui d’une « application » ou d’un « apport » conceptuel de la philosophie au cinĂ©ma que le tracĂ© d’une singuliĂšre histoire cinĂ©matographique de la philosophie

    Lacan spectateur : un point aveugle entre cinéma et psychanalyse

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    Si l’importance de la psychanalyse lacanienne pour la thĂ©orie du cinĂ©ma au cours des annĂ©es 1970 n’est plus Ă  dĂ©montrer, la question du rĂŽle qu’a pu jouer le cinĂ©ma dans le dĂ©veloppement de la thĂ©orie lacanienne reste entiĂšre. Or, les allusions cinĂ©matographiques au fil des sĂ©minaires de Lacan, lorsqu’elles sont envisagĂ©es diachroniquement, participent d’une forte cohĂ©rence thĂ©orique autour des concepts de « rĂ©el » et « d’objet a ». Que ce soit en rĂ©fĂ©rence au « rictus de jouissance » de Dalio dans la RĂšgle du jeu ou Ă  « l’Ɠil inerte » de la bĂȘte marine dans la scĂšne finale de la Dolce Vita (la Douceur de vivre), Lacan cherche Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence, par ces fulgurantes allusions filmiques, la prĂ©sence d’un point aveugle qui, dans le systĂšme symbolique du film, fait rupture. Si bien que le cinĂ©ma se rĂ©vĂšle particuliĂšrement enclin Ă  rendre compte du caractĂšre disruptif de « l’objet a ». Le prĂ©sent article vise Ă  dĂ©montrer que les rĂ©fĂ©rences au cinĂ©ma chez Lacan tendent non seulement Ă  faire systĂšme, mais qu’elles permettent surtout d’éclairer, dans une perspective historique, les glissements prĂ©coces des concepts lacaniens vers la thĂ©orie cinĂ©matographique.While the importance of Lacanian psychoanalysis for film theory during the 1970s is well established, the analysis of the influence of cinema on Lacanian theory remains unexplored. Film references in Lacan’s seminars form part of a deep theoretical coherence grounded in the concepts of the Real and the object a. Whether he is referring to Dalio’s grin of jouissance in The Rules of the Game or to the sea creature’s « lifeless eye » in the last scene of La Dolce Vita (The sweet life), Lacan uses film references to reveal a blind spot that functions as a disruptive agent in the symbolic system of film. Indeed, cinema seems particularly prone to account for the disruptive nature of the object a. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that film references in Lacan’s work not only contribute to create a coherent system, but also, from a historical perspective, they shed light on the first steps of the Lacanian infiltration of film theory.Se l’importanza della psicoanalisi lacaniana per la teoria del cinema degli anni Settanta non deve piĂč essere dimostrata, il ruolo che il cinema puĂČ aver svolto nello sviluppo della teoria lacaniana resta ancora da indagare. Ora, nei seminari di Lacan le allusioni cinematografiche, qualora considerate diacronicamente, concorrono a una forte coerenza teorica intorno ai concetti di « reale » e di « oggetto a ». Sia che si riferisca al « rictus de jouissance » di Dalio nel film la regola del gioco, sia all’« occhio inerte » della bestia marina nella scena finale della Dolce Vita, Lacan cerca di mettere in evidenza, attraverso queste allusioni filmiche folgoranti, la presenza di un punto cieco che spezza il sistema simbolico del film. CosicchĂ© il cinema si rivela particolarmente incline a render conto del carattere dirompente dell’« oggetto a ». Questo articolo si propone di dimostrare che in Lacan i riferimenti al cinema tendono non solo a fare sistema, ma soprattutto permettono di illuminare, in una prospettiva storica, gli slittamenti precoci dei concetti lacaniani verso la teoria cinematografica

    Move and Improve: a Market-Based Mechanism for the Multiple Depot Multiple Travelling Salesmen Problem

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    Consider the problem of having a team of cooperative and autonomous robots to repeatedly visit a set of target locations and return back to their initial locations. This problem is known as multi-robot patrolling and can be cast to the multiple depot multiple traveling salesman problem (MD-MTSP), which applies to several mobile robots applications. As an NP-Hard problem, centralized approaches using meta-heuristic search are typically used to solve it, but such approaches are computation-intensive and cannot effectively deal with the dynamic nature of the system. This paper provides a distributed solution based on a market-based approach, called Move-and-Improve. It involves the cooperation of the robots to incrementally allocate targets and remove possible overlap. The concept is simple: in each step, a robot moves and attempts to improve its solution while communicating with its neighbors. Our approach consists of four main phases: (1) initial target allocation, (2) tour construction, (3) negotiation of conflicting targets, (4) solution improvement. To validate the efficiency of the Move-and-Improve distributed algorithm, we first conducted extensive simulations using Webots and evaluated its performance in terms of total traveled distance, maximum tour length, and ratio of overlapped targets, under different settings. We also demonstrated through MATLAB simulations the benefits of using our decentralized approach as compared to a centralized Genetic Algorithm approach to solve the MD-MTSP problem. Finally, we implemented Move-and-Improve using ROS and deployed it on real robots.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio