16 research outputs found
Pyrkivätkö turvallisuuskriittiset organisaatiot oppimaan kokemuksistaan? Kokemustiedon käsittelyä ohjaavat oletukset ydinvoimateollisuudessa ja terveydenhuollossa
Turvallisuuskriittisillä organisaatioilla on systemaattisia menettelytapoja esiin tulleiden turvallisuusongelmien raportointiin ja käsittelemiseen. Kirjallisuudessa tämän niin sanotun kokemustiedon käsittelyn tavoitteeksi nähdään organisaation oppiminen ja sitä kautta toiminnan kehittyminen turvallisemmaksi. Entä käytännössä? Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ydinvoimateollisuutta ja terveydenhuoltoa. Ydinvoima-alalla laadullisen tarkastelun aineistona olivat viranomaisohjeet, voimalaitosten dokumentit ja tapahtuma-analyysiraportit sekä haastattelut ja alan toimijoiden yhteinen seminaaripäivä. Terveydenhuollossa potilaiden turvallisuuteen liittyvien vaaratapahtumien käsittelyä ohjaavia taustaoletuksia analysoitiin ryhmähaastatteluiden ja työpajatyöskentelyn pohjalta. Molemmilla aloilla korostetaan oppimisen konkreettista lopputulosta – korjaavaa toimenpidettä tai tapahtuma-analyysiraporttia – yhteisen tiedonrakentelun sijaan. Oppiminen kohdistuu usein yksilöiden tehtäviin välittömästi liittyviin tekijöihin, esimerkiksi tekniikkaan tai tehtäväkohtaisiin ohjeisiin. Turvallisuuden kehittymisen kannalta tällainen oppiminen on kuitenkin rajallista, sillä turvallisuus on pohjimmiltaan monimutkainen ilmiö, joka syntyy systeemin eri osien vuorovaikutuksessa. Turvallisuus ei ole pelkästään tapahtumien tai onnettomuuksien puuttumista, vaan jotakin sellaista jota tehdään jatkuvasti päivittäisessä työssä. Kokemustiedon käsittelyssä tulisikin tarttua välittömän, paikallisen toiminnan lisäksi myös toimintaa ohjaaviin tekijöihin ja muokata pitkäjännitteisesti organisaation toimintaprosesseja siten että ne edistävät hyvää turvallisuuskulttuuria
The associations between the final clinical practicum elements and the transition experience of early career nurses : A cross-sectional study
The final clinical practicum before graduation prepares nursing students for the transition from a student to a nurse, but the essential elements of the final clinical practicum that enhance successful transition are not known. We examined the associations of five elements of the final clinical practicum with four indicators of the transition experience in new nurses. We also tested whether psychosocial work characteristics modified these associations. The study sample comprised 712 Finnish nurses who had graduated within the previous two years before the data collection (response rate: 18%). The data were collected using a questionnaire survey in 2018. The elements of the final clinical practicum included (1) the systematicness of the practicum, (2) teacher involvement, (3) the quality of supervision, (4) preparing for the demands of a nurses work and (5) being part of a professional team. Our results, based on linear regression analysis, showed that all the elements except the quality of supervision were associated with indicators of the transition experience (beta range: from 0.08 to 0.35). Job demands modified several of these associations. The findings of this study highlight the potential for well-implemented final clinical practicums to promote a smoother transition for new nurses.Peer reviewe
Final clinical practicum, transition experience and turnover intentions among newly graduated nurses : A cross sectional study
Background The shortage of nurses is a global issue, and turnover rates are especially high for newly graduated nurses. The transition from student to nurse is often described as challenging, and the final clinical practicum before graduation is suggested to be important in preparing graduating students for the transition. However, little is known about the actual relationships between the final clinical practicum, transition and turnover intentions. Objectives To examine whether the final clinical practicum experience is associated with the transition experience and turnover intentions of newly graduated nurses, and whether the transition experience mediates the potential relationship between the practicum and turnover intentions. Design Cross-sectional survey study. Settings The study was carried out in Finland (October–December 2018). Participants Registered nurses graduated within the past two years (n = 712). Methods A new survey instrument with five subscales was developed for measuring the final clinical practicum experience. Transition experience was measured on four scales that demonstrated the emotional, physical, socio-developmental and intellectual domains of the transition: Psychological distress, sleep quality, role conflict/ambiguity, perception of transition and educational preparation. Turnover intentions from job and profession were asked about with two questions. Structural equation modelling was used to explore the associations between the variables. The models were adjusted for multiple potential confounders. Results Final clinical practicum experience was associated with all domains of the transition experience and turnover intentions. The association between the practicum and turnover intentions was partly mediated by the emotional (psychological distress) and socio-developmental (role conflict and ambiguity) domains of the transition. Conclusions Our findings provide new evidence about the associations between the specific final clinical practicum dimensions and turnover intentions and the specific mechanisms linking this association. These results highlight the importance of final clinical practicums and suggest targets for improving nurses' transition processes during their first years in practice.Peer reviewe