3,318 research outputs found

    Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, and Scolytidae Associated with Successive Stages of \u3ci\u3eAgrilus Bilineatus\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) Infestation of Oaks in Wisconsin

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    The species of Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, and Scolytidae found in association with Agrilus bilineatus (Weber) in declining oaks, Quercus spp., in Wisconsin, were Chrysobothris femorata (Olivier) and Dicerca sp. (Buprestidae); Amniscus macula (Say),Cyrtaphorus verrucosus (Olivier), Euderces picipes (Fabricius), Graphisurus fasciatus (DeGeer), Neodytus acuminatus (Fabricius), Sarosesthes fulminans (Fabricius), and Xylotrechus colonus (Fabricius) (Cerambycidae); and Monarthrum fasciatum (Say), Monarthrum mali (Fitch), Pseudopityophthorus minutissimus (Zimmerman), and Xylaterinus politus (Say) (Scolytidae). In general, weakened oaks were first attacked by A. bilineatus. and at times that same year by C. femorata. G. fasdalus, and P. minutissimus. Infestation by M.fasciatum, M. mali, and X. politus began the season following first attack by A. bilineatus. With the exception of A. bilineatus, the above mentioned Buprestidae and Cerambycidae appeared to preferentially infest dead wood, often those portions that had died the previous season

    \u3ci\u3eTomicus Piniperda\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Scolytidae): Is Shoot Feeding Required for Reproductive Maturation?

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    The pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), is a univoltine pest of pine in its native range of Europe and Asia. Tomicus piniperda is now widely established in the Great Lakes region and poses a potentially significant threat to other pine-producing areas in North America. An unusual aspect of the life history of T. piniperda is the extended period of maturation-feeding that takes place in the shoots of living pine trees and subsequent overwintering before adults reproduce the following year. We investigated the extent to which shoot-feeding is required by newly-emerged T. piniperda before introduction into Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) logs and before any overwintering, in order for successful reproduction to occur. Tomi­cus piniperda F1 adults successfully reproduced in pine logs in the laboratory after either no shoot-feeding or after 2 to 10 weeks of shoot-feeding. Thus, it is theoretically possible for T. piniperda to be multivoltine, yet it remains univoltine

    High Performance Computing With A Conservative Spectral Boltzmann Solver

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    We present new results building on the conservative deterministic spectral method for the space inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation developed by Gamba and Tharkabhushaman. This approach is a two-step process that acts on the weak form of the Boltzmann equation, and uses the machinery of the Fourier transform to reformulate the collisional integral into a weighted convolution in Fourier space. A constrained optimization problem is solved to preserve the mass, momentum, and energy of the resulting distribution. We extend this method to second order accuracy in space and time, and explore how to leverage the structure of the collisional formulation for high performance computing environments. The locality in space of the collisional term provides a straightforward memory decomposition, and we perform some initial scaling tests on high performance computing resources. We also use the improved computational power of this method to investigate a boundary-layer generated shock problem that cannot be described by classical hydrodynamics.Mathematic

    Conservative Deterministic Spectral Boltzmann Solver Near The Grazing Collisions Limit

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    We present new results building on the conservative deterministic spectral method for the space homogeneous Boltzmann equation developed by Gamba and Tharkabhushaman. This approach is a two-step process that acts on the weak form of the Boltzmann equation, and uses the machinery of the Fourier transform to reformulate the collisional integral into a weighted convolution in Fourier space. A constrained optimization problem is solved to preserve the mass, momentum, and energy of the resulting distribution. Within this framework we have extended the formulation to the case of more general case of collision operators with anisotropic scattering mechanisms, which requires a new formulation of the convolution weights. We also derive the grazing collisions limit for the method, and show that it is consistent with the Fokker-Planck-Landau equations as the grazing collisions parameter goes to zero.Mathematic

    A flexible architecture for modeling and simulation of diffusional association

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    Up to now, it is not possible to obtain analytical solutions for complex molecular association processes (e.g. Molecule recognition in Signaling or catalysis). Instead Brownian Dynamics (BD) simulations are commonly used to estimate the rate of diffusional association, e.g. to be later used in mesoscopic simulations. Meanwhile a portfolio of diffusional association (DA) methods have been developed that exploit BD. However, DA methods do not clearly distinguish between modeling, simulation, and experiment settings. This hampers to classify and compare the existing methods with respect to, for instance model assumptions, simulation approximations or specific optimization strategies for steering the computation of trajectories. To address this deficiency we propose FADA (Flexible Architecture for Diffusional Association) - an architecture that allows the flexible definition of the experiment comprising a formal description of the model in SpacePi, different simulators, as well as validation and analysis methods. Based on the NAM (Northrup-Allison-McCammon) method, which forms the basis of many existing DA methods, we illustrate the structure and functioning of FADA. A discussion of future validation experiments illuminates how the FADA can be exploited in order to estimate reaction rates and how validation techniques may be applied to validate additional features of the model

    Parental Functioning in Families for Behavioral Parent Training and Importance of Clinically Meaningful Change

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    Objective/Method: Statistically significant and clinically meaningful effects of behavioral parent training on parental functioning were examined for 20 children with ADHD and their parents who had successfully completed a psychosocial treatment for ADHD. Results/Conclusion: Findings suggest that behavioral parent training resulted in statistically significant improvements in some domains of parenting behavior for both mothers and fathers and in reductions in most domains of parenting stress for mothers. Importantly, clinically meaningful change also was noted for these parental functioning areas, as well as for other domains of parental functioning that did not result in statistically significant findings. Clinical implications are discussed

    Evaluation of Three Trap Types and Five Lures for Monitoring \u3ci\u3eHylurgus Ligniperda\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) and Other Local Scolytids in New York

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    Hylurgus ligniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) is a pine (Pinus spp.) pest native to Eurasia and northern Africa. In December 2000, an established population of H. ligniperda was discovered in Monroe County, New York. When surveys were initiated to determine the distribution of H. ligniperda, questions arose regarding the most effective trap and lure for survey purposes. We conducted a study in April-May 2001 to compare the effectiveness of commercially available scolytid traps and lures for attracting and capturing H. ligniperda. Traps tested included: 1) 12-unit Lindgren funnel trap, 2) Intercept panel trap, and 3) Theysohn slot-trap. Lures tested included: 1) α-pinene high release (750 mg/day) and ethanol (280 mg/ day), 2) α-pinene low release (300 mg/day) and ethanol, 3) β-pinene high release (2000 mg/day) and ethanol, 4) α-pinene low release, and 5) the “exotic bark beetle lure” [ipsdienol (0.15 mg/day), cis-verbenol (0.35 mg/day), and methylbutenol (10 mg/day)]. All three trap designs captured H. ligniperda, however, the Lindgren funnel trap caught significantly higher numbers. Capture rates of Tomicus piniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) and Hylastes opacus were highest in Lindgren funnel traps; whereas Orthotomicus caelatus collections were highest in Theysohn traps. Capture rates of Ips grandicollis and Xyleborinus saxeseni did not vary significantly among trap types. Behavioral differences among scolytid species such as visual stimuli, flight and landing behavior, and host selection may explain some of these differences. Lures containing α-pinene or β-pinene and ethanol were most attractive to H. ligniperda adults, with ethanol and high-release α-pinene attracting the highest numbers in absolute terms. The exotic bark beetle lure was the least attractive lure to H. ligniperda. Attractiveness of the lures tested varied significantly for other Scolytidae, including Dendroctonus valens, H. opacus, Ips calligraphus, I. grandicollis, I. pini, O. caelatus, T. piniperda, and X. saxeseni. These differences likely were due to variation in lure release rates, host preferences, and/or species-specific pheromone attraction

    A Fast Conservative Spectral Solver For The Nonlinear Boltzmann Collision Operator

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    We present a conservative spectral method for the fully nonlinear Boltzmann collision operator based on the weighted convolution structure in Fourier space developed by Gamba and Tharkabhushnanam.. This method can simulate a broad class of collisions, including both elastic and inelastic collisions as well as angularly dependent cross sections in which grazing collisions play a major role. The extension presented in this paper consists of factorizing the convolution weight on quadrature points by exploiting the symmetric nature of the particle interaction law, which reduces the computational cost and memory requirements of the method to O(M(2)N(4)logN) from the O(N-6) complexity of the original spectral method, where N is the number of velocity grid points in each velocity dimension and M is the number of quadrature points in the factorization, which can be taken to be much smaller than N. We present preliminary numerical results.Mathematic

    Observations of the Biology of \u3ci\u3ePhasgonophora Sulcata\u3c/i\u3e (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae), a Larval Parasitoid of the Twolined Chestnut Borer, \u3ci\u3eAgrilus Bilineatus\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), in Wisconsin

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    Phasgorzophora sulcata Westwood was the principal larval parasitoid of Agrilus bilineatus (Weber) during a study conducted in a natural oak-hardwood forest in the Kettle Moraine State Forest, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. Mean percent larval parasitism was 10.5%. Mean A. bilineatus and P. sulcata densities were, respectively, 53.0 and 6.1 adults per square meter of bark. The theoretical developmental threshold temperatures for over- wintering A. bilineatus and P. sulcata larvae were 17.8 and 19.l0C, respectively. The peak flight period of P. sulcata (9 July 1980) occurred ca. 3 weeks after the A. bilineatus peak flight (18 June 1980) at about the time of peak A. bilineatus egg eclosion. The P. sulcata sex ratios (malexfemales) for laboratory-reared and field-captured adults were 1:1.35 and 1:3.22, respectively