12 research outputs found

    Microporosity evaluation of active carbon from polish lignite by the use of ethanol

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    Microporous activated carbons prepared by KOH chemical activation or steam activation from lignite were characterised by adsorption of N2 at 77 K and CO2 at 298 K. Subsequently, the adsorption of ethanol was carried out and complemented by adsorption of benzene and cyclohexane. The isotherm analysis included application of the αs method using ethanol reference data obtained here by also studying non-porous carbon blacks. The work confirmed that ethanol is an experimentally convenient adsorptive to use and leads to results in overall agreement with those obtained using other probe molecules. Of particular interest was the observation that ethanol can gain access to the whole microporosity even in the case of samples containing constricted micropore entrances

    On the use of ethanol for evaluating microporosity of activated carbons prepared from Polish lignite

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    Microporous activated carbons prepared by KOH chemical activation or steam activation from lignite were characterised by adsorption of N2 at 77 K and CO2 at 298 K. Subsequently, the adsorption of ethanol was carried out and complemented by adsorption of benzene and cyclohexane. The isotherm analysis included application of the αs method using ethanol reference data obtained here by also studying non-porous carbon blacks. The work confirmed that ethanol is an experimentally convenient adsorptive to use and leads to results in overall agreement with those obtained using other probe molecules. Of particular interest was the observation that ethanol can gain access to the whole microporosity even in the case of samples containing constricted micropore entrances. It was also possible to show that certain furnace carbon blacks contain intrinsic microporosity which is more difficult to unambiguously detect by adsorption of N2 at 77 K. On the other hand, the results also suggested that the exact shape of the ethanol adsorption isotherm on a nonporous surface is more sensitive to the nature of the surface than has previously been found with other adsorptives

    Modelling of the gas combustion process

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    This paper reports on a procedure which leads to the assessment of the K(G) values without the need of determining the maximal rate of pressure rise by experiments. A simulation is proposed of the combustion process in its simplest form, i.e. one-dimensional propagation of the flame. Such simulation enables the burning velocity S(u) to be assessed. Knowing the S(u) values for different compositions of the flammable mixture makes it possible to determine the S(u,max) value. Once the correlation between S(u,max) and K(G) has been established, this will enable us to assign an appropriate value of K(G) to that of the maximal burning velocity. An example of such a correlation is given. It refers to flammable mixtures of a comparatively low burning velocity

    Influence of Oxidizing Reactor on Flue Gas Denitrification by Ozonation and Possibility of by-Product Separation

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    Results of laboratory scale research have been presented on the effects of an oxidizing reactor on ozone consumption and by-producs composition and separation of simultaneous NOx and SO2 removal from a carrier gas by ozonation method and absorption in an alkaline solution. The additional Dreschel washer added before two washers containing 100 ml of 0.1 molar NaOH solution played the role of an oxidation reactor. Its effect was investigated using an empty (dry or wetted) or filled with packing elements washer. The measured by-products in a scrubber and in the oxidizing reactor were SO32-, SO42-, NO2- and NO3- ions, respectively. It has been shown that use of oxidizing reactor improves NOx removal efficiency reducing ozone consumption. Wetting of the oxidation reactor with water enables a preliminary separation of sulphur and nitrogen species between the oxidizing reactor and an alkaline absorber. Application of packing elements in the oxidizing reactor allows to retain 90% of nitrogen compounds in it. Some results were confirmed by tests in pilot scale

    Thermal stability in the oxidising atmosphere of polypropylene composite strengthened with glass fibre

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    Sprawdzano doświadczalnie wrażliwość kompozytu polipropylenu, w postaci maty o niskiej gęstości upakowania, na działanie podwyższonej temperatury. Wrażliwość oceniano, analizując wpływ atmosfery o różnej zawartości tlenu na temperaturę początku rozkładu kompozytu polipropylenu z włóknem szklanym o składzie zbliżonym do 45/55. Stwierdzono, że w atmosferze powietrza początkowa temperatura rozkładu wynosi ok. 200ºC. Obniżenie stężenia tlenu w atmosferze do ok. 2% powoduje wzrost temperatury rozkładu kompozytu do ok. 240ºC. Produkty rozkładu zidentyfikowano w kondensacie oraz ekstrakcie kompozytu w chlorku metylenu. Oszacowana szybkość rozkładu umożliwia przeprowadzanie analizy bezpieczeństwa procesu przetwarzania kompozytu.Sensitivity of the polypropylene composite in the form of mat with low density of packing was checked experimentally to operation at increased temperature. The sensitivity was examined analyzing the impact of atmosphere with different oxygen content on the temperature of the beginning of degradation of the polypropylene composite with fiber glass with composition 45/55. It has been found that in the air atmosphere, the initial degradation temperature is about 200ºC. Lowering the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere to approximately 2% results in increase of composite degradation temperature to ca. 240ºC. Degradation products were identified in the condensate and in the extract of composite in methylene chloride. Rate of degradation was estimated which is allowing for a brief safety analysis

    Stabilność termiczna kompozytu polipropylenowego wzmacnianego włóknem szklanym w atmosferze utleniającej

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    Stability of the polypropylene composite with fiber glass (45/55) in the form of low density mat was tested experimentally at increased temperature. It was examined by analyzing the influence of the atmosphere with various oxygen content on the decomposition rate of the polypropylene composite. It has been found that in the air atmosphere, the initial decomposition temperature is close to 200 oC. Lowering the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere to 2 % results in increase of composite decomposition temperature to almost 240 oC. Decomposition components were identified in the methylene chloride extract from composite and in the condensed reaction products. Rate of decomposition conversion at initial stage below 0.2 was estimated as a system of equations: zero order path r = k1 for polypropylene degradation and first order path r = k2[O2] for oxidative decomposition. A brief safety analysis is performed identifying the possibility of exceeding an explosion limit under certain conditions. The best way of mitigating the fire/explosion hazard is lowering the oxygen content below 2 % vol., especially for processing of recycled polypropylene.Sprawdzano doświadczalnie wrażliwość kompozytu polipropylenu, w postaci maty o niskiej gęstości upakowania, na działanie podwyższonej temperatury. Wrażliwość oceniano, analizując wpływ atmosfery o różnej zawartości tlenu na temperaturę początku rozkładu kompozytu polipropylenu z włóknem szklanym o składzie zbliżonym do 45/55. Stwierdzono, że w atmosferze powietrza, początkowa temperatura rozkładu wynosi ok. 200 oC. Obniżenie stężenia tlenu w atmosferze do ok. 2 % powoduje wzrost temperatury rozkładu kompozytu do ok. 240 oC. Produkty rozkładu zidentyfikowano w kondensacie oraz ekstrakcie kompozytu w chlorku metylenu

    Research on products of simultaneous removal of SO2 and NOx from flue gas by ozonation and alkaline absorption

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    The results of laboratory scale research have been presented on the effects of ozonation of carrier gas containing NOx and SO2 on by-products trapped in Dreschel washers with solution of sodium hydroxide. The controlling parameter in this process was the ozonation intensity determined by the molar ratio O3/NOx. The measured by-products in a scrubber were SO32- , SO42- , NO2- and NO3- ions. It has been shown that ozonation of flue gas favours oidation of nitrites to nitrates and sulfites to sulfates in alkaline solution. Some of these results were confirmed in a pilot scale studies. Pilot plant was located in Wroclaw CHP (Combined Heat and Power), which provided flue gas for testing at a rate of 200 m3/h from the OP-430 boiler. Exhaust gases were ozonized and captured simultaneously with SO2. Sodium hydroxide was used in a pilot scale as an absorbent

    Evaluation of opportunities and hazards of application of ammonia as a potential fuel

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    W dobie malejących zasobów surowców energetycznych oraz negatywnego wpływu produktów ich spalania na środowisko naturalne poszukuje się nowych, niekonwencjonalnych paliw. W ostatnich latach rozważa się amoniak jako potencjalne paliwo wolne od emisji CO2, umożliwiające pracę silników pneumatycznych z zapłonem iskrowym oraz ogniw paliwowych. Wzrost zainteresowania niekonwencjonalnymi paliwami w energetyce i transporcie stwarza potrzebę lepszego zrozumienia ich procesu spalania, a także zagrożeń związanych z obrotem oraz wykorzystaniem. W literaturze niezwykle trudno znaleźć eksperymentalne dane dla amoniaku, dotyczące jego palności oraz skłonności do wybuchu w warunkach zwiększonego ciśnienia i temperatury. Przykładem takich szczególnych danych są wyniki prac przeprowadzonych w ramach europejskiego projektu SAFEKINEX No. EVG1-CT-2002-00072. W projekcie przedstawiono wartości stężeniowych granic palności, maksymalnej szybkości narostu ciśnienia podczas wybuchu, maksymalnego ciśnienia wybuchu oraz indeksu deflagracji dla różnego rodzaju mieszanin gazowych. Wyniki pozwalają również na oszacowanie jednej z najważniejszych wielkości dla procesu spalania, jaką jest prędkość spalania. W pracy dokonano oceny amoniaku jako potencjalnego paliwa w odniesieniu do paliw konwencjonalnych. Wykorzystując dane z projektu SAFEKINEX, oszacowano także wartości prędkości spalania laminarnego amoniaku dla warunków podwyższonej temperatury 20, 100, 200, 250ºC przy ciśnieniu 1 i 5 bar.In an era of dwindling energy resources and the negative impact their combustion products on the environment are being looked for the new unconventional fuels. In the last years ammonia has been considered as the potential CO2 emission-free fuel, which is able to working with spark-ignition engines and fuel cells. The increased interest in unconventional fuels in the energy sector and transport creates the need for a better understanding of the combustion process as well as the risks connected with the turnover and application. In the literature it is extremely difficult to find experimental data for ammonia concerning flammability and prone to explosion at the elevated pressure and temperature. An example of such specific data are the results of the work carried out within the European project SAFEKINEX No. EVG1-CT-2002-00072. The project presented flammability limits, maximum pressure rise during explosion, maximum pressure of explosion and deflagration index for different kind of mixtures of gases. The results also allow for the estimation one of the most important value for combustion process - flame speed. In this work were made the evaluation of ammonia as potential fuel in comparison with the conventional fuels. Using the data from SAFEKINEX project were estimated values of laminar burning velocity ammonia at elevated temperature 20, 100, 200, 250ºC and pressure 1 and 5 bar

    The influence of organic compounds on thermal stability of ammonium nitrate solutions

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    Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu wybranych związków organicznych na stabilność termiczną wodnych roztworów zawierających do 50% mas. azotanu(V) amonu, buforowanych wodorofosforanem(V) amonu w ilości 15% mas. Pomiary wykonano z wykorzystaniem skaningowej kalorymetrii różnicowej. Roztwór pozbawiony związków organicznych wykazał stabilność termiczną do 240ºC. Dodatek 8% mas. szczawianu amonu nie zwiększył reaktywności azotanu amonu. Zaobserwowano endotermiczną reakcję rozkładu kwasu szczawiowego, rozpoczynającą się w 185ºC. Podczas pomiaru roztworu zawierającego 6% mas. fenidonu zarejestrowano w 189ºC egzotermiczną reakcję o złożonym przebiegu, której efekt cieplny jest niewielki. Dodatek 6% mas. pirogalolu spowodował znaczne obniżenie stabilności termicznej roztworu azotanu amonu. Zaobserwowano silnie egzotermiczną reakcję rozpoczynającą się w 192oC. Pomiar spektrofotometryczny wykazał wyraźny ubytek stężenia azotanów w próbce po pomiarze kalorymetrycznym. Wyniki badań wskazują na to, że jon azotanowy selektywnie utlenia wybrane grupy funkcyjne w związkach organicznych.The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of selected organic compounds on the thermal stability of aqueous solutions containing up to 50 wt. % ammonium nitrate, buffered with 15 wt. % diammonium phosphate. The measurements were carried out using differential scanning calorimetry. Solution without organic compounds showed thermal stability up to 240oC. The addition of 8 wt. % ammonium oxalate did not increase the reactivity of ammonium nitrate. It was observed an endothermic decomposition reaction of oxalic acid, beginning at 185oC. During the measurement of a solution containing 6 wt. % phenidone, it was registered an exothermic complex reaction, beginning at 189oC and showing relatively small thermal effect. Addition of 6 wt. % pyrogallol caused a significant decrease in the thermal stability of ammonium nitrate solution. Strongly exothermic reaction beginning at 192oC was observed. Spectrophotometric measurement showed a clear nitrate concentration loss in the sample after calorimetric measurement. The results show that the nitrate ion selectively oxidize certain functional groups in organic compounds

    Amoniak jako zrównoważone paliwo

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    An ammonia evaluation as a potential sustainable fuel in comparison with other fuels was made. Values of laminar burning velocity ammonia at ambient and elevated temperatures 20, 100, 200, 250 oC and pressure 100 and 500 kPa using the data from SAFEKINEX project were estimated.W pracy dokonano oceny przydatności amoniaku jako potencjalnego paliwa w odniesieniu do paliw konwencjonalnych. Wykorzystując dane z projektu SAFEKINEX, oszacowano także wartości prędkości spalania laminarnego amoniaku w temperaturze 20, 100, 200, 250 oC przy ciśnieniu 100 i 500 kPa