7 research outputs found

    Triton-triton correlation and emission times in intermediate energynucleus-nucleus collisions

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    Triton-triton correlation functions have been measured for Ar-40+Au-197 Triton-triton correlation functions have been measured for Ar-40+Au-19

    Triton-triton correlation and emission times in intermediate energynucleus-nucleus collisions

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    Triton-triton correlation functions have been measured for Ar-40+Au-197 Triton-triton correlation functions have been measured for Ar-40+Au-19

    The correlation functions and emission time scales for light particlesand light fragments in Ar-40+Au-197 reactions 25 MeV/nucleon

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    Two-particle correlation functions were measured for the emission of Two-particle correlation functions were measured for the emission o

    beta-delayed proton decay of Ru-89

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    A beta-delayed proton activity with a half-life of 1.2 +/- 0.2 s was A beta-delayed proton activity with a half-life of 1.2 +/- 0.2 s wa

    Relative population of states and extraction of emission temperature in25 MeV/u Ar-40+Au-197

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    Two-particle correlations at small relative momenta have been measured Two-particle correlations at small relative momenta have been measure

    Six new nuclides near the proton-drip line in the rare-earth region

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    Unknown isotopes Nd-125, Pm-128, Sm-128, Gd-137(1)), Dy-139 and Tb-139 Unknown isotopes Nd-125, Pm-128, Sm-128, Gd-137(1)), Dy-139 and Tb-13

    New beta-delayed proton precursors in the rare-earth region near theproton drip line

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    The beta-delayed proton precursors Nd-125, Pm-128, Sm-129,Gd-137, and The beta-delayed proton precursors Nd-125, Pm-128, Sm-129,Gd-137, an