13 research outputs found

    Review of Regulation for the Fas-mediated Apoptotic Pathway in Silicosis Patients

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    The past several years, we have been investigating immunological aspects of silicosis focusing on Fas-mediated apoptosis. We found elevated serum level of soluble Fas (sFas) molecule, higher gene expression of sFas and decoy receptor 3 (DcR3) genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) than healthy volunteers, and various alternatively spliced Fas transcripts in PBMC. The factor analysis using these results indicated that there were a small number of patients who developed immunological diseases without presenting with respiratory disorders. In addition, we discuss the mechanism involved in the development of autoimmune disorders found in silicosis patients


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    Reduced Expression of the Survivin Gene in PBMC from Silicosis Patients

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    To explore the mechanism involved in immunological disorders associated with silicosis, the expression of IAP family genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from silicosis patients was examined. Relative gene expression was assayed using the multiplex RT-PCR for the XIAP and survivin genes. The correlation between those expression levels and various clinical parameters was then analyzed. The relative expression level of the survivin gene was reduced in silicosis patients as compared with that of healthy volunteers. The expression level of survivin positively correlated with PCO_2 values. These results support the existence of two populations of T lymphocytes in silicosis patients, one resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis (a self-recognizing long-surviving fraction) and the other one sensitive to silica-induced apoptosis and repeatedly undergoing death and recruitment